[hider=Esmii'nesta'tawaar] [colour=#b08cc9][center][h2][u] Esmii'nesta'tawaar [/u][/h2][/center][/colour] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qDiN7Z1.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][b]| Female | Yasoi (Mycormish) | Respected | RAS 7.72 without gear, (8.11 with gear) [/b] [/h3][/center] [h2][u][colour=#b08cc9]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/colour][/u][/h2] ❖ [Intelligent] ❖ [Kind Hearted] ❖ [Quiet Nature] ❖ [Sensitive] ❖ [Affectionate] She's a mild mannered, quiet Yasoi, with a soft tone of voice. When addressing people professionally she always seems to show them respect. It brings her peace being outdoors and being with nature. She seems so sensible, mature on the surface. She lives with her parents and two older siblings, Esmii is the youngest out her siblings, and because she looks different here parents and sister worried, doted and babied her. Her responsibilities were fairly simple for her, helping her parents around their little clinic, by treating people, or just selling supplies. Lastly, gathering herbs from the swamps and collections that can be used for future benefit. She doesn't need gratification for helping others, it's just part of her goodwill nature. One of her personality traits that's a problem is that she's incredibly shy around strangers, especially around races that aren't of her own kind. Wanting to discuss and interact with other races but she lacked the confidence, then would often run away in a response if it gets too much for her. She shows more of a bubbly personality when with her friends and family. At times she's able to show confidence mostly because she's more focused on trying to help someone, so she doesn't have time to think for herself. At heart, she knows she isn't able to show her full potential, but because of her lack of confidence in herself and poor social skills it proves to be extremely difficult for her. Hopefully she'll be able to overcome this and become the person people know she can be. Esmii’s Grandmother on her mother's side was a human from Perrence and, because of this Esmii looks as human as she does Yasoi; her height, body type and some of her personality is more human. Also, she was told to keep this a secret and to only tell people she knew she could trust. Esmii's Grandmother taught her to play the violin; she also taught her different songs to sing and different dances from Perrence. [h2][u][colour=#b08cc9]L A N G U A G E S[/colour][/u][/h2] She's a natural in her native tongue, because of the language books she's been given as gifts from people she's helped over the years. She is passable in Perrench, Revidian, and Kerreman. Can also make small conversation in Avincian. [h2][u][colour=#b08cc9]C H A R A C T E R A P P E A R A N C E[/colour][/u][/h2] Standing at 5ft 7 inches, she's quite small by Yasoi standards. She has Light green eyes, and long light Ginger hair that she loves to have in Braids and have down sometimes. [h2][u][colour=#b08cc9]T H E G I F T[/colour][/u][/h2] Mana Type Moodcaster These manas are affected by the biochemicals in the bloodstream, with different emotions boosting facets of casting such as capacity, drawing speed, casting speed, efficiency, or containment. Magnetic: 1 - Novice Arcane: 3 -Apprentice Binding: 5 - Journeyman - Corporeal & Medical, Chemical: 5 - Journeyman - Disruptive & Alchemical, Kinetic: 1 - Novice Atomic: 0 - Neophyte Blood: 2 - Tyro Temporal: 0 - Neophyte Dark: 0 - Neophyte Command: 0 - Neophyte Primordial: 0 - Neophyte [h2][u][colour=#b08cc9]B A C K G R O U N D[/colour][/u][/h2] Esmii is the third born to her clan. They have been dealing with healing and poisons for centuries. Her clan is well respected by the other Yasoi. Her clan values are fairly simple, to help people. However they have mostly spent time in Mycromi, only her parents rarely setting foot outside their region. Most of their business comes from other Yasoi or from travellers passing through. Her family's trade was providing healing with magic, or selling potion, antidotes and even poisons. Esmii showed a lot of interest in helping her family gather herbs to help with making antidotes, but she was anxious to greet some of the non-Yasoi customers, so she kept her distance. So, some customers would often give her a little gift for showing maturity for helping her family to prove that they are not dangerous to her. She would get little trinkets from them, even books on how to speak various languages, she was even given a magic book on how to use Novice Arcane. When she was able to use her magic she wanted to help even more, applying her Binding magic to help heal small cuts on animals, when she progressed she tried healing on people, which she used a lot in her two younger siblings since they always had bumps and scrapes. Throughout the years of learning with her clan's business she was able to use Chemical magic to enhance people's abilities. Sadly she doesn't have the heart to hurt people, but she'll defend herself if needed. Sometimes if it is needed, she would venture out into the southern swampy part of Mycromi to get her herbs and check for people who are hurt. While her parents go out on ventures, they can be days away, so Esmii would look after her parents clinic, while looking after her siblings, but they would often work in unison, she would help heal the people who needed while her siblings helped with other things to relieve the burden from Esmii. But luckily she had a friend called Casii who helped lift her spirits when she was feeling down. In fact it was Casii who suggested that Esmii should join, for the experience for adventure and the idea to up her confidence. Eventually her parents told her the truth on why they travel and deal with other races even though it's frowned upon by many Yasoi. The reason is so that they can help cure their people from the Aberration addiction. They didn't tell her the truth because they knew she'd immediately want to help, from what they said that there was a solution that was found, but they haven't been able to even find it. So Esmii volunteered herself to go help find this solution, they flatly refuse saying the outside world is too dangerous for her. [h2][u][colour=#b08cc9]M O T I V A T I O N[/colour][/u][/h2] Her main reason for wanting to leave her and join Ersand'Enise, is mostly to see the world. As much as she loves her siblings and parents, but from hearing the stories that Casii wrote to her about her adventures, she's filled with wide eyed ambition she wants to set out to make her own mark on the world, to make her family proud. But with what her family is doing, trying to help their people, this is more of a priority to help find a cure for the Aberration Addiction that has plagued Yasoi for so long. Since they won't let her go because it's too dangerous for her, she leaves without saying a word to them, she's doing this for her family and her people. [h2][u][colour=#b08cc9]I N V E N T O R Y[/colour][/u][/h2] 100 magi, A makeshift first aid kit her family put together for her to use. It's filled with bandages to help people or herself. A mortar an pestle. A violin. [h2][u][colour=#b08cc9]S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S[/colour][/u][/h2] ❖ Botany ❖ Poison resistance ❖ Healing/Enhancement skills ❖ Alchemy [h2][u][colour=#b08cc9]W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S[/colour][/u][/h2] ❖ Low Confidence ❖ Cute animals ❖ Large Crowds ❖ Not really a fighter. Colour: [colour=#b08cc9]Purple[/colour][/hider] [hider Lunara Agha][center][h2][colour=#05DDFB]Lunara Agha[/colour][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/U54pxJF.jpg[/img][/center] [b][center] [/center][/b] [center][h3][b] 17 | Female | Palaparese | Noble | RAS 7.93 (124 manas) without gear, 8.22 (158 manas) with gear (16 manas from, Kidlat Bituin - Lightning Star and 20 manas from, Song of the North star) Rerolls: Ark reroll and cycle reroll. [/b] [/h3][/center] [h3][colour=#05DDFB]PERSONALITY[/colour][/h3] [indent] ❖ [Naive] ❖ [Respectful] ❖ [Considerate] ❖ [Squeamish] ❖ [Bookworm] [/indent] Lunara is a well mannered young Lady, however when she was a small child, she did have tantrums, when she didn't get her way, but as she aged, she stopped throwing tantrums. Her father taught her from a young age, how a noble should act, she knows how to show respect. Her main responsibilities are to learn how to properly use her magic, to act politely in society for example at parties or gatherings, to learn how her father’s business works and to care for her Goma cat Miray. She has a sister, who she spends time with but they don’t live the same way and they were brought up thinking they are half sisters, (however they are actually twins). Her other friends are her fathers business friends' children, and they are all girls. However as she grew and spent more time with these girls she only grew close to one of them as her other friends started to be really two faced, and tried to use her because of her standing, which Lunara didn’t like, however she wasn’t sure why they started to be like this all of a sudden. A weakness of hers is that she’s a bit naive as her father restricted her from leaving the grounds of her home, without supervision, so she doesn’t know much about the outside world, apart from what she had read in books. Another weakness is that she is squeamish as she dislikes certain insects, and also because of this she is a picky eater, and she refuses to eat certain foods from her culture. [h3][colour=#05DDFB]CHARACTER APPEARANCE[/colour][/h3] HT: 5’6”. WT: 143 Lbs, 10.21 Stone. Skin color: Pale. Eye color: Hazel. Hair: Lond, brown and wavy. Clothing: She has brought a few formal dresses (Like the one seen in the first picture) to wear on certain occasions, and she has also brought some everyday outfits (Like the one seen in the second picture) to wear when she is out and about. These are clothing that are native to where she lives, however she can't wait to explore the clothing that is available at school. [hider][img]https://i.imgur.com/rhPUaZV.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider][img]https://i.imgur.com/v0khmHN.jpg[/img][/hider] [h3][colour=#05DDFB]LANGUAGES[/colour][/h3] Virangish: Native - Mastery - Verbal and Written, Palaparense: Native - Mastery - Verbal and Written, Inipori: Native - Mastery - Verbal and Written, Eskandish: Learned - Advanced - Verbal and Written, Avincian: Learned - Advanced - Verbal and Written, Perrench: Learned - Advanced - Verbal and Written, [h3][colour=#05DDFB]THE GIFT[/colour][/h3] Primary Mana Type - Black Blood Secondary Mana Type - Thunder Child, Magnetic: 5 - Journeyman - Electrostatic & Transmissive, Arcane: 0 - Neophyte Binding: 3 - Apprentice Chemical: 4 - Adept Kinetic: 5 - Journeyman - Telekinetic & Sonic Atomic: 0 - Neophyte Blood: 0 - Neophyte Temporal: 0 - Neophyte Dark: 0 - Neophyte Command: 0 - Neophyte Primordial: 0 - Neophyte [h3][colour=#05DDFB]BACKGROUND[/colour][/h3] Lunara was born alongside her sister, twins that were birthed from their fathers second wife. While they were growing, Ruslan (Father) and Dalma (First wife) watched and studied the twins closely, and they made notes on their physical features as the girls aged. Lunara took after their father, while her sister took after their mother (the second wife). Lunara was given to Dalma, and her sister went to live with their biological mother. As both girls grew, they were told that they are half sisters, and the truth that they are actually twins has been hidden from them. Ruslan silenced Onaona (their biological mother), with a threat of divorce for collaborating. Throughout this time Lunara was doted on, by Ruslan and Dalma. While Onaona attended to Lunara, she often brought along her sister Ceren. Her ‘half-sister’ became a play-mate for Lunara for most of these years. While they played games, her sister would quite often let Lunara win, and whenever Lunara wanted something her sister couldn’t protest. Whenever Lunara had a tantrum or cried, the blame was always put on her sister, even if it wasn’t her sister's fault. The first time her sister was punished in front of her, Lunara’s sister was slapped by their father and this made Lunara squeak in fear and stepped back, ever since their father was cautious and didn't want Lunara to know or see how her sister was punished. One day when the sisters were playing together, Lunara forced Ceren to pretend to be a Goma Cat and she was the Thunder Tamarin. While they were playing, Lunara ran into the jungle and her sister followed, scared of what might happen, as they were trespassing on the Tamarin’s territory, and because of this one of them bit and shocked Lunara. Her sister helped to scare off the monkey, and she rushed her back to the house. Lunara doesn’t know what happened to her sister as they were separated. As soon as they got back to the house, Lunara’s hand was treated. Two years after the incident her father gifted Lunara with a Goma Cat at the age of ten on her birthday. The cat was from the litter they had to sell, her father told her that the Goma Cat would keep her safe from the monkeys so she doesn’t get scared. Because of her fathers own magical talents, he constantly observed Lunara, however she hadn’t shown any potential for magic early on in childhood, like her father, which had caused him some concern. But when Lunara’s magical abilities finally awoke, later on in her childhood, they awoke while she was having an argument with a maid, she swung her arm forward and caused a vase of flowers to fly into the wall. After this happened she screamed and her father, seeing all of this ran to her to explain that it was her magical talents and not to worry. After this accident happened she started to learn how to use and control her abilities and her father got her the best tutor, as he wanted her to catch up as fast as possible. [h3][colour=#05DDFB]MOTIVATION[/colour][/h3] Lunara loves spending time with her Goma Cat (Miray), her parents and her sister. She wants to learn more about magic and build up her own magic. She also likes to strum on her Tar and likes to dance the native dances she grew up with, while playing her tambourine. She would like to find new and fun things to do, some of which she read about in books, things that are outside of what she is used to. She also wants to make new friends as her father said who he wanted her to be friendly with, to help him with business, also some of her old friends are showing their true colours, which she doesn’t want to be around. She would also like to possibly find a partner of her choosing, as she wants to find someone she likes and not someone her father chooses as he has been doing this all her life. She also wants to help her father expand his business, and possibly start off a small business of her own, but she fears that she won't be able to. [h3][colour=#05DDFB]INVENTORY[/colour][/h3] Chakrams (Two, picture below), 250 magus, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, head wear, bags, different types of clothes and shoes for certain situations, a few stuffed animals, parasol, combs and brushes, Tambourine and Tar. Her female Goma cat, and things the cat needs, also some books that she loves to read. [hider][img]https://i.imgur.com/obNXx7y.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider][img]https://i.imgur.com/rnqLtp6.jpg[/img][/hider] Name: Miray Sex: Female Species: Goma Cat Age: 7 years Miray is a playful and happy Goma cat, who loves chasing monkeys, hunting for food, and playing. However she also loves to follow Lunara around, getting pets and snuggles as well. Like most cats she is quick, nimble and light on her feet. She is a little spoiled and she is protective over Lunara. Miray is very friendly when she gets to know people. The goma cats are a saber-toothed species, semi-arboreal in nature, and also the largest fully terrestrial predator native to Palapar. Roughly the size of a large dog, they average between sixty and one hundred pounds. The name ‘Goma Cat’ comes from the North Palaparese word for rubber, as the pads of their paws are known to grow both fast and thick, with semi-dead layers rubberlike and acting as grounding to resist both the tamarins’ electric discharges and the frequent lightning strikes during stormy season. Their fur is double-layered and bristly, with vivid camouflage patterns, and their daggerlike canine teeth unusually metallic in content, allowing them to both acquire and discharge electricity through them and through specialised organs, amplified by their manas. Unsurprisingly, the goma cat is both the national animal of Palapar and a status symbol, with the original royalty and the plantation elites breeding them for particularly vivid colour patterns as well as for their rubbery paws. These are regularly sheared, saving the cats from having to do this themselves, and the skin used in the manufacture of shoes, clothing, and tools. They are also employed to keep the monkeys in line and to prey upon rival wild troupes should they encroach on a friendly troupe’s territory. [h3][colour=#05DDFB]STRENGTH AND SKILLS[/colour][/h3] [indent] ❖ Creative, ❖ Musical, ❖ Responsible, ❖ Upbeat, ❖ Graceful, [/indent] [h3][colour=#05DDFB]WEAKNESSES AND FLAWS[/colour][/h3] [indent] ❖ Picky Eater, ❖ Spoilt, (Less spoilt since leaving home) ❖ Overly Cautious, ❖ Scared of monkeys,(bitten by one as a child) [/indent] [h3][colour=#05DDFB]MISCELLANEOUS[/colour][/h3] [colour=#05DDFB]Aqua[/colour][/hider]