[h2]Tyaethe[/h2] ... well, that half explained why the former mercenary was bearing food, if not what reasoning he had for bringing it over here. Bribery by cake? But bribery to what ends? It [i]was[/i] a rather prescient gift, Candaeln's desserts were always delicious, even if you could get them yourself, to be saved the trouble (or the risk all the good ones were gone)... if she had an idea why. "As much as I appreciate the offer of dessert, MacKerracher, I'm afraid I must ask you for something different. Oh, you don't have to go anywhere; it's your blood I need," Tyaethe answered, swinging her legs off the window seat and sitting up. "It's entirely voluntary, but I won't take that much. Just avoid strenuous activity until tomorrow. "Oh, and you only need to offer your arm," she added. For some reason, people [i]always[/i] seemed to expect she might go for the neck. As if the paladin wanted to get that intimate with every junior knight in the order... or could actually [i]reach[/i] on most of them. Did they expect her to cling to them like some sort of monkey? [@The Otter]