[@Catharyn] & [@EliteCommander] - A submission for you to consider. Also, is there a limit on characters?

[hider=J'eon of Mythadia]
[h3]Name: J'eon of Mythadia[/h3]
[b]Species: [/b] The Glen

[b]Appearance: [/b] This male Glen puts you in mind of an unstoppable machine. He has narrow olive-green eyes. He has a muscular wide-chested build, and a network of old, dark flogging scars on his upper and middle back. His hide appears creamy yellow or gold, depending on the light. He has hollow cheeks and wide feet, with a long dark scar crossing his cheek below his right eye.
His wardrobe is practical, a dark brown leather cuirass peppered with small burns over his upper torso and bronze pips along the shoulders. A medallion of the Mythadia Blacksmith Guild is over his first stomach - an anvil with a six pointed star of a master craftsman over it, flanked by a hammer on the right and a sword on the left. His upper arms bear a studded leather rerebrace, while his lower arms wear a darkened leather vambrace peppered with small burns. Each leg wears leather greaves, with the front pair peppered once again with small burns. A wide leather  belt bears two leather pouches in front, with leather gloves tucked behind them, his favorite hammer on his right, while on his left he carries a long kukri blade, with two smaller blades and a small iron hook for cleaning his hooves.  Each hoof has an iron shoe on it.

While traveling, he wears a leather chamfron with small iron plates & bronze pips over his face, leather paulroons, and has a cart with harness that he can strap himself into. 

Leaves on the left, right, and back sides of the cart can be pulled up and slot into ironwork straps underneath. It carries under canvas a traveling forge (in the back), an anvil, a box with his tools and a leather apron, a locked iron-bound chest (key is on a cord hanging on his neck), a box holding two blankets (one quilted with straps) wrapped in oilcloth and ropes, a tripod with a small cooking pot, barrels holding charcoal, iron blanks, water, and grain. Oarlocks on the right arm of the cart hold a long spear.

[b]Augmentations: [/b] N/A

[b]Magical affiliation: [/b] Heat domain - able to manipulate thermal energy.

[b]Occupation: [/b] Blacksmith

[b]Key skills: [/b] Blacksmith, Engineering, Wilderness survival.

[b]Backstory: [/b] J'eon was born into the Dark Ash clan, a nomadic group that assisted settlements with planting, harvesting, and various services they lacked before heading back to Dark Ash Vale, their wintering grounds. F'eon, J'eon's father, was the backsmith for the clan and its unofficial leader. He spent much of the winter months mining for ores that he would then smelt into the old forge into the refined metal blanks he needed, or into various impliments he could sell. J'eon watched and learned beside his father, marveling at how he called up the flame.

They were raided by bandits, his father ran through by one of his own swords. What happened to J'avra, his mother, he didn't see. He was chained up with the other survivors and eventually sold to a miller in the west, who chained him to one of the poles to turn the millwheel along with the other slaves - simple brute labor. One can still see the shackle gauls on his wrists when he takes his vambraces off. When he got out of line, they'd flog him. In his sixteen summer, the miller's daughters began to pay him close attention with strangely hungry eyes and giggles. When the overseer reported their attentions to the miller, he had the young muscular buck unchained and hauled to the flogging post. It was during that flogging that the Fire came to him.

With the burning of the miller's place, J'eon along with the other Glen made their way back east, eventually finding themselves in Mythadia once more. It wasn't long after that he found himself the oldest apprentice in the blacksmith guild, but he was quickly initiated into the innermost secrets once they realized he could call forth the flame. It was here he learned the riddle of iron and steel.

Once he became a master, he took to the road in a cart he build to hold his traveling forge and his tools. Word of his craft spread beyond the borders of Mythadia, and he found himself traveling out of the kingdom, called forth to build weapons, craft armor and chains, even called to repair waterwheels and windmills. Slave mills, however, tended to go up in flames. Nor was he particularly soft on bandits or slavers.

I have to say, I rather like this character. Low key, I was hoping someone would be interested in making a Glen. Being centaur-like, I can imagine plenty of ways that simple, biomechanical difference would influence both their society, and day-to-day life. 

I do have to compliment you on your description of him. You can paint a picture better than I can, and everything you described about him makes sense to me. All of his armor does seem practical as something he could equip himself without assistance, even if it took a bit of work. The greaves on the rear legs might be hard, but doable with some effort. 

Your character's background checks out, and I can give you plenty of leeway with what you want your character's clan to have been like. On the whole, Mythadia and Acanata originated from a mix of Glen clans that came together to resist the Kolodon Empire, so they have a mix of cultural backgrounds. Generally, the Glen loathe strict restrictions, so I imagine nomadic clans would not be uncommon. Though, they do still have static cities and towns (The capital of Mythadia is actually the largest city in KA). 

Overall, I am perfectly happy to accept the character as-is. 

If you need any more information to start off, I can give you some more detail on the area around where Kareet and Shirik currently are (which is near to the future crash site of the Jotunheim). Broadly speaking, it is a fairly remote area. There is a road leading down from some smaller settlements in Mythadia into the Ascendancy that passes through the area, but it is a minor trade route. It is around the border of the Ascendancy and Mythadia, which is also a border between the mountains and the plains. The area is settled, but it is pretty far from the more civilized parts of those two nations. Imagine it a bit like the "wild west", in that respect. Towns are mostly responsible for protecting and governing themselves. There are also known to be dangerous creatures in the area.