[hider=My Hider] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180429/c265d80b09e3e05e599ec507e01beb69.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/1sAxPbf.jpeg[/img] [h2][color=BFB4B0]Age:[/color][/h2] 15 [h2][color=BFB4B0]Birthday:[/color][/h2] 26/11 [h2][color=BFB4B0]Magic:[/color] [color=fff79a]Grimoire Magic: Lightning [/color][/h2] While it is a magic passed down through the generations of her family, no two users are ever the same, the magic molding and shaping itself to suit the user, with the grimoire manifesting itself as an extension of the user through their magic. In Adelyn’s case, she uses lightning and electrical based magic, including thunder. While her grimoire is in her possession, her magic is tenfold to what it would be without it, this is especially prevalent when she wields her grimoire, though she isn’t entirely without magic with it stowed away, gaining some access to some minor abilities and the like, just weakened versions. Each spell a user knows is stored on a separate page within the grimoire, a new page forming with every new spell learned, with the more pages a user has the more powerful they are. Adelyn herself only has five pages currently. 1. Charge: This spell allows Adelyn to generate and store electricity within herself, a more generic passive spell that is always in place. While this is an ability she can use without her grimoire, it is used furthermore with her grimoire to use or empower her other spells. It does have a slight downside of occasionally shocking people if they touch her, but it is what it is, and whenever she is low on power she seems to become more lethargic till she has time to store more. 2. Lightning Wall: As the name suggests, she creates a wall of electrical energy to help defend, deflect or deter attacks. 3. Lightning Rod: When her grimoire is out, it allows her to absorb others lightning magic and even draws it to herself, and while it reduces the damage actually taken it doesn’t nullify it entirely. 4. Overcharge: By sending electrical impulses through herself or others body, she can temporarily boost their reaction time, their movement capabilities and a minor boost to physical abilities. Continuous casting causes the target(s) to become exhausted however, as their bodies are pushed beyond their normal limits. 5. Electrotherapy: Similar to Overcharge, however this time it revolves around causing a users body to begin the healing process at a faster rate, allowing them to heal from injuries faster. Naturally, this does have its limits though. She does have more generic abilities such as the ability to shock people she touches using generated energy from Charge or shoot a bolt of electricity, but they’re more akin to cantrips than spells and don’t require the use of her grimoire. Furthermore, the grimoire is an individualized magical item, with only the creator and current user able to wield it, becoming nothing but a useless pile of blank pages to anyone else, though another user of grimoire magic can discern what spells and type of magic it contains. Upon the user's death, the grimoire will stay around and while it becomes readable for all, none are able to wield the magic it contains. [h2][color=ed1c24]Requip Magic[/color][/h2] Her family were all taught requip magic as well as a more generic skill, with this she can retrieve and dismiss items and its more used for that purpose than much else. It also allows for a quicker change between outfits. [h2][color=BFB4B0]Magic Level:[/color][/h2] C [h2][color=BFB4B0]History:[/color][/h2] Due to her cold and cynical attitude to most, Adelyn doesn’t talk much to the majority of the guild, let alone her past. Whenever asked, she scoffs and looks down (well, technically up…) on whoever asked and tells them it's none of their business. As such not much is known about her amongst her fellow guild members post joining. What is known however is that Adelyn was recruited by Jenna after a job involving bandits, and that with nowhere else to go after an incident that while Adelyn hadn’t really gone into the details, seemed to have lost her entire family, the young girl had joined the guild. [h2][color=BFB4B0]Personality:[/color][/h2] Adelyn is a young woman who carries a certain amount of grace and elegance about her, brought about by her presumably luxurious upbringing. She is stoic, yet snarky. Cold, yet caring to those close to her, not that there are many. Cynical to most she meets, yet for the most part, trusting. While sheltered and ignorant of most things known as common sense, she has a strong sense of duty and justice and is no less stubborn than the next mage. Despite the circumstances that surrounded her family as she grew up, she seems to have developed a vain and shallow streak matched only by her seemingly proud and stubborn nature. Her family is a sore topic for her, despite her seemingly taking great pride in her family name, and seems quick to change the subject, especially around those from outside the guild. Despite this, she is eager to prove her own worth and usefulness despite her own hidden doubts. After all, how is someone as weak as her meant to rebuild her family’s name? [color=BFB4B0]“My name is Adelyn. Adelyn Amberfield, you would do well to remember it.”[/color] [h2][color=BFB4B0]Guild and guild mark location:[/color][/h2] Rising Starborn, a dark red on the back of her left hand [h2][color=BFB4B0]Team Members:[/color][/h2] None, who in their right mind would work with her lol [h2][color=BFB4B0]Three Strengths:[/color][/h2] 1. Reading a lot of books = knowing a fair bit 2. Dealing with nobility, as she seems to know the ins and outs, the do’s and the don’ts around them 3. Once she sets herself to a task, she will see it through [h2][color=BFB4B0]Three Weaknesses:[/color][/h2] 1. Her stubbornness and pride get her in deep water 2. Her desperation to prove herself is her undoing 3. Frail. Make like how she appears, she isn’t exactly built to be hit Appearance: [h2][color=BFB4B0]Additional Details:[/color][/h2] She also owns various books of various genres. Fantasy, romance, educational, dictionaries. You name the genre, she probably has a book of it somewhere in her collection. The red earring she always wears is a family tradition, every member of the Amberfield family owns and wears it at all times. It is rumoured to ward off bad luck and spirits. Her blue gem pendant is her most treasured possession, though she will refuse to elaborate on why beyond it was a gift [/center] [/hider] [hider=Akemi Desdemona] [center][h1][color=DDDCE1]Akemi[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/JIKD7CD.jpeg[/img][/center] [center][color=DDDCE1]"To prove my worth, I will protect everyone."[/color][/center] [hr] [center][h2][color=DDDCE1]Essentials[/color][/h2][/center] Full Name: Akemi Astri Desdemona Nickname(s): Kemi, Kem Gender: Female Age: 16 Birthday: 21/06 Affiliation: Rising Starborn, the guild mark can be found on her stomach and is a light yellow color [hr] [hr] [center][h2][color=DDDCE1]Personal[/color][/h2][/center] [color=DDDCE1]Personality:[/color] If one were to describe Akemi after meeting her for the first time, words such as cold, calm, or collected would be the first to spring to mind. And from the outside, this very much is the truth. But what is shown on the outside isn't always reflective of what's on the inside; despite popular opinion, Akemi is actually a rather emotionally fragile individual who, despite her best efforts, is simply unable to express herself in what many would deem a conventional manner. While she tries her best to interact with others, her almost unnatural disconnection from others is laughable at best, and absolutely pathetic at worst. While most might be more openly expressive than Akemi about their emotions, Akemi has far more simple and subtle changes in body language, tone, and eyes which generally only those that know the girl are able to pick up on. Innocent and pure-minded, Akemi has a naive mindset and is a rather gullible and impressionable person with a rather childish view of the world, seeing and believing everything as white or black and ignorant of the gray in between, in part due to her incomplete learning and her sheltered life. Between this and her honest, open nature she tends to sprout nonsense that embarrasses those around her or cause/lead to several misunderstandings. She is of the belief that those with power should always protect those without, and will not hesitate in her convictions to let those that bully those weaker than themselves know this very simple message. Within Akemi burns a surprisingly hot passion to be of use to those around her, her main belief is that if she can protect others then that is what she should strive to do no matter the cost to herself. [color=DDDCE1]Strengths:[/color] Loyalty is a virtue: As anyone close to her can attest to, if one is to befriend Akemi then they would have a friend for life, through thick and thin, and she is just able willing to do anything to help them. Justice Always Prevails: The strong should protect the weak, a simple belief that Akemi follows with surprisingly stubbornness. She (almost) never relents on this very simple belief, and so long as she believes Justice is on her side she believes good will always pull through Forever an Optimist: No matter how bleak a scenario may become, Akemi looks to keep focused on the possibilities of the future rather than the bleakness of the now, believing that there's always a way out so long as they kept fighting for it. [color=DDDCE1]Weaknesses:[/color] Sickly Girl: Despite her vastly improved health, she is still rather inclined to sudden fevers and illnesses, especially if she overuses her magic. Inexperience Is Costly: Due to her upbringing, Akemi is inexperienced both with reality and fighting, and this very much shows when she struggles to cope with dirty tactics or deceitful or misleading people Wants To Please: Having grown up neglected by her father, Akemi simply desires praise or acknowledgment from those around her, doing things that might be dangerous if she believes it will be of help. [color=DDDCE1]Backstory:[/color] Akemi grew up never knowing her mother, who died due to complications during childbirth, and was neglected by her father for reasons unknown to even herself, and thus her parents were absent during most of her childhood. As such her upbringing differed from the rest of the families that are descended from the Uru. Owing to the neglect from her father and her own weak constitution when she was younger, she lived a life cut off from the outside world, for the most part, the only time she ventured out was with her grandparents, her education also coming from her elderly relations. The Uru are a tight-knit community, however, so it was only a matter of time before others began butting in when her grandparents inevitably took her in when she was about six years old. Namely, the best friend of her grandfather, who would bring his grandson along to visit the girl whenever he did. The boy's name was Zenith, and despite some particularly awkward first interactions, as the girl was shy and unsure how to act towards the older boy, she eventually warmed up and the two became almost inseparable during gatherings or when he visited her, the younger girl trailing after him like a lost puppy. She grew up looking up to the older boy, viewing him as the older sibling she never had and something to aspire to become. As time passed and she became of age, her grandparents would inevitably introduce her to the Take Over that their family specialized in, Angel Soul, despite heavy protest from her father. He would eventually relent as it would soon become known that she had already learned the magic; it was hereditary and had awakened within her, thus she would require training to learn how to control her newfound powers. As such she began to spend even more time around Zen, often getting a helping hand from the older boy passing tips onto the girl which she happily accepted. Zen would be her main sparring partner for the next few years, the fact that she never once beat him coming as no surprise. This only spurred her on to try harder, which in turn would cause her frail health to decline rapidly at times. Despite missing often significant time due to illness, the girl proceeded to make steady progress on both her studies and her magic, though she had a noticeable drop in performance when Zen first left to join the knights. Though the dip didn't last long as she aspired to join the knights much like their own families had done and achieve her desire to protect the weak. She is still unaware of what transpired with Zen, her grandparents keeping her in the dark purposely to avoid the long, awkward explanation they would have to give. Besides, it wasn't their place to explain it but Zen's, and when she inquired him about it she keeps getting a 'when you're older' sort of response. When Zen decided it was in his best interest to leave the country and see if other countries had better to offer, her grandparents asked him to take her with them despite her father's protests and objections to the matter. When the subject was brought up with Akemi, she gladly took the chance to go with Zen though a little hesitant at first. Not because of her father and how he might think, or because of her lack of experience with the outside world, no she was first and foremost worried about being a burden by becoming ill and having to have Zen look after her. Though with assurances that she wouldn't be a burden even if that did happen, that was all they wrote on the topic before she packed a few things and left with her brother figure. That isn't to say their journey was without hiccups. A few bandit issues here, a squabble with some petty knights there, Akemi getting lost in a city, you know all that fun stuff. Eventually, they would reach Pergrande with little issues, or at least nothing major. Once there, they stumbled upon rumors of guilds, traditional guilds, attempting to start up in the country and this peaked both the mages interest. Especially when they heard of one such guild known as Rising Starborn, and the potential of a mage within who can help Akemi with her condition. [center][h2][color=DDDCE1]Magic[/color][/h2][/center] [center][color=fff200]Take Over Angel Soul-B Rank[/color][/center] A form of Take Over magic passed down within a certain sect of the Uru tribe, and can only be utilized by this same sect due to their bloodline being blessed by the Archangel Uriel, their abilities mostly centering around this Angel in particular though they are capable of learning others if the chance to acquire them arises, whether thats through more traditional take over methods, being blessed in the same vein as Uriel or however. Unlike other Take Over magics, each form has a number of stages one must clear before they are able to fully master the full powers of an Angel. Uriel has 4 stages, Akemi at her current level has mastered Stage 1 and is in the process of learning stage 2. [hider=Angel Soul: Uriel Stage 1] The basic, partial transformation stage of Angel Soul. In this stage, Akemi is granted access to Light magic at the most basic level as well as some more advanced spells and enhanced physical abilities. When activated, a soft glow seems to envelop Akemi as a halo also appears atop her head. Beyond generic light magic spells, her notable spells in this form include: Angels Judgement: The most powerful spell in Stage 1's arsenal, Akemi traps her target inside a magic circle and brings down the full wrath of heaven atop her opponent in a massive beam of light. Aegis: A forcefield appears around Akemi and shelters her from most attacks, though most S-rank mages should be able to break through this with little effort, A ranks a little harder while fellow B-ranks will struggle without some fire power. Healing Grace: So long as Akemi keeps physical contact with her target, she is able to heal them of most minor wounds such as scratches or bruises in no time, however, more severe ones will take some time and magical energy to deal with. Light Arrow Volley: As the name implies, she is able to fire a volley of arrows made from light at her target. She is able to change this out for any weapon she desires, though she seems to prefer the use of arrows. [/hider] [hider=Stage 2] The 2nd partial transformation of Uriel, her glowing becomes rather noticeable at this point, as well as the fact she sprouts a pair of pure white wings (which are capable of flight) and her enhancements become noticeably stronger. She has yet to get the hang of this form and thus is her last-ditch trump card at this point in time. Her light magic becomes stronger while she also gains access to new spells, notably some support spells, as well such as: Bless: By placing her hand on an ally, a magic circle will appear which will give her ally a noticeable buff in their magical and physical abilities for around 2 minutes. To reactive, she will require to touch the same spot, though too many casts of bless on the same target over a ten minute period will not only reduce the effect, but also cause fatigue for the target. Uriel's Light: By condensing her magic into a sphere, she is able to create a flash of powerful light magic that empowers all of her allies and weakens any she deems an enemy within a roughly 10 meter radius from where she launches the sphere. Uriel's Guardians: Akemi is able to create beings of light to fight at her side, generally taking the shape of whatever she wishes though they're more commonly seen as 'Angel's'. Aegis Armour: A variant of the Aegis spell, instead of creating a shield of light around Akemi it instead coats Akemi in a layer of light that protects her in a similar manner. She is also able to cast this on others, though she is unable to use it on herself in this case. Aegis 2nd Stage: much the same as the 1st stage, however Akemi is able to target allies and cast it on them as well, able to target up to 3 allies. Unlike the armour variant, she can still use it on herself but must be counted amongst the three. Angelic [/hider] [hider=Stage 3] While her powers are currently unknown in this stage, as she has yet to reach it, the only thing certain is that she will grow a 2nd set of wings and her iris's will become cross-shaped. Holy energy will radiate off every fiber of her being as she will soon reach the perfection of Uriel. [/hider] [hider=Stage 4] At this stage, she will have mastered Angel Soul: Uriel and become the embodiment of his full power. She'll have grown a 3rd set of wings, the color has changed to a dark red as her halo will become fiery in appearance and she will gain access to fire magic to enhance her light magic. [/hider] [center][h1][color=DDDCE1]Other[/color][/h1][/center] Claims to be the younger sister of Zenith Zillard, and while not entirely untrue they are not actually related beyond their ties to the Uru tribe [/hider]