Kalaya takes a breath, chewing on a flavourless dumpling, as she mulls over the options. "I've spoken to Cathak, and you're right that she wants the Kingdoms as her prize. And that's it, not to savor, or protect, or cultivate or cherish. Just as a bauble to add to her hoard. Kept and held tightly, even as her gaze then seeks out the next thing to grasp." "I refuse to let the Kingdoms suffer that fate - and will not let that happen." she continues, shaking her head. "I'd hoped to win support at the Convocation in Chrysanth to take a stand, or at least do [i]something[/i] against that rising tide ... and maybe from there to convince the Kingdoms to band together against the Dragonchild. I don't know if that will work - it certainly won't be as elegant either. Knowing some of their leaders, I'm picturing a whole bag of cats fighting amongst themselves whenever I try to think of what that might be like." [i]Not to mention I'd have to talk to Lin.[/i] She shudders. "Whatever path we take though, I think I owe it to the Kingdoms, and my oaths, to first speak to the one being that I hope would actually help us save her own lands. If the Sapphire Mother can give us some insight, or some support as to what path to take, or what dangers we might face ... She trails off, uncertain of what she was hoping the deity would provide. But hoping all the same that she'd give them [i]something [/i]to go on.