[hider=Space Mermaid MD]
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Full Name: Doctor Makazi Chima Achieng

Core Details
[b]Name:[/b] The Doc, Doctor Chima
[b]Age:[/b] 35 (in human years)
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Species:[/b] Watumaji

[u]Who are you?[/u]

[b]Height:[/b] 5’10 from head to tailfin
[b]Body Type:[/b] Thick and Curvy, with a layer of fat.
[b]Complexion:[/b] Smooth, soft skin with a luminous sheen with a rich umber tone occupies most of her body. Around the middle of her torso, her skin brightens to a brilliant orange sharklike fin with golden touches around the end of her tailfin. 
[b]Eye Color:[/b] Orange-red with a large pupil.
[b]Hair Color:[/b] Watumaji do not have visible hair.
[b]Markings:[/b] None visible when she is dressed. When undressed, there is an old scar on her back beneath the left shoulder blade, from a sword or large knife.

Assistive device: Treadtank: Looks like this, but the chair is in a tank of water that is constantly filtered.[img]https://i.imgur.com/0OoBjVF.png[/img]

[hider=Species Notes] Watumaji are a people rarely spotted and largely unknown to the majority of the galaxy. According to eyewitness reports, the few who did declare themselves as part of this race all looked different, but had common traits among them. Their skin was smooth and hairless with a wet sheen. Their eyes were vibrant and intense, and their teeth were utterly sharp Their hands were webbed, and they lacked legs.  Instead, each had a long tailfin akin to a Terran shark. They had various forms of locomotion, from rudimentary wheelchairs, to highly advanced hoverpacks. All of them providing some source of water.

Beyond that, the rest is hearsay. The fact that this ship full of nobodies has one living and working is a stroke of luck. [/hider]

[u]What do you bring to the table?[/u]

Dr. Chima is reserved, soft spoken, and very intelligent. As a medical doctor, she knows very much about the physical workings of all kinds of species. She'll stitch a wound or set a bone. Anything up to organ replacement is possible. Better still, she'll ask very few pesky questions. Questions like "is that a bullet wound?" or "why are these people shooting at us?". As long as she has the tools to try, she will. She'll even take things besides credits for payment, oddly enough.

She also calls herself a 'Healer of the Spirit'. Which translated to the equivalent of a psychologist, of all things. Not that this crew needs any sort of therapy, or mental health check ups, no!

[u]What's your problem?[/u]

When asked why she's on the ship instead of working in a hospital somewhere, Dr. Chima quietly replied that she was turned down from everywhere she applied to for a single reason. 

She cannot use magic, or harness Aura [i]at all[/i] - and because of this no one can use it on her. Magic doesn't take, Aura doesn't activate. She, along with all of her people, are completely immune. However, when asked why she's on a ship full of criminals, instead of doing something else, or perhaps, back home, she mentions a debt. And it will be another five minutes of chatting before it's clear that she's effortlessly changed the topic and made you talk about yourself.

[u]Life in the crew[/u]

Dr Chima's place in the crew, besides keeping them alive after a patch of bad luck, is a social one. Despite being an oddity - for a space where everyone is a little different - she's personable and friendly. Oftentimes, she's the one called on before things go sideways and weapons start being drawn. Even when presented with rudeness, she has a serene foundation. 

However, do not mistake her kindness for weakness. Threats will quickly find out that one probably shouldn't piss off an unknown species, especially a medical doctor that knows where many species keep their most sensitive and vital organs.

She has yet to divulge how she got on the ship in the first place, besides the fact that Kian Feng 'owes her his life'. When pressed too hard for details, she replied that anyone who wanted them would have to pick them from between her teeth.

Finally got the damn words up. Seeking BBcoders for [s]the end of the world[/s]...