I looked over the girl quietly and let her words directed at me sink in. It was then that I realized I had balled up my fists in anger. And it wasn't because this girl was insulting me. No, it was what she had said about herself. That she could choose where to go and what to do with her life. It wasn't anger that was racing through me, but [i]jealousy[/i]. I wanted that... I immediately put a lid over that train of thought. It was an ugly place to go to and I had already dealt with those issues a long time ago. No need to be bringing it back up for everyone to see. Instead, I relaxed my hands and gave her a careless shrug. "Right, don't say I didn't warn you," I stated calmly, "I'm just trying to give you some advice. But if you want to be the anomaly, go right ahead. As long as you don't take us out along the way then I'm good." I could clearly sense her hostility towards me and thought it would be best to back track a little. If she was going to be spending more time with us, it would have been better to clear the air now when impressions were still fresh. So, giving her the best smile I could muster after pulling myself up from my almost nervous breakdown, I extended my hand to the girl I know knew as Hanna. "By the way, I'm Ray. Ray Seung." I announced. Gazing up at her, I felt uneasy once more and began to rub the back of my neck with my other hand. It was one of my many nervous ticks. Though I grew out of most of them, this one didn't seem to let up. At least I tried to avoid nerve-wracking situations as much as possible. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to hang out with this new girl.