Saul followed behind Rexel as he looked around the squalor of a community he was being led to. These beings were hardly living in homes for the most part, he had seen and known poverty as a child but this to him was on a whole new level. And of course he guessed that it was almost impossible to improve their situations. The general populace would have none of that; they needed someone to look down upon so that their own meager housing seemed like a mansion in comparison to the humiliatingly humble Lizard-folk community. Though Saul wasn't really disgusted by this. His apathy towards the suffering of others was that he either didn't care, or more likely wasn't surprised by it; having been the instrument of the very same cruelty once, a lifetime ago. Despite Rexel's obvious discomfort in being around beings who collected human teeth and bones. Saul was almost fascinated by it and respected it greatly. These were a warrior people, a hard people, and most notably above all else, a proud people. Despite their standards of living that most soft-bellied Renaltans would consider appalling, the Lizard-folk had tapestries displaying their feats of strength, courage and mettle. These were not a people whose honor and dignity would be sullied lightly. And Saul admired and respected that since he was the same, despite having lost all sense of dignity personally. Saul almost laughed out loud when he saw the grand and proud building amidst all the hovels surrounding it. The irony was so stunning Saul figure it was something that one would only hear about in a satirical novel. But here it was, Varro's establishment (or so he assumed at least) and guarded by Lizard-folk that seemed a little too lax to be on guard duty. But Saul guessed far better. When the guard blocked off Rexel, Saul strove up front with confidence, the heat didn't bother him. An upbringing on a poor farm in the sweltering Rheinfeld sun put that weakness to rest quite early on in his life. Once again his posture and way he conducted himself was that of a soldier, a commander. Yet Saul didn't even realize it half the time. At this point, it was habitual. “I'm trying to prevent your people from being mobbed by the City's majority. I'd say that would be an extent of invitation.” The lizardman rolls his shoulders, pressing off away from the wall and rising to his full height. Perhaps no challenge to Saul's stature, but it did not appear to matter much to the man. He eyes Saul up and down before his lips draw back. Perhaps the exposed fangs were a fierce smile... Or perhaps a threatening display. Saul could hardly be certain given his inexperience with the race. [i]"Let them come, human. H'risshrii alwaysss ready,"[/i] he blurts choppily. It would be apparent that common is not his favoured language. A cacophony of hisses and clicks roar out about him before the guard slashes his hand at the air. Silence reigns, almost eerily. Saul would feel every eye in the area suddenly on them. Saul curiously looks around as the lizard-folk made what he thought was some sort of war cry. A proud defiant stance at all who would harm them. He stood there for a moment amid the silence. Poor Rexel must have been shitting himself in fear at this moment. But Saul paid him no mind, he was processing what the guard was telling him and was starting to understand how these people thought. He concluded that he liked them very much. Almost too much, their pride and their intimidating hisses was intoxicating to Saul, he couldn't get enough of it. Perhaps a decade of being a shining example of failure made him forget what it was like to be proud and to be around those who fought like him, who bled like him, and who would probably die like him as well. He looks at the guard and right before breaking the silence, gives his own blood-curdling grin of approval. “Aye!” He proclaimed enthusiastically “And you would fight well. I'm almost envious of it in fact.” He looks about again, the lizard-folk were now watching him. Perhaps they were amused by this human who came marching in like this. Who could say what these beings thought in the back of their scaly heads. “But you and I both know the hysterical mob are not fighters or soldiers. Their crying little cowards looking to kill something weaker than themselves. They won't go after you, with your weapons and mettle. They'll go after your younglings, your food supplies, your houses. They won't take your life because they cannot, but they'll go after your way of living. And drive you off your land.” Saul glared at the guard. He wasn't trying to intimidate him per say. But the blood had gotten to Saul's head, for a moment, he felt like he belonged somewhere again. “And they'll do it not because their cunning or evil. But because their stupid and frantic. Someones going around killing people and making it look like your kind did it.” He then takes a step back from the guard and scoffs at him. “Someone is trying to portray your Community as a bunch of thieving rogues who kill old weak defenseless politicians in the dark. Who aren't faithful soldiers and citizens of Tuleria but instead squandering cutthroats who scuttle like a rat in the shadows.” Maybe it was becoming obvious that Saul had once been a general. He gave very rousing speeches, which one didn't expect out of one who looked so brutish as he did. The guard appears baffled as the human fails to back away. Rexel, beginning to reach for his weapon while quivering with fear, looks around with frantic terrified eyes. A more serpentine lizardfolk woman appears to take interest in this, letting out a low hiss and slinking closer. Before tension could break, the guardsman bursts out into laughter, [i]"Ssssmoothsskin is ssmart!"[/i] He looses a series of noises to those around him. They seem to relax and back off as his partner goes inside, casting a sad look at Rexel as they slink away. [i]"People here not bright,"[/i] he taps his temple, [i]"Don't think. Not like thingss were, before little ssmoothsskinss and your kind made Tuleria,"[/i] he nods somberly. [i]"But our land too now, we do not want blood of..."[/i] he pauses for a moment, thinking of the word, [i]"Countrymen."[/i] He falters and looks back for a moment. [i]"What deathss you sspeak of?"[/i] Saul gives out a warm-hearted grin at the Lizard-folk's laughter. He grunts in agreement at his words. Though Saul wondered what it was like to live in a community whose culture and way of life was in constant danger of being over-run by such hostile forces in the City. Groups like the Dragon knights openly preaching slaughter; as if they had any idea of the definition of the word. Saul concluded that their circumstances must have been rather shite. And he had a feeling that if he expressed this opinion openly, most of the lizard-folk would not disagree with him. He looks at the guard when he asks the last question. Saul sighs somberly for a moment. “Sorry, but that I can't go into too much detail about it. But lets just say that people are getting killed. And someone really wants people to think it's either a Lycan or a Lizardman carrying it out” Saul looked over to Rexel for a brief moment and gave out a soft, humorous snort in response to the Captain's actions. Saul figured that his ignorance of these lands would be a bit of an advantage. Men seemed to be genuinely scared of Lizard-folk. While Saul was enjoying their company more and more. Though that perhaps spoke more on Saul's personality more than anything else. “Master Varro can vouch for the validity of my statement” he said to the guard in a somber tone. “And I need to speak with him to see if we can find a way to sort this mess out.” The lizardman scratches along his neck, nails picking beneath scales, [i]"Ah, Varro. You want ssee Varro?... Maybe ssoon. He busyman, you talk to Clansmasster firsst, maybe? He talk to more than H'risshii, know much of Port Luclin."[/i] Rexel narrows his eyes, "He would not talk to me before." The lizardman grunts, [i]"He knowss you not like our kind. Thinkss you no better than little sso-called 'Knightss'"[/i] Saul sighs in minor annoyance. Even the lizard-folk had a bureaucracy to some extent. So he needed to talk to this Clans Master first? Saul at first would have much preferred Varro... until he heard Port Luclin mentioned. He remembered that corpse that Janelle showed to the group dealt with official business at the Port. Saul brightened a little bit. Perhaps it was better to see him first. “Yes. I would be incredibly interested in what your Clans Master could reveal to me, I would appreciate being sent in that direction.” Saul then rolled his eyes at the banter between Rexel and the guard. It would have been humorous if it wasn't so trivial. “Captain Rexel is my guide throughout the City and I wish him to accompany me. So I will vouch for him and will promise your Clans Master that he will be primarily talking to me and not our dear Captain.” After a moments pause, Saul thought he would add one small bit of advice, “There is a strong difference between dislike, and what the Knights preach.” The guard shrugs a shoulder, [i]"You have point. But many not... trusst Captain."[/i] He grunts as his companion returns and utters a few quiet words. [i]"Ah, Ssbis will ssee you. Come."[/i]