[hider=Machine from Times Before]
[center][h2][color=9e0b0f]Scrapheap Metalmaster[/color][/h2]
[s]Credit: https://twitter.com/walkermasuda[/s]

[color=9e0b0f]Race, Age, and Time:[/color]
Warforged, 2000+ years, Only a few weeks

Standing at a hulking 7' tall, Scrapheap finds difficulty making space in small areas. Along with his great height, Scraphead is also remarkably large, his Warforged frame being composed of thick metals and heavy materials. As his name describes, he dons a body of mostly scrap metals and moss, however, he is unsure how he ended up with such an oddly featured body. [s]He's really insecure about it too, try not to bring it up.[/s] He speaks in a resonating tone that comes from his chest. His voice is created by the very magic that holds him together.

Scrapheap's body was not always so poorly maintained, though he doesn't remember anything before it was. Back then, Scrapheap was a Warforged, a machine created for battle and adventures, bound together by magic and given life the exact same way. Unlike a construct or a robot, however, Warforgeds would be given to them by their masters, so in a way they are humans. 

Scrapheap has no recollection of his past and that is perhaps a result of his body failing the tests of time. When he was picked up by a traveling mage just a few days before being sold to the caravan, he was rusted, torn apart, and in a sense, completely dead, but thanks to the efforts of the mage who sold him, Scrapheap was resurrected and able to freely serve the young man who saved him.

Before then, however, Scrapheap was a machine of war. He was created with the sole purpose of decimating waves of warriors for an old empire of man. Scrapheap was good at what he did, and every day he returned home from battle, gaining praise from his old master for a job well done. His master would clean the blood off of his body, and perform very minor damages to the Warforged, then Scrapheap was free to do what he wanted for the rest of his day.

Being essentially what was a human in a metal shell, Scrapheap fell in love as many other "normal" humans do, but was always too afraid to confess his feelings to the man he fell for. He was a soldier from another kingdom, a tale as old as time itself, whom he met at a tavern many nights before battle. They had been seeing one another for years, sharing tales on the battlefield before one unfortunate day.

There was no surrendering. It would have either been a victory or a defeat, but Scrapheap stared at the sky in disbelief as he lay, broken both mentally and physically. He couldn't find the courage to fight in himself and after the battle had been lost, he froze when he saw his love. Scrapheap lay, blinking slowly as the life began to slowly fade from his magical body of metal.


Over 2000 years later, Scrapheap woke up one day in a magical workshop, with no recollection of his previous life, and his hands and arms rusted. Something had happened to him, but he didn't know what. He met a short mage, clearly a student for some sort of academia for magick, wearing robes and a floppy hat. Scrapheap didn't know where he was or how he knew that, but he knew this person in succession was his new master and felt indebted to this young spellcaster.

And it wasn't very long before Scrapheap found himself fulfilling his debt by willingly letting himself get sold to a caravan shortly after getting cleaned and de-rusted. Now he had new masters, or would they be kind and befriend the Warforged?

Scrapheap is very kind and considerate Warforged despite being built purely for war, which may be in part to his soul being incredibly sensitive and gentle. He is often seen as the Gentle Giant of the caravan as his skill in combat does not reflect his personality.

He is also incredibly hardworking, performing duties to the best of his abilities at all times, and fighting for causes he believes are just and right. Scrapheap is also naturally a fighting spirit. He prefers to resolve conflicts with combat rather than dragging matters out. The strongest man wins.

Scrapheap is a very flirtatious soul and will often compliment and flirt with those who find either attractive or that he likes. Quite odd for what many people would consider a machine.

Scrapheap believes his debt for being rescued has not been fully paid off despite letting the young traveling mage sell him for coin, so he serves the caravan as an indirect way to do so. Scrapheap also seeks answers for what happened to him before he woke up in debt to the mage.

[color=9e0b0f]Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Tools:[/color]
- Scouting
- Translator
- Self-sustainable (can repair his own injuries)
- Can act as a taxi
- Heavy lifter
- Can break things easily
- Philosopher

- Master of many weapons
- Muscle of the group
- Incredibly charismatic
- Tank[/hider]

- Water/Rain
- Cold weather
- Incredibly emotional
- Easily manipulated
- Slow
- Insecure[/hider]

- Very large steel axe
- Small magic repair kit
- Collection of books to keep him entertained 
- Pouch of gold coins
- Giant bag of water for his friends[/hider]

[hider=optional details]
[color=9e0b0f][center][h2]Optional Details:[/h2][/center][/color]
[color=9e0b0f]What they want most:[/color]
Just to be happy and feel useful.

[color=9e0b0f]DnD Alignment[/color]
Neutral Good

[color=9e0b0f]Three Likes:[/color]
Over-sized weaponry
A good book

[color=9e0b0f]Three Dislikes:[/color]
People talking about his scrapped-body
Being repeated

[color=9e0b0f]Follow their mind or heart?[/color]
(Metaphorical) Heart

[color=9e0b0f]Worst Fear:[/color]
Forgetting his memories again.

[color=9e0b0f]Favorite color[/color]

[color=9e0b0f]Favorite time of day:[/color] 

[color=9e0b0f]How he Dresses[/color]
Doesn't wear any clothes, but is covered in moss.

[color=9e0b0f]Favorite Season:[/color] 
Summer (His joints don't freeze up or rust as much)

[color=9e0b0f]"If there is a God out there... I thank it for saving me."[/color]
