[hider=Story] Story: *This is a land of mystery and danger, where Blood is Key. Here in the land of the Eviavyn Isle, the color of one's blood means everything to them. The color of one's blood determines their strengths, abilities, power and above all, their status/rank in the heirachy of the world. Most offspring will inherit the blood color of one of their parents, with a rare case of inheriting a mix of the two colors if their parents are of two different blood colors. Everyone is born with blood that is colorless/clear until they turn 17. Once they turn age 17, their blood starts to slowly develop its color, finalizing upon their 18th birthday. The strength of one's blood affects their shifting ability. Where as Royal Blood shifters can shift into a powerful creature, those with lower rank blood can only shift into sub species of different creatures. A Royal can be a dragon, where a high rank can only shift into a lesser relative of the dragon. Royal Blood is the hardest bloodline to maintain in its purity. There is only one blood color that outranks the Royals, and its an extremely rare occurence for one to possess such sacred blood. Sacred Blood is when one turns 18, but their blood color never changed from its youthful colorless state. While all other blood ranks can shift into only one creature form, Sacred Colorless blood rank has the unique ability to shift into two creature forms. Sacred Colorless Blood is so rare, its considered a Myth. Royals families tend to be the leaders of big clans, with most other clans being led by a High Rank family. Every Year, there is annual gathering, where all clans can meet and mingle with others, and where leaders can discuss issues and possible treaties or alliances with other clans* [/hider] [hider=Rules/other info] -Rules- *Post character information in Form I provided (No find outs, Asks, or Meet him/her)* *No mature things with an adult or kid, its weird* *No over powered things* *Have flaws in your characters* -Other Information- *Do Not expect an instant romance* *Cursing and Fighting Within the RP is allowed* *You must be willing to play the Medics for Your Character(s)* *Character actions must make Sense!* [/hider] [hider=Roles] Roles: Mythical/Sacred: Age 18+ -Colorless/Clear (two animal forms) All Other Ranks: One animal form Royal: Royal (Dragon, Phoenix, etc) -Black -Gold -White High Rank: Alpha (Wyvern, Unicorn, Pegasus, Snake Basilisk, etc) -Purple -Silver Mid Rank and Lower: Normal Animals. The bigger the animal size, the stronger the blood. Mid Rank: Beta -Pink -Grey -Orange -Green Low Rank: Delta -Red -Blue -Yellow Lowest Rank: Omega -Brown -Brass -Copper Rankless: Age 17 and under -Colorless/Clear (Formless) [/hider] [hider=Character info] Picture or Description Name: First and Last Gender Age: Romantic orientation: Sexual orientation: Crush: Lover: Kids: Blood Color: Rank/Status: Bio: Tell me some about how they grew up, where did they grow up, how they were raised, what they learned while growing, where they are now in life. Other: Things they like, don't like, things they may be good at...something about them that makes them a bit interesting and/or different from others. [/hider]