
"Oh dear, the holy bird seems to like you..." Elastasia stated, watching the bird's choice of perch curiously. Was this information actually significant to any of the world's normal inhabitants? It [i]could[/i] be mere happenstance that Mella was more appealing than any of the others around here--being marginally holier than a bunch of merchants and nobles might not be considered much of an achievement--but at the same time, it was a [i]very[/i] definite preference...

Or maybe that was merely confirmation bias speaking. She [i]knew[/i] why it was so attracted, therefore, to her, it was obvious. If she started acting on all the game knowledge to any real end, though, she'd get a reputation for uncanny prescience that would give out in such a short span of time, that would be quite annoying. And she [i]really[/i] needed to start with something big before attention came to her, like making sure Reginald didn't go off and cause problems.

Maybe if he was encouraged to collect rare animals, they wouldn't need to depend on the Heroine's whims? That derpy-looking creature would be a good start.

And maybe one of the shopkeepers would get that dog off her brother. He wouldn't have anywhere to keep such a pet, no matter how friendly it was.