
【Personal Info】
【Name: Ayao 
【Nicknames: Squirt, short-stack, Ten timer
【Alias: N/A
【Age: 300
【Age Appearance: Early 20’s
【Gender: Female
【Race: Shinigami
【Former Rank: Ryoka.
【Former Division: 13th

Additional Appearance Info: At a solid 5’1, with a slim figure and sweet voice it would be a comedy unto itself to call Ayao intimidating. The word some may come to find more appropriate, to her quiet displeasure, would be adorable. At a mere hundred pounds, her easily lifetable nature combined with a face people would consider more ‘cute’ than ‘pretty,’ has made Ayao often the butt of jokes–well intended and not so kindly meant–and overly affectionate comrades. Ayao wears her uniform as a soul reaper proudly, keeping her zanpakuto on her left side, easily grabbed by her more dominant right hand. Ayao keeps her black hair often done up in a bun or ponytail, chopping it short when it gets too long. She has blue eyes.


Ayao was never that fortunate.

Growing up in the Rukongai’s outer districts leaves a certain stain on a person, a mark on their soul that cannot be washed off no matter how hard one tries. Only hidden. She can’t say for certain if she had a family, if she was born in the Soul Society, or died in the human world like so many others. Her earliest memories are wandering along the dirt paths of the outer districts, meandering aimlessly through whatever truly could be called living out there. Even as souls, people wouldn’t stop being people. No one had to eat, but everyone was still starving for something. Ayao scraped out her own little pocket of existence in back alleys, far from the court of the Soul King.  Some would call it a small miracle that she avoided any affiliation with any of the gangs that prevaded the outer districts, but it was mainly the simple grip of fear. Ayao had learned from a young age that other people meant danger, and so even in the crowded expanse of Soul Society, did her best to evade them.

It was simple luck that granted her the chance to escape.

She had wandered into one of the districts closer to the Sereneti, chased out of her usual hiding hole by gangs roving for fresh bodies, and had happened upon two drunk Shinigami, arguing about inane topics. The black clad warriors had existed as a simple myth for Ayao up until that point, a fancy little tale told to frighten children back into line, alongside Hollows that was. Out of breath as she was in the odd and unfamiliar district, she stuck out like a sore thumb to the Shinigami. Drunkenly the two debated whether she’d be able to make a fine reaper of souls, before bursting out laughing and wandering away. 

Perhaps to most that experience would have been humiliating. While it was certainly unpleasant, it opened a door in Ayao’s mind. Curiously, she began to poke around, roving around the districts for more information on the Death Gods. The closer she got to the inner districts, the more reliable information popped up–alongside more Shinigami. Eventually she had pestered enough people, even a few Shinigami themselves, to gain enough of a view on how to become one. To lift herself up out of this bland, frightful existence.

It took her years. Decades, most likely. She took the entrance exam a total of nine times. Straining even the infinite patience of the Shin’o Academy, and earning more derision each time she came back. But on her tenth try, she made it into those gates by the skin of her teeth. Inside she had no less of an easy time of it. While many barely cared about yet another Rukongai runt, especially one from the outer districts, the sheer amount of times it actually took her to gain entrance to the Academy followed her like a quiet stench. Some admired the persistence. Most simply thought her a stupid peasant. 

Nevertheless, during her six year course she poured all she had into it, desperate beyond belief to make something of herself. While her grades were average, with one or two spots going above the normal if still decidedly below exceptional, her Instructors found her eagerness pleasant. And, unbeknownst to her, she had managed to somewhat impress a visiting Captain of the 13th division: One Tsukiumare Hiakarui.  When the fateful day had come, Ayao had accomplished her own personal miracle. She had graduated to become a member of the Gotei 13: A God of Death.

In the midst of her own private celebrations, for she had made few, if any, friends at the Academy, Ayao was invited to become a member of the 13th division. While not as a seated officer, the invitation eased Ayao’s decision. For while she had trained hard to be a Shinigami, she had put little thought into what kind she wished to be. Flustered by the letter penned personally by Captain Hiakarui, Ayao decided that the 13th division was as good as any. 

Ayao settled in easily to the 13th division, finding herself tasked with many of the odd jobs around division headquarters. She did not meet the Captain often, beyond her first day alongside a few others. But the impression she gained was one of a kind, honorable man, if a little sad.  Work in the 13th division was a little bland, at times. Doing work unexpected of a Shinigami, but necessary regardless of how menial it could be. It was different. There was purpose to it.  A thrum of duty, of quiet belonging, that she hadn’t felt out on the streets. Indeed, she even got sent out to patrol in the human world a few times, though usually alongside others.

And then the world shifted on its head, and she lost everything.

Personality: A shy, somewhat demure girl. Ayao can often blend into the background of any given situation, and be dismissed by most as a weak-willed individual. She does her best to avoid conflicts with others, leading her to be labeled as ‘kind’ by some, and a ‘wallflower’ by others. While not an act, this nevertheless hides the core of steel and fierce determination held within her. When she sets her mind to a goal, and truly, utterly believes in achieving it, only great effort would see her from her course.

【Notable Traits】
✔ Being a Soul Reaper.
✔ Having a purpose 
✔ Ice cream
✔ Dogs

✘Being made fun of, especially if directed at her height
✘Boastful blabbermouths
✘Being called adorable

Defining Traits:


☯ Single-minded
☯ Inner iron
☯ Demure
☯ Easily dismissed

▼ Emotionally closed off

NAME: Tsukiumare Hiakarui
The Red Lotus
The Blade-winged Dove

Acquaintance/Superior Officer

While their first true meeting was the acceptance ceremony into the 13th Division, Ayao had been observed by Captain Hikarui on a random visit to Shin’o Academy to see old friends.  While displaying no secret reserve of inner power or elegant techniques, she still quietly impressed the Captain with her determination: Enough for him to pen an invitation to his division upon her graduation. While, in her mind at least, they never grew close enough to be true friends, they still remained on friendly terms despite the differences in position, and simple power. Upon her entrance to the 13th division, the Captain even maneuvered Ayao–then a fresh and flustered girl unsure of what was truly expected of her–into administrative work in order to help her feel useful, as well as slowly settle her into the life of a Soul Reaper.

 The thought of disappointing him is a more bitter draught than she ever thought it would be, now that it has surely been made reality.

NAME: Iwashima Joshi
An older, more experienced member of the 13th division who took it upon himself to show Ayao around. While she was at first annoyed at the boisterous older man—a fact that admittedly has only dulled, not disappeared—she grew grateful to him for showing her the ropes of being a Soul Reaper. All the little unofficial rules that the Academy didn’t teach for one reason or another. Even in the warm atmosphere promoted by Captain Hiakarui, Joshi remained one of the few to break through her shy exterior to the woman beneath. While Ayao, alone for so long, still thinks of him as an acquaintance it would be more truthful to call them not only friends; But comrades. Always the one to drag her out to the parties, away from books and the training grounds. She hopes he’s doing alright.

【General Aptitude】Fighting Style: When Ayao takes her blade out with the intent to harm, her previous personality floods away. Unlike what most would expect, Ayao fights with brutality and precision, aiming to end a fight as quickly as she could, with as much force as possible. She moves aggressively, seeking to destroy an opponent before the fight can drag on for too long and she ends up tiring herself out. She focuses on the use of her blade, only relying on kido when unable to keep up with flash step. Ayao relies on a mix of the skills she learned in the Academy, her time in the 13th division, and her own bloody minded instincts. For a girl of such a small stature, she can be more resilient than one would expect—though by no means invincible.


Reiryoku: 95 (0)
Reiatsu:{50 (1)} 
Strength:  50-Impressive)
Resilience:(15 -Unremarkable)
Mobility:(25 -Average)
Spirit: ( 5-Dismal)


Hakuda: (92-Expert)
Kido[Hado]: (19-Untrained)
Hoho:(50 -Practitioner)


Lethality(Zanjutsu/Hakuda Practitioner | Impressive Strength): An offensive Specialization for Hakuda and/or Zanjutsu, Lethality gives the Specialist advantage in specific situations. If they are on the attack in a situation, their Zanjutsu/Hakuda is treated as being one Proficiency Tier higher than normal.

Shunpo(Hoho Practitioner): meaning “Flash Steps,” this technique, while not the pinnacle of Hoho, is the primary Arte afforded by the Skill. This Arte allows the user to move faster than the eye can easily follow by using as few steps as possible to cross a distance. The higher the user’s Hoho Proficiency, the faster and more efficient this Arte becomes. This technique clashes against the Perception Skill, meaning that the lower an individual’s skill value is, the more difficulty they will have predicting the trajectory of or even following the user’s movement. This becomes more pronounced if the Perception Skill is at a lower Proficiency Tier than the Shunpo User’s Hoho Skill.

【Zanpakuto】[Sealed State]
"Come, girl. You can surely conquer more than this, can you not?”
Additional Description: Seidoboku, or the Bronze Servant, is a zanpakuto of average length. In many ways, it is an average looking katana. Its blade is the color of cold steel, all save the edge itself, which appears as bronze. A steel square guard, and  the hilt is wrapped in white cloth.

Attunement(Attunement Score): Phase One - Shikai (First tier)
Deviation: N/A

Inner World & Spirit:
An endless series of grassy hills, some spotted with stone ruins, others completely bare, all of which surround an old, worn down wooden shrine. The weather varies, from clear blue skies, ceaseless rain, and cold snows.

Zanpakuto Personality: Cold and aloof, Seidoboku rarely speaks to Ayao, and has been perhaps the single most odd thing about her experience as a Shinigami. When he does speak, he constantly prods her to keep moving forward.

“Rise, Seidoboku!”
Ability: Ayao’s zanpakuto turns fully bronze, with her guard turning into a blooming flower, and her hilt being covered in a blood red cloth. The blade increases in size, becoming more like a nodachi if more exaggerated, and adds to Ayao’s strength.

Name: Bloody Reaper 

With this technique, Seidoboku is able to absorb the blood of the fallen to strengthen itself, hitting harder and harder with the more blood it absorbs. But this does not come with increased durability, and if Ayao is not careful then too much blood may simply shatter her blade. Leaving her without her weapon while it reforges itself. 

[If there is blood to absorb, her Shikai will grant Ayao +2 strength per turn it is active, to a max of +25. However, once that limit is reached and Ayao moves past it, there is a chance each turn that her blade will shatter, though only when attacking. However, this can be countered by either re-sealing her Shikai, or developing techniques to ‘vent’ the blood. Entering their Shikai doubles her Reiatsu stat modifier.]


Name: N/A
