[hider=Plot] Four kingdoms of cats, as clans died down, and had evolved to something of a more kingdom, where ranks multiplied and the religion Starclan including the Dark forest has changed to nothing but folk tales, when the creators of the kingdoms, made a new religion, where there is a main cat, named Rancor, oh yes, the naming as changed a lot during the years among them, which seemed to make the older generation angry, but being old and bound to their dens, they have no way of talking, but what if an elder had came to contact with a Starclan cat, warning of an awful war between two nations, and the other two suddenly dying out? Will the leaders listen or ignore? And will the terror of the sudden truthfulness make them beg for mercy before the ancient cats? [/hider] [hider=Rules including the roleplay] Rules yippe: 1.If you get a leader of a nation, you cannot get another major rank, you may get lesser ones like knight, hunters, gatherer, or whatever is allowed, It will be known 2.Please, just please, do not cry and whine, whenever someone gets a role you wanted, this is also not first come serve, but a more of who I think fits and whatnot 3.No constant bickering occ, I do not care, if I see it, Idk, I would tell you guys to calm down, or leave 4.Uhm uhm uhm oh yeah, cat-nip is a herb and shouldn't be used as drugs, as the cats don't really understand that 5.Keep cat realistic, and yes some cats can have pink eyes, though that is only if they are albino, which will be limited 6. Do not force the plot to move quickly<3 I would just ignore you 7.No mary/gary sue cats, they have flaws, and aren't perfect like that 8. LGBTQ+ is allowed, though no insta romance, or forcing another person to be in a relationship 9.Honestly I do not know what else to put, but follow these rules, it might be updated [/hider] [hider=Ranks] Royals- This is basically the leader role, being the one to call meetings, conduct ceremonies, and choosing the next royal for the nation on their last breath, that is given from the Rancor (this will be chosen from a wheel). Royals have ten lives each Any age, though not usually a younger age, but near the 30's, they continue even at elder age Rightpaws- this role is the cat that follows the royal, and helps the higher cat with the decisions given to them, they will also step in whenever the royal is sick or away in sudden meetings, or even going through a ''trail to Rancor's heart'' or for the starter royal that does the ceremony or walk for the ten lives 32-elder age Healers- Another high rank for the nation is the healer, that learns and helps the Nation with their herb knowledge, and whenever they go out a guard and a knight must accompany the Healer, for any business they may have, like meeting with out Healers or to take their trainee to a tree that allows a test that is given to the young cat to be a healer. usually 20-elder age Healer's trainee- A young cat that is tested by the herb knowledge and taught before their judgement, to where they will be tested to see, though most fail. 6-13 or more Scouters- These cats often go out daily to check out the territory the nation is at, they mostly bring back visitors also, or be able to kill trespassers if needed. 13-elder age Knights:Cats that are in the back whenever a war happens, they are known as the fighters for the Nations, they are often respected if they have many scars. 13-elder age Sneakfurs- These cats are known for their ability to do sneak attacks with other cats, they are often used as spies also, though usually the oldest of the Sneakfurs are used as spies. 13-elder age Guards- Cats that of course guard trainees, hunters, gatherers, knights, or scouters, and the healer, as they are mostly like bodyguards for cats, 20 surround the royals, as the royal is highly important. 13-elder age Hunters-Cats that hunt for the nation, they are mostly out to hunt as the nations are big 13-elder age Gatherers- they gather things for the nation, to either repair it or to repair dens, or damages made to the kingdom 13-elder age Trainees: Cats that are young and training for the ranks: 6-13 Moons Nursing cats-Cats that nurse the kits, if a queen wants to go back to their jobs, and help out the nation they are in kits-Younger cats that are not ready to train: 0-6 moons (must have a ceremony when 6 moons) Oldies- Cats that are retired and could not help out the nation no more 80+ moons or heavily injured [/hider] [hider=Nations] [b]LOTUS NATION:[/b] The Lotus nation is considered as the more peaceful with welcoming cats, and are mostly neutral in disagreements. The place they live is a nice meadow place, with a pond littered with Lotuses. Their nation is located on a high hill with high walls made by trees, inside the nation is a wide place, with many dens for each ranks, however there is also a big jutted rock where the royal calls for meetings or to do ceremonies [b]DUSK NATION[/b] This nation is more cold and not really seen, unless the meetings happen, they are considered as a sneaky threat to the other three nations. Their place is shrouded by trees that loom everywhere, they have their camp in the middle, and underground to keep from prying eyes, they have no dens, and the royal has a slab of a rock to call the meetings or ceremonies [b]COMET NATION[/b] The comet nation is considered as the violent one with ruthless teachings and ways of life. Mostly known to pick fights with other Nations that dare to confront them. Their territory is based on mountains with a few patches of grass and a pond. Their camp is located in a cave and they are able to make dens underground thanks to the soft ground. [b]DESERT NATION[/b] Desert nation is the hot-headed but more reasonable, their territory is in a more dry land, with not much trees, they are hidden from the bushes and tumbleweeds. Their den ares old fox dens that are littered everywhere [/hider] [hider=Prey/Predator] Lotuses prey- Frogs, rabbits, chipmunks, fish, and birds Predator- Foxes, hawks, eagles, dogs Dusk prey-Birds, squirrels, mice, voles, and newts predator-Owls, hawks, dogs, bears, and badgers Comet prey- Smaller hawks and eagles, hare, fish, and mice predator- Hawks and eagles Desert-hare, Meerkat, Kangaroo rats, and smaller vultures predator-Rattlesnakes, big lizards, wild cats [/hider] [hider=Ceremonies] [b]Trail to Rancor's heart[/b] Where cats and their crush take a trail to the middle of the nations and go underground to where they touch a cold rock and then ask the other to be mates, and now they are mates [b]Walk for ten lives[/b] The new royal will have to walk around all nations for ten days and pass out during those ten days to get the lives [b]All knowledge[/b] Where healer trainees are taken to test their skills out on a never-dying animals, and are often failed, but those who knows are able to see one soul of the animals pass, and given a new one. [b]Trainee ceremony[/b] Where the leader calls a meeting this way, ''All cats of Rancor love and the loyal of (nation's name) come to the middle and lend this kit the world of training, Now (kit name- like heart (a suffix to their parents name)) you will now be known as ''(A new name, ex-Willowheart they will carry the suffix of their mother), and your trainer will be (example- Eaglefur of Skies (something that brings their rank to it, or how they are, like swift)) [b]Rank upgrade ceremony (usually for trainees and not healer trainees)[/b] ''All cats of Rancor love and the loyal of (nation name) come to the middle and lend your roar for the new (rank they are) they will now be known as (Name of something- example- Willowheart of wind) [/hider] [hider=Character Format] Name- Gender- Age- Romantic orientation- Sexual orientation- pronouns- Rank- Looks- Personality- Crush- Mate- Kits- Kin- Bio (optional)- [/hider]