[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kxxtOHI.png[/img] Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (26/90) [b]Location:[/b] Dirtmouth [b]Word Count:[/b] 807 [/center] Sectonia looked over her allies and the various stuff they were doing. Some entered the shop which did interest Sectonia, but she decided that it wasn't worth it much when she glanced in and only saw basic stuff and nothing magical. It seemed that as she looked around dirtmouth, she saw some bugs like herself, although much less beautiful with the rest being scavengers. Much like a few others, she found herself looking at what was around town. A few of her allies were dealing with some bandit camp thing, something she'd aid them with if they needed it but considering who was there and how weak these bandits looked, she probably wouldn't need to help much. Bored, she decided to look around to see if anything got her eye. As Sectonia surveyed the territory, something caught her multi-faceted eye, attuned as it was for anything exquisite and shiny. On one of the looming crags at the uppermost portion of the Chasm's spiral valley, she spotted the telltale gleam of gold. Unlike many of the other mineral deposits around the area, this one seemed unclaimed, as well. While the others rooted around in the rocks and dust for supplies, it was only fitting that the queen help herself to the bounty of the heights. Up she soared, making a beeline for the concentrated [url=https://i.imgur.com/EX4o7nZ.png]vein[/url] that glittered at the end of its arched promontory, distant and dazzling as an unattainable dream, at least for anyone but her. Once she arrived at the upper tier of mountains, more ordinary than the rugged terrain that constituted the Chasm's immediate surroundings, she soon learned why few came up this high to get at the resources. A steady rumble and the low roar of shifting stone beneath the earth warned Sectonia that she wasn't alone up here, and after a few moments a monstrous [url=https://i.imgur.com/Y8JdT2M.png]Thresher Maw[/url] erupted from the earth not far from the gold. The giant alien centipede waves around scythelike legs, a vivid blue tongue, and a horrid mouth large enough to swallow a goat whole. Having sensed the vibrations of an intruder too close to its favorite source of food for comfort, the Thresher shrieked, warning its fellow insect to stay away. Well, considering the sheer amount of gold in those rocks would mean Sectonia wouldn't be a 'mercenary queen' anymore, she got to work on getting rid of this pest so her antillions could get to work. According to its body language it wanted to devour this gold, so she would have to stop it from doing so while she destroyed it. And to that end she hit it with her Slow spell, slowing down all of its movements by quite a bit before she unleashed ring after ring of cutting light at the creature, one of her items greatly increasing the amount of rings she threw even if they were a bit haphazard in their trajectories at times. Thanks to the slow motion of the worm and its lack of ways of even reaching Sectonia as she unleashed barrages of large light rings at it, even some of the more off course rings could clip it due to its hampered ability to dodge. She made an attempt to get around the creature as well, in an attempt to herd it away from the gold rock with her barrage of spell attacks. Those down below would see the glowing light rings Sectonia launched from atop the cliff face going off into the distance, or at least those that missed, going a fair distance before finally dissolving into particles. The creature, offended that this large colorful bee was both peppering it with bright hurty round things and was trying to steal its meal made an attempt to defend itself by gobbling up nearby rocks and spitting them at the bee queen. This... didn't work like it would expect though as Sectonia's light rings collided with a fair amount of the rocks, destroying them and the rocks that did hit the bee queen... didn't look like they did much at all. The few rocks that hit Sectonia did in fact do damage, but she was far to regal to show that she had taken any damage, especially to such a stupid beast. A few more barrages of light rings later, the creature fell and Sectonia could claim her prize. At least her Pipe of Insight would let her heal up on what damage she took. Not as good as Blazermate, but she hadn't really been with the medabot for that long. And with this extra wealth, she could have more bargaining power overall. Especially since she didn't have access to Floralia... All that was left was to summon her antillions to mine the rock for her, collect her prize, and make it back to the group.