Suddenly his grip loosened on the beast below him, the soundwaves and bloodloss combined were far too much for his body to take. Sukoh's eyes rolled backwards and every single pound of his body went limp and fell on the tanar'ri. The bear's hind legs had been holding up a good bit of his weight since the beginning of the fight, and now they had bent to his foe. Though he had dealt significant damage to his opponent his body was not built to fight this kind of enemy, such raw evil was too great for even this pure of a spirit. His innards scrambled and more than half of his blood spilled to the ground he fell in battle to the snarnorgul. Before his last breath was cast his jaw slid open and he muttered out a weak cry for someone to stop the monster, anyone. Though not many would hear it, it didn't really matter. Sukoh's lost blood and spinning head made this moment pretty much emptiness and silence, he couldn't even see as his head flopped limply downwards. Letting a good portion of whatever was thrown into his mouth fall out. A flood of blood and scrambled innards were sent careening from his mouth and onto the battlefield where elves and centaurs continued fighting. The awe-inspiring battle of colossi was quite finished at this point, with no fight left in him, and a lot of his own body not left in him. Sukoh dies.