[color=A0A0A0][h2]Fleuri Jodeau[/h2][/color] [color=A0A0A0]"No, not bad at all,"[/color] Fleuri replied sincerely. After swallowing another bite out of the piece of poultry he continued. [color=A0A0A0]"We've obtained quite a story to tell out of it. Few knights can say they were ever astride a griffin."[/color] There were things that Fleuri had done in his past that ashamed of, things that he looked upon with scorn for his past self. Their antics with the griffin was not one of them. He recognized it as a mistake and resolved to do better in the future, but it was something to be looked back upon and laughed at, not something to hold his head down in mortification upon recalling. [color=A0A0A0]"With all of that said, I believe there is a time and place for theatrics, even in battle,"[/color] Fleuri spoke. [color=A0A0A0]Just because we do not perform for the crowds anymore does not mean that we do not have audiences anymore. On a battlefield, our friends and allies alike compose our audience, and I believe the right action at the right time can serve to inspire, intimidate, or mislead."[/color] Like Fleuri, Lucas was accustomed to demonstrating his skills in front of an audience. It was a common ground shared by two otherwise very different warriors, and Fleuri felt that it was a good way to establish an understanding with the younger knight. [color=A0A0A0]"Of course, when the combat begins, that is when it is time to get serious."[/color] he advised. [color=A0A0A0]"But I am a believer that there is an unsurpassed aesthetic beauty in brutally effective, flawlessly performed, and well-timed combat techniques. Never be afraid to get practical or even unorthodox if that's what it takes to be the one who stands victorious."[/color] Lucas had already demonstrated some of his circus skills, and Fleuri believed that they could prove quite useful as a knight, if applied in the right ways. After all, the Iron Rose had a history of warriors with unusual skills going back all the way to Ellione and her original knights. After he and Lucas finished his meal, and the young knight inquired what he would do. [color=A0A0A0]I suppose I will keep myself sharp, work in my plans to improve myself. If you wish, we could head to the practice yard and train together. I'd be glad to impart some sword techniques, if you'd be willing to show me the knife and dagger techniques you picked up in the circus."[/color] This was as good a time as any to assist in the rookie knight's training, and Fleuri was quite interested to see what Lucas could do with short blades. [@Saiyan]