First. [hider=Katya Athelas - Swashbuckling Mage] [center][h3][img][/img][/h3][/center] [u]Name[/u]: Katya Athelas [u]Race[/u]: Kinjo [u]Age[/u]: 35 [u]Appearance[/u]: Standing at 5’ 5”, Katya is shorter than she would like to be and has a fairly lithe and petite frame that is typical of her race; thin arms with a slight hint of muscle, narrow shoulders and a thin waist. Her skin is tanned, a result of long days spent on the deck of a ship exposed to the sun and her hands are calloused from either pulling ropes, hauling cargo or wielding a sword. Katya’s hair is a dark brown, as are her ears and her tail, although the latter is tipped with white fur as are the tufts on the insides of her ears. Her eyes are sharp and golden in colour. A dour expression sits on a face with a pointed chin, an angular jaw and a round, button nose; some would describe Katya as cute or pretty, and she would hold that against them. [u]Personality[/u]: A life mostly spent sailing or fighting has shaped Katya into the person she is today; a person who is loud, brusque and rough mannered. She is brash and headstrong, confident enough in her own strength and abilities to rush heedlessly into dangerous situations. She is a thrill-seeker, an adrenaline junkie who is drawn to danger like a moth to a flame. There aren’t many things that can rouse her to anger and she is likely to brush off most insults or comments with a laugh, but she hates when people judge her by her appearance or by first impressions and especially hates being told that she is incapable of something; when something like that happens she is quick to anger and even quicker to fight. [u]History[/u]: Katya was born in Thryn, the daughter of two merchants, and her early life was safe, prosperous and… boring. It wasn’t that there was nothing to do, Thryn was a thriving city after all, inhabited by all kinds of people and with that came activity. It was just that… Katya like to read, her father ran a bookstore, among other ventures, so their house was always full of books and Katya would read them all; books about other places, books about history, books about important people doing important things. Books about adventures. She loved those stories the most, the stories where big things happens because people made them happen and it seemed to her, at a young age, that big things never happened in Thryn. It was a city that never changed, where nothing new ever happened or, if it did, it happened slowly. A city that had closed itself off from the rest of the world and which ignored the things that went on beyond its borders. Even the books that Katya liked to read mostly came from within Thryn itself and it was rare that a new book written by someone that didn’t live inside the same city Katya lived in would pass through her father’s store. Things were different towards the outskirts, where people actually traded with and spoke to outsiders, but Katya didn’t live in the outskirts. Whenever she would ask her parents about what was happening in the rest of the world, because her parents were smart and were supposed to know things she didn’t, they would give her vague and unsatisfying answered. Because they had never left Thryn, just like everyone else she knew; they didn’t even know anyone who had left Thryn, so any knowledge they did have came from far away. She wasn’t sure when it was she decided she would leave the city. Katya just knew that at some point, she had resolved to leave, to go somewhere, anywhere else and see the things that she had read about in her books first hand. Maybe she would get to see one of those big events, or meet one of those important people. Maybe she would [i]be[/i] one of those important people or [i]live[/i] through one of those important events. All she knew at the time was that nothing would happen to her if she stayed in Thryn, so she left; Katya saved up her money, figured out people actually went about leaving and who she needed to talk to and a few months after her twentieth birthday, she left. After a few months of hopping from town to town, city to city, she ended up in Agadia. The money she had saved up was almost gone, most of the things she’d brought from home had been sold or stolen and she wasn’t any closer to figuring out what she was actually going to do with the rest of her life but… she was in Agadia; a place famous (she’d recently learned) for being the home of monster slayers. Surely if Katya was going to find adventure anywhere, it would be there. Once she managed to stop staring at the sea like an idiot she was ready to begin her new life and an adven… barmaid. She got a job as a barmaid. Becoming an adventurer, it turned out, wasn’t something you could just decide to [i]do[/i]. There were ships in the harbour sure, crews who hunted sea monsters for a living, and some of them were even hiring; but none of them were looking to take on some starry-eyed slip of a girl who couldn’t sail, couldn’t fight or couldn’t even swim. Before she could do anything exciting she needed to learn how, needed to train and that cost money. So, barmaid. Earning money so she could afford a place to sleep and food to eat, saving up so she could buy a sword, then money for someone to teach her how to use it, practising her meagre magical talents into something useful then spending more money on a tutor when she hit a wall. It was difficult, arduous work with slow gains and the occasional setback. She was pretty sure none of the people she ever read about in books ever had to go through something like this; or maybe they did and the story didn’t start until after this boring part. Whatever the case, after a few years of serving drinks and mopping up spilt beer, or learning how to fight as much from the drunks in the tavern as from the sword tutor who over charged her, after arguing with her mage tutor to stop trying to teach her useless spells and focus on the stuff that set things on fire, she was finally able to convince a captain to hire her onto his crew. So now Katya is someone who slay monsters for a living, someone who can fight with a sword, cast spells and do all kinds of things that she never would have learned had she stayed in Thryn. She also has a lot of scars and painful memories and a few near death experiences she never would have got in Thryn either. But somehow she still doesn’t feel like an adventurer. Katya still feels like she’s somehow in the boring parts that happen before the first page of the book, even though she’d never describe her current life as boring. [u]Abilities[/u]: Katya is a mage, a rather specialised one with little interest in deepening her magical prowess, but a mage nonetheless; her Kinjo heritage and greater capacity for magic helps, or else she likely never would have bothered to learn spells at all. Her natural affinity is for fire, or perhaps more specifically explosions; the little magic she had learned is almost entirely offensive in nature, allowing her to spread flames and destruction, at least on a small scale. [u]Skills[/u]: As a somewhat experienced sailor, adventurer and slayer of sea monsters, Katya skills are mostly based in that area. She is a skilled swordswoman, more from the need to deal with pirates and brigands than monsters, a competent sailor and an excellent swimmer, as anyone who spends time on a ship should be, and a decent climber due to the need to scale the riggings and masts. Beyond that she is a luckless but determined gambler, can hold her drink exceptionally well for someone her size, is quite dangerous in a bareknuckle brawl and is rather skilled at evading the authorities, which is to say she can run quite fast. [/hider]