[@AzureKnight] Pretty much a shoe-in actually. You can put her in the character section.

[@Enkryption] More or less good, although perhaps a couple things.

To better define your sorcery, make a new name to put Ionizing Purity and Shock and Awe under one umbrella for the sake of the Independent. From what I can tell, her sorcery is based on the body, and gives her more control over what it can do and manage.

And I also recommend doing a bit of formatting, it had taken me a little extra time to sift through it. I am allowing the two weapons mainly because it is important for your fighting style, so do bear that in mind. It would be appreciated if the weapons didn't seem to blend together on your sheet.

Other than that, you're good.

Once again I'll be giving out personal independents a little later for everyone so stay tuned for those.