[quote=@Isaac] I think you need to fully explain your definition of Godmodding, since all it says in rule three is to make it so nobody is super perfect and dodges all attacks and thinks things all the way through. My character will not be that. My character is not a god. It's a time power. So what? So many characters within the world of Worm have time powers. I don't get the difference between theirs and mine. I obviously don't have enough weaknesses yet, but I can add more. [/quote] I'm going to be putting my foot down here; in general, while time powers aren't foreign to Worm as a setting, they [i]are[/i] typically aggravating to work around in a lot of ways. Not to mention how you've compared it to Eri, who has undeniably one of the [i]craziest[/i] abilities I've ever seen, and at the very least, she has the limitation of being [i]a literal child[/i], alongside it needing time to stock power, [i]and[/i] her having effectively no control over it. So, yeah, I'll be saying no to an ability like that. I feel it would be unfun for other players to work around, and irritating for me to try and work through with my antagonistic forces. Apologies here, but I really just want this chain of complaints to come to an end.