The combatants were now well and locked in their dance of death. Those spectators on both sides had given the pair a wide berth, despite the pair having hardly moved from their spot just on the town’s edge. Humans on the walls we astonished at the display of power and ferocity by both sides, but knew not who to cheer for. Bowmen held their arrows in awe of the battle before them. At this point now the dire beast had begun a desperate and renewed attack as it now attempted to thrash about with his jaws still clutching the Tanar'ri. It had given up on pulling him back, but decided instead to pull back and forth. Bear teeth had by now dug into Snarnorgul scales tearing rudely into his tough hide. Blood had begun to drip down his legs, threatening to give out from under him already developing a hip pointer, painting the grass at their feet with black and the bears own crimson. Growling with even more anger Snarnorgul patience had worn thin. He decided this contest had long since out grown its amusement. Judging from the act his enemy had chosen, Snarnorgul decided to rob the beast of as much flexibility in which to twist his head and thus Snarnorgul in the process. He snapped his right arm pincer under his opponents right arm once more as it breathed in sharply, with as close as the creatures body was too him he clutched on and dug his lower arm claws deeply into flesh. As with pulling back motion before Sukoh would be causing himself even more pain. If moving the Tanar'ri before with the aid of its torn limb had not proved successful before, shaking it about with a broken jaw would aid it little, at least it kept him on his feet. However, the violent shaking of his enemy had given Snarnorgul an idea. With the bear’s body just inches from his mouth, his own jaws snapped open. Not to clamp down on the soft tissue of his foe, rather instead to unless a screeching roar like no other. However, it was unlikely his opponent would hear it, even the sharp ears of the elves around would not pick up even the immense levels of infrasound Snarnorgul had just unleashed. The intense pressure waves rocketed through the air, traveling into and 'through' Sukoh. At point black range Snarnorgul had loosed over 199db of sound waves. Causing extreme vibrations that would travel throughout the bear’s whole body. His layers of fat would prove no protection; in fact they likely sealed his fate. Sound waves passing through his organs would cause them to vibrate violently, which included the heart fluid-filled organ, lungs gas-filled membranes, and the abdomens variety of liquid, solid, and gas-filled pockets. All of these structures would vibrate at different rates and each had limits to how much they could stretch when subjected to such force, if the sound wave hit, as likely it would, and they would stretch and shrink in time with the low-frequency vibrations of the air molecules around them. In the simplest of terms Sukoh's organs would be bouncing around in a lake of fat. His heart would rupture some of the arteries and vines as it pulled and shook in dozens of directions. The most interesting effect would be on the lungs, which would cause Sukoh to involuntarily take in a breath. The effects of this type of whole-body vibration coupled with his opponents already violent spasms would cause crippling problems, ranging from bone and joint damage within short time to of course inducing a range of symptoms, from nausea, and vomiting, to the rupturing of internal organs and even death unless something as done. In essence Snarnorgul had turned his opponent’s greatest strength, their great fat and mass, into their greatest weakness. Even after the scream had ended, aftershocks of vibrations echoing through the bear’s fat would continue. The bear's insides would soon be reduced to jello. From that point on it was a matter of continuing to grasp onto Sukohs body to thwart it's attempt to throw him about. If his opponent was secretly a magical construct with flesh built about it, or needed no muscles or organs to move and live, this is when Snarnorgul would find out in a most troubling way.