

[b]Held Territories:[/b] 
Silvermoon City, Eversong Woods, The Ghostlands, the Isle of Quel'Danas, and Thalassian Pass.

[b]Other Assets:[/b] 
The Sunwell is a fount of mystical power located in the Sunwell Plateau, on the Isle of Quel'Danas. While its waters, holy to the high elves, were originally pure arcane power, it has since been restored as a fount of both arcane and light energy.

[b]Goals and Motivations:[/b]
The High Elves has longed to live in peace and be left to their own devices. Since the advent of the Scourge, and their assault on the Gates of Silvermoon, the High Elves has committed themselves to destroying the Scourge and purging any trace of the plague from the lands of men. 

[b]Recent History:[/b]
The Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas was a savage and bitter fight against an enemy that took no prisoners and raised those that fell against it. Strength of arms alone was not enough to prevent the invasion and the bulk of the war fell to the Magisters.

These Mages, supported by the armies of the High Elves, wielded incredible magical power, largely in the form of fire and light magic, and were able to stem the invading tides. In a bid to prevent the raising of any further dead the High Elves were forced to destroy the bodies of their fallen comrades and even exhume their dead and burn those bodies as well. It caused considerable cultural shock to the High Elves who had been burying their dead in intricately carved water proof coffins for generations. 

The Kings only son, Kael'thas Sunstrider, was disowned during this period for failing to return home and aid in the defence of his kin, citing instead his "Duty to Dalaran". Kael'thas no longer bears the name Sunstrider and has been all but purged from the Kingdom and its history. King Anasterian Sunstrider has since begun the process of selecting a new heir. 

Three and a half years after the failed Scourge attack the High Elves remain behind their defences preparing to march forth and repay the damage done to their lands. Bands already ride and fly beyond the lines to skirmish with the Scourge and probe for weaknesses in the enemy lines. 

Relations with the Human and Dwarf Kingdoms to the South are decent at this time as they work toward dealing with a mutual foe.

[b]Key Players:[/b]
[hider=King Anasterian Sunstrider]
[h3]Anasterian Sunstrider[/h3][/center]


King of Quel'Thalas

King Anasterian is described as a highly aged man, with long white hair and a pale complexion, his skin thin and his tone having long turned soft. However, his powerful voice still carries the unmistakable hints of his authority. He has piercing blue eyes that had not been diluted by the pangs of advanced age, though little else has been spared of his once slender and powerful body. His anger flaring, even at such an age, is fearsome to behold. 

Anasterian is a fiercely proud monarch who has prioritized Quel'Thalas's interests above all else. Despite owing a blood debt to humanity for their part in the Troll Wars, Anasterian has hesitant to assist the humans against the Horde, seeing no threat to his own kingdom, and only truly dedicated resources to the conflict when his own people were threatened once more. 

Surrounded by flatterers, Anasterian is wise enough to treasure those who speak the truth to him. Anasterian never failes to acknowledge those who had fallen in defence of the people. However, he has been known to dither on crucial decision-making, and, most damningly, mistake ignorance for protection - so long as Quel'Thalas did not involve itself in the world beyond, its problems would not become theirs.

Still reigning over Quel'Thalas at the time of the Third War, despite his advanced age, Anasterian spared little thought for the plight of the humans in Lordaeron; true to the past, believing it to be a human issue than the high elves would not deign to trouble themselves with. 

Imagine his shock when the Scourge assaulted the Elfgate and undead warriors appeared everywhere within his borders. Desperate for any aid he could find, he issued a recall for his son, Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider, from Dalaran and sent word to the Humans of the attack. To the shock of all, the Humans actually attempted to send aid while Kael'thas chose to remain in Dalaran citing his "Duty to Dalaran". The Scourge were ultimately driven back at considerable loss to the High Elves and a furious King disowned his son and stripped Kael'Thas of the Sunstrider name. 

Since then the King has ordered several scholars to begin efforts to track down any illegitimate children he may have, rumoured to be in the dozens, and find a suitable blood relation to inherit the throne. 

[b]Powers and other Abilities:[/b]
Anasterian had the skills of a warrior and is still a powerful mage. He is to weak to wear plate armour anymore but still wields his weapon of choice, the runeblade  [Felo'melorn]. He favours fire magic and protects himself using various magical flame shields. He also knows how to teleport.[/hider]

[hider=Ranger-General Sylvanas Windrunner]
[h3]Sylvanas Windrunner[/h3][/center]



Sylvanas has waist-length blonde hair that "flows like water" and is "translucent in the light of the sun". She takes great pride in her appearance: It isn't good enough to be the best hunter in her family. She needed to take everyone's breath away as she ventured out. She was so very vain. Her eyes are "more gray than green or blue." Even by high elven standards, the second of the three Windrunner sisters is a rare beauty. Lords from countless noble houses have sought her hand. Even Prince Sunstrider was said to have desired it before his fall from grace.

In her early life, Sylvanas was a prodigious ranger, proud and vain—and pragmatic. As the ranger-general, Sylvanas, like many of the quel'dorei, held the belief that it was a mistake to teach magic to humanity; though she was also of the opinion that Quel'Thalas would do well to coexist with the other races of the world, and to practice tolerance. She is somewhat vain at times - what elf isn't - but is not so foolish as to think she can survive simply by her looks. An excellent soldier, she makes a poor stateself and does her best to steer clear of politics. 

After the high elves withdrew from the Alliance, Sylvanas and her rangers were the primary guards against any would-be attackers on Silvermoon. Several years later, Arthas Menethil, the betrayer of Lordaeron, arrived unexpectedly on the doorstep of Quel'Thalas with a horde of undead at his back. Kelmarin, one of Sylvanas' scouts, quickly informed her of the swarm of undeath fast approaching the first Elfgate. Sylvanas organized her Farstriders, and went to observe the despoiler of Lordaeron herself.  

In the savage fighting that followed, Sylvanas, supported by the King himself, was able to wound the mighty Undead leader badly enough that he was hustled from the battlefield. Though it aided the war, and certainly prevented the collapse of the Elfgate, it did nothing to stop the onslaught.

Sylvanas did not leave the front for the better part of two years as she walked among the soldiers, inspiring and leading them to victory. The King was as present as she was but lacked her charisma and youth and she earned the nickname "Saviour of Silvermoon"; a title bestowed upon her eventually by a grateful King. 

Since the war, Sylvanas has continued to serve the King. Her contributions have led to some beginning to suggest that she be named the Kings heir and succeed him as the first Queen of Quel'Thalas. 

[b]Powers and other Abilities:[/b]
Sylvanas is skilled at archery and single sword combat.[/hider]

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