I say "sets" in place of franchise, because the MCU for instance is BIG. I mean go for it if you fancy, but if you'd rather rank the sequels, trilogies, quadrilogies [i]within[/i] the MCU instead, that works. To be clear, [b]this board is for all kinds of movie sets : )[/b] so rank the Fast and the Furiouses, the Harry Potters, the Terminators, the Traveling Pants', The Land Before Times. Whatever set(s) ya' like! [b][i]These rankings are not to say "this movie is a better movie than this one", just how they personally resonated with you.[/i][/b] You can talk a little about your ranking, or you can just point blank rank with no explanation. Feel free also to Quote/Mention somebody's ranking if it's the same set as yours, for the interest of comparing lists! (even if you never speak on such. Ha). So for me, I'm going to start with some [b]MARVEL[/b], and for [b]MCU[/b] I'm actually going to rate which sub-sets (of trilogies or quads, aside from 'The Avengers') I like as compared to [i]each other[/i], rather than the individual movies within them: [list] [*]Iron Man Trilogy (Each time I've watched it, by the end, I feel like I watched a cool, satisfyingly complete story). [*]Captain America Trilogy (I have the most even liking of these movies. Each is as good as the other). [*]Spider-Man Trilogy (MCU Spider-Man is my favourite, could almost be 2nd on this list, but, reasons). [*]Thor Quadrilogy (The world building and score of the first really pulled me in. I don't mind the second like most seem to, but the 3rd and especially 4th have gone in a direction that just isn't my mug of grog). [/list] [b]X-MEN[/b] [i](I do not support abuse of any kind. I'm just responding to the art)[/i]: [list] [*]X2: X-Men United (I feel less like I'm watching a movie, and more like I'm getting a window into a world). [*]X-Men (The intro to that window). [*]X-Men: Days of Future Past (Might swap with Apocalypse after a rewatch, but I like what it does -or rather, [i]un[/i]does ; ) ) [*]X-Men: Apocalypse (Got a new appreciation for this one after watching the commentary/Making Of). [*]Wolverine (On rewatch, this is kind of "classic" cinema right here. A rather easy watch). [*][s]X-Men: The Last Stand (Tricky to place after learning stuff. But I think in this slot as it's still a continuation of the world set up in 1 and 2).[/s] [*]X-Men: First Class (Reverse of the first: feels less like a window into a world and more like a movie for me, so just less immersive for me personally). [*][s]Dark Phoenix (The first time I watched, my attention divided by the end, and the second time -with the interesting commentary no less- I was feeling its length. So something just doesn't hold me with this one. I mean to the commentary's mentions of their wanting this one to be the most grounded all I could think was 'this one feels the [i]least[/i] realistic to me' + the alternate/deleted ending was SO much better! Especially as this movie marks the end of the FOX-Men era/shift to MCU).[/s] [*][s]Wolverine (I just enjoyed this ride the most of the Wolverine ones).[/s] [*]Dark Phoenix [*]X-Men: The Last Stand (On rewatch, this movie is bad xD Still placing it above [i]Logan[/i] though, as at least [i]everyone[/i] we've come to know aren't dead xD ) [*]Logan (Hold the hate: I respect the intense departure in tone. Superhero movies don't get the same respect as regular movies, but this one could go alongside regular undetected, to put it that way. It did its job as a Wolverine farewell, and man, Dafne Keen as X-23. But, I'm not into dystopias or westerns, and it's both, and the implication of what happened to the X-Men and what will or did happen to the mutants at large feels like "that's it. Everything you liked is gone. It's all just over." Just [i]too[/i] final in the regard, for me). [*]X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Unexpected appearance of Cyclops which if memory serves, was done cleverly enough that even if Wolverine hadn't gotten amnesia, the two still could've met for the first time in X-Men. But this movie is bizarreness, man). [*]New Mutants (For one, its existence slipped my mind. For two, it didn't grab me, such that I didn't mind when my viewing partner decided they wanted to stop watching. I read a summery afterward and have seen further scenes and remain content with that; just not my tone).[/list]