Okay, just one second. Need you to come up a little--yeah, like that. Closer. C'mon, [i]clo[/i]ser, you're not gonna get bitten. Unless you're into that? No judgement, biting is great, shows you care, if you want we can find a nice nook somewhere and play around. But f'real, c'mere. Need to tell you a secret, and nobody else can know we're not just biting each other.

Good, just like that.

Comfy? Ready? 


Deep breaths?


Grav rails are the coolest fuckin' thing ever.

Shhh, shhh! See, that's why we can't let anybody else hear this, they'll get jealous! Even with all the time in the world--even with everyone else [i]encouraging[/i] her to take all the time in the world--there are so many things demanding attention, needing to be tried, and the rest of them will [i]know[/i] if you have a favorite!

But can you blame her?

It's like, on the one hand,  they're simple. Mundane, even!  Ubiquitous, on every hip! People, gliding along, buoyed up--though that's maybe the wrong term? Can you be said to be buoyed up if what you're actually doing is just leisurely falling sideways?--buoyed [i]sideways[/i] by something so normal people almost don't stop to notice it!

But it's so much more than that! So much more than just up and down, side and back, vector and speed!

It's soaring! It's ballet, twirling in the sky, servitors soaring out around her like a planet's rings! It's dropping upside down into the sky, hovering, plunging diagonally until suddenly there's a planet planted at the tip of her tail like a fulcrum, and spinning away crazily in a new direction!

She's not crazy, right? Pretty sure she's not? It's like, you have all these stories of legendary heroes facing each other and trading gravitational blows so powerful it disrupts the planet itself, and people act as if it's normal to just hover sedately along? When there's all this that you could be doing instead???

And that's just on her own part, without Projecting back! Just dancing, being difficult to target, never standing still for an instant unless it would throw off their targeting! Evading the target lock and conjuring a bubbling string of giggles! 

Add in Projection to that, and the giggles burble into full-on laughter. Not making fun of the guardian, please understand! It's the laughter that happens when you're just having too much fun for the sounds not to spill out somehow, y'know? A tap here, a nudge there, not enough to harm, but enough to disrupt, make it so the gravity manifests just that little bit off-center?

Holy shit, this Guardian is amazing, did you know that? She's young and inexperienced, just like her, but she's throwing everything she has at her! She's definitely got the harder job here, but--just [i]wow![/i] She's playing upside down and with inverted controls and she's skipped leg day, but Dyssia's [i]still[/i] feeling the glancing pockets of gravity, just a shade too slow to touch her, like if she slowed down just a second more she'd be on her in an instant!

Oh, she's coming back this way afterwards. She has to, see? Dyssia can't stop now, because enlightenment has a deadline, which is a weird thing for a concept to have? But she can't stop now, which means she needs to stop later, which means that after she talks to the sage and after she achieves her destiny and after she's sent the servitors home, [i]then[/i] she is going to come back, and give this Guardian the attention she deserves, and it is going to be [i]great.[/i]

She's still laughing with the thrill by the time the Guardian turns her attention from the sky and back to the bridge, and still giggling from the adrenaline by the time they drop towards the ground. She's worse for the wear: minus some gemstones, veil is… somewhere--which is technically true of virtually anything, in that barring some quantum mechanics everything has at least a position--and the servitors are giggling almost as much as she is, most undignififed, although she can't blame them… Bit of reassembly necessary. Clean off the dust kicked up, find a backup veil, act like this is the plan…

And make herself known. She can't remember whether she's supposed to announce herself, or have herself announced by someone else? Just walk in as if she owns the place?

Probably better to send someone in, and let the sage know she's here, and wait for her invitation. Unless the message was the invitation?

Fuck it, better to wait for the second invitation. Just to make sure.