[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kxxtOHI.png[/img] Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (45/90) [b]Location:[/b] The Ruins [b]Word Count:[/b] Below 750[/center] Sectonia watched as her minons decided where to go. Overall it didn't matter in the end as apparently they would have to go to all areas, so why not let them have a bit of fun and autonomy? Ganondorf though was someone to be weary of, eve with Bowser beating him up and friend hearting him. Still, he talked a tough game like Bowser, but if the koopa king could beat him, he wasn't all that tough. That little bug thing felt like it would be a tougher, if faster fight all things considered right now, but that could change if the gerudo king showed he had more magical prowess than just punching things or kicking things. Nadia went off on her own, going ahead towards the first location they were said to look for one of these seals. The troublemaker she was, she got catapulted off a cliff after attacking one of the local bugs, with Jesse coming around and making a platform for her to jump off of and recover herself. Sectonia could only shake her head at the catgirl's eagerness to throw herself off a cliff like that, moving to have a little chat with her. Although while some might think it would be Sectonia chastising Nadia for going forward like that, that wasn't the case at all with Sectonia, seeing Ganondorf was free and curing Galeem, spoke privately with the feral. [color=92278f]"I'm sure I don't need to tell you to beware that one. He seems like the 'king' that would stab you in the back given any opportunity that would give himself power. A ruler is nothing without subjects, and he clearly hasn't learned that lesson."[/color] After that, in a more vocal form that everyone nearby could hear she said. [color=92278f]"And be careful being the scout of the group. There are holes everywhere."[/color] Speaking of which, everything in this immediate area looked very... bug-like. Sectonia wasn't sure if she liked it or not, but something about it screamed ancient fallen kingdom or something... And with all the horrors that were here.... She'd need to think about that, there might be magic hidden everywhere. Although fisrt they'd have to deal with the locals, who probably weren't the most thrilled that their group had stumbled upon their resting ground. Especially with some of them spitting a horrid smelling orange goo...