[center][h2]Akio and Fumi[/h2][h3]Icelit Office — Morning[/h3][/center]
The summary of what was written was fairly straightforward, and all things considered, neither Akio nor Fumi had any reason to want to delay. The growing resentment and grief that would result from such a location would only serve to fester, and given how long those malignant feelings would have been piling on top of one another...

There was no way to really describe it than a bomb whose fuse was rapidly reaching it's end.

"The location itself isn't too far away, though it [i]is[/i] a bit far from the current hotspot," the tengu noted, pointing at the building's location on the map relative to Umeda Park. "Not going to be able to provide support to the other team if they need it, I think, but given how many people went... They should be fine. Probably."

"Cleaning ten floors out is going to take us ages anyways," Akio remarked, standing up from his seat. "It'd be weird if we [i]were[/i] able to finish early, especially if that place is as messed up as the brief said it was."

Ultimately, though, there was little room for discussion about the urgency of the matter, which meant that both of the Attuned were more that ready to head out the door and walk to location.
[hr]Despite the rather gruesome description of the circumstances surrounding it, the building that the group had arrived at looked rather modern, with nary a trace of all the circumstances surrounding it to be seen. Maybe that was the point, or so Akio thought; if the crimes and deaths were swept under the rug, then the people living here would have little reason to move out.

"...Maybe we should ask someone to look into the owner after this one's done..." Akio muttered to himself as he stepped into the lobby of the building. With all the lights out, the pristine lobby seemed far more unsettling than it should have—even [i]with[/i] the light filtering in through the windows.

[@SilverPaw][@Vertigo][hr][hr][center][h3]Umeda Park[/h3][/center]
While the rampant chaos continued to plague the streets, the unbound destructive prowess that Kyozan put forward did indeed stem the flow of Grudges to some extent—at least in the direction that Lily was guiding the fleeing civilans towards. The power of a succubus' charm—and a practiced one at that—meant that those fleeing were not left [i]wholly[/i] without their senses. Standing by to ogle the seductress would have been the opposite of helpful in this situation, after all.

But as the chaotic street brawl-style slaughter continued, the Grudges showed no signs of stopping. The question as to what exactly was causing this overflow remained answerless, however—or, well, answerless until a set of beeps coming from the now-open laptop signaled a visual.

The footage from the drone, now being streamed directly to the laptop, showed an unusually large black mass near the center of the park itself. It seemed to be pulsating, writhing about every few seconds before spitting out another new bloblike entity to leave the area.

"It seems like that's the source," Nishida's voice remarked as the video zoomed in towards the apparent cause of the chaos. "I'd hazard a guess that taking this out might stop them from spreading, but no promises."

[@Raineh Daze][@Zeroth][@Rune_Alchemist]