[h3]Secondary Character:[/h3][colour=6f4a50][center][h2][colour=C0C0C0]Maura Mercador[/colour][/h2][img]https://i.imgur.com/ehUVtAW.png[/img] “Life is a Magus, Spend it wisely.” [b][colour=C0C0C0]15[/colour] | [colour=C0C0C0]Female[/colour] | [colour=C0C0C0]Human[/colour] | [colour=C0C0C0]Segonian-Torragonese[/colour] | [colour=C0C0C0]Wealthy Merchant[/colour] | [colour=C0C0C0]RAS: 6.72 (55 manas)[/colour] | [colour=C0C0C0]Enabler[/colour][/b] | [url=https://youtu.be/u9eSnSBP1Po]♫[/url][/center][/colour] [hider=Maura (Basic)][colour=6f4a50][h3][u][colour=white]P E R S O N A L[/colour] [/u][/h3][indent]❖ [ [colour=white][b]Pronouns[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=C0C0C0]She / Her.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Honorifics:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=C0C0C0]Miss, Biro[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Nicknames:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=C0C0C0]“Trade Princess of the Ensolin Sea”, "Second-Rate Jocasta".[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Titles:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=C0C0C0]Governor of Longwan Island, & Gaskum’s Kelp-Forest, Director of Arslan-Mercador EEC Trade Company[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Relationship Status:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=C0C0C0]Dating: Abdel Varga[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Character Alignment[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=C0C0C0]Neutral Good[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Brief Introduction:[/b][/colour] ] [/indent][colour=C0C0C0][i]Cripple. Invalid. Tethered.[/i] These are generally the three words that are guaranteed to come up in any conversation about Maura Mercador. Despite what people may profess, they are only fixated on the outside appearance. These are the rules we live by in society. It is highly convenient to categorize based on appearance alone. In a world where binders can fix every bone and alchemists seem to have a tincture for every ailment, what is the role for someone who cannot be ‘fixed’ ? [i]Smart, Charming, Funny.[/i] Wouldn’t it be nice for these three things to be discussed instead. The warm smile she gives when you enter the room. The quip about the latest gossip which gives you stitches in your sides. The fact Maura is frequently at her desk, accounting for a trading company diligently at such a young age. [i]Beautiful, Fashionable, Sociable.[/i] Maura takes great pride in her appearance, sometimes appearing pristine as if she was a perfect sculptured doll. Adorned in jewellery, dresses, and eyebrows on fleek, it is rumoured she had an influence on Ayla’s wardrobe to make the girls erratic choices work. When it comes to friendships, how many merchants can say they have the genuine friendship and ear of a high noble house, or in this case, the Arslan family. This is a prosperous and mutually beneficial relationship that has helped both profit from the trading from Varrahasta. [i]Ambitious, Calculating, Underestimated.[/i] Beneath the warm exterior is a driven girl, one who has her goals and the means to carry them out. Often overlooked due to her being ‘disabled’, people fail to realize disability is a product of one's environment, not inherent to the individual. Because she may struggle to walk up stairs doesn’t mean her other abilities are similarly impaired, and when she isn’t encountering a flight of stairs, neither is she. Realizing one's place in your environment is a powerful weapon for adapting, and Maura is going to the top. [i]Resourceful, Self-Aware, Risk-taker.[/i] Maura aims to take over the family business and further its expansion. A goal to secure monopolies in certain trade goods could catapult the Mercador family to the heights of the West Severan trading company. Due to political tension, she has suggested diverting resources to building links with neutral nations such as Enth to weather the storm of war and take advantage of the power vacuums that would be left behind in its wake.[/colour] [h3][u][colour=white]C H A R A C T E R A P P E A R A N C E[/colour] [/u][/h3][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Cr3lUKH.png[/img][/center] [indent]❖ [ [colour=white][b]Eyes:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=C0C0C0]Turquoise.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Hair:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=C0C0C0]Auburn.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Skin Tone:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=C0C0C0]Fitzpatrick type III. Ayla has an appearance in keeping with south-eastern Torragòn, those who migrated across with the Tourrare during the Conquest of Zaqhora. The Tourrare are noted for their paler complexion and lighter hair hues than on the West Severa continent, formerly being from Parrence (now Perrence) of East Constantia.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Height:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=C0C0C0]5ft 1 / 155cm.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Weight:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=C0C0C0]112lb / 51kg.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Physique:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=C0C0C0]Slim.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Facial Features:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=C0C0C0]Diamond Shaped.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Physical Quirks:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=C0C0C0]Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Distinctive Features:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=C0C0C0]Overly flexible joints. Stretchy skin. Fragile skin. Enabled in her mobility with a wheelchair.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Apparel & Accessories:[/b][/colour] ] -[/indent] [colour=C0C0C0]Maura is dressed in a mixture of Torragonese, Revidian, and Perrench style clothing, in keeping with more modern fashion trends, in comparison to Ayla’s preference for more traditional clothing.[/colour] [h3][colour=white][b]O T H E R[/b][/colour][/h3] [colour=white][b]Languages:[/b][/colour][hider=Languages]❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Torragonese[/b][/colour] ] – Mother tongue. ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Avincian[/b][/colour] ] – Lingua franca, fluent & literate. ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Zaqhory Languages[/b][/colour] ] [indent]❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]General[/b][/colour] ] – Exposed. ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Zaqhory[/b][/colour] ] – Conversational. ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Virangish[/b][/colour] - Conversational.[/indent] ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Severan Languages[/b][/colour] ] [indent]❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Torragonese[/b][/colour] ] – Native. ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Belzaggic[/b][/colour] ] – Exposed. ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Joruban[/b][/colour] ] – Conversational.[/indent] ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Constantian Languages[/b][/colour] ] [indent]❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]General[/b][/colour] ] – Conversational. ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Perrench[/b][/colour] ] – Literate. ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Revidian[/b][/colour] ] – Literate. ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Enthish[/b][/colour] ] – Literate. (Trained)[/indent] ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Rettanese Languages[/b][/colour] ] [indent]❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Rettanese[/b][/colour] ] – Literate. (Trained) ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Nikanese[/b][/colour] ] – Exposed.[/indent] ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Callanasti Languages[/b][/colour] ] [indent]❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Xochi[/b][/colour] ] – Learning. (S1 - Literate) ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Nashibansek[/b][/colour] ] – Learning (S2 - Literate).[/indent] ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Non-Human Languages[/b][/colour] ] [indent]❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Hegelan[/b][/colour] ] – Exposed. (Trade)[/indent][/hider] [colour=white][b]Classes:[/b][/colour][hider=Classes][u]First Year - First Semester[/u] AR103: Instrumental and Vocal Musics, Songwriting, & Ensemble SK106: Business, Negitiation & Money Management SK105: Sewing, Cooking, Repair & Construction Essentials LN106: Introduction to Literature, Rhetoric & the Written Word in Rettanese. [u]First Year - Second Semester[/u] SK101: Etiquette, Decorum & Forms of Address in Polite Society. AC102: Fundaments of the Natural Sciences and their Uses in Magical Acts. AC103: Fundametals of Geography & Cartography in Magical Practice. LN110: Introduction to Literature, Rhetoric & the Written Word in Enthish. [u][b]Second Year[/b][/u] [u]First Semester[/u] MF204A-D: Chemical Magic MF202E-H: Arcane Magic MF208B: Blood Magic SK201A: The Art of Persuasion by All and Any Means AC202C-D: An Introduction to Biology AR203A: Instrumental Music and Ensemble AC203B: Cartographical Practice and Measurement LN206A: Literature, Rhetoric & the Written Word in Xochi SK205B: Blacksmithing, Metalworking, & Chainmaking SI02: Dangerous Philosophy [u]Second Year - Second Semester[/u] MF204I-L: Chemical Magic MF202M-P: Arcane Magic SK207A: Carpentry AC208C-D: An Introduction to Physics SK210A-C: A Merchant's Guide to Finance & Accounting AC209B: Demographics Across a Diversity of Populations AC212A-B: An Introduction to Chemistry LN211C-D: Literature, Rhetoric & the Written Word in Nashibansek SI10: Angic Philosophy SI06: Living with a Disability [/hider] [colour=white][b]Societies:[/b][/colour] [hider=Societies][/hider][/colour][/hider] [hider=Maura (The Gift)][h3][colour=white][b]T H E G I F T[/b][/colour][/h3] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WelgViK.png[/img][/center] [table=bordered][row][cell][colour=white]Base RAS[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Augmented RAS[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]HP[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Blood Types[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Items[/colour][/cell][/row] [row][cell]6.72 (55 manas)[/cell][cell]7.38 (87 manas)[/cell][cell]20[/cell][cell]Enabler[/cell][cell]Red Curtain Troupe (Special Mechanics), The Watermelon Cap[/cell][/row][/table][table=bordered][row][cell][colour=white]School[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Speciality[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Tier[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Base[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Offensive[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Defensive[/colour][/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FFD700]Magnetic[/colour][/cell][cell][i]Ferromagnetic[/i][/cell][cell]IV. Journeyman[/cell][cell]2d d8[/cell][cell]1d20[/cell][cell]1d20[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FF8C00]Arcane[/colour][/cell][cell][i]nil[/i][/cell][cell]0. Neophyte[/cell][cell]d2[/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FF0000]Binding[/colour][/cell][cell][i]Material: Creation[/i][/cell][cell]IV. Journeyman[/cell][cell]2d d8[/cell][cell]1d20[/cell][cell]1d20[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=BA55D3]Chemical[/colour][/cell][cell][i]nil[/i][/cell][cell]0. Neophyte[/cell][cell]d2[/cell][cell]1d20[/cell][cell]1d20[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=1E90FF]Kinetic[/colour][/cell][cell][i]Telekinetic[/i][/cell][cell]IV. Journeyman[/cell][cell]2d d8[/cell][cell]1d20[/cell][cell]1d20[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=800000]Blood[/colour][/cell][cell][i]Generation[/i][/cell][cell]II. Apprentice[/cell][cell]2d d4[/cell][cell]1d20[/cell][cell]1d20[/cell][/row][/table][table=bordered][row][cell][colour=white]Extra[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Description[/colour][/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=white]Fruit:[/colour][/cell][cell]Red Apple: five free advantage rolls per cycle. Cancels out other advantage rolls you may own. Fruit of Truthfulness: Maura will now receive advantage on all perception rolls. Enemies will roll with disadvantage against her for stealth or if trying to lie. Fruit of Obfuscation: All opponents will now roll disadvantage on perception rolls against Maura. She will roll with advantage when lying against NPCs.[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=white]Other:[/colour][/cell][cell]Red Curtain Trope: See Puppet Table.[/cell][/row][/table] [center][h3][url=https://youtu.be/q9_3k_9NCDw]♫[/url][/h3][/center]❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Enabler[/b][/colour] ] [colour=C0C0C0] Frequently found among the families of the Maestros do Conjunto (Masters of the Ensemble) in Segona, Enablers possess manas that allow them to integrate foreign manas into their own colonies. This unique ability enables them heightened compatibility for attunement and interfacing with enchanted objects, including the legendary Marionetes Vivas (Living Puppets). This makes them much more susceptible to command magic.[/colour][/hider] [hider=Maura (Personal Inventory)][colour=C0C0C0][u][b]Currency:[/b][/u][/colour] Ỽ86 Magi 38 Espanda, 65 Lauro (Ỽ200 shares in Trade Company) [colour=C0C0C0][u][b]Named Items:[/b][/u][/colour] [b]Papa Carlito Eleven's Original BBQ Sauce[/b] A sharp, herbal BBQ sauce with a lot of aroma. [colour=C0C0C0][b][i]Repaired[/i] Hang Drum[/b][/colour] A quality Hang Drum that has been dumped in the sewers recently after its mistaken use as a cooking pot. The metal is mostly fine but its gained some additional dents and bangs during its disposal and could use some repair. If restored, it does make a decent instrument and collector's item, albeit not at the level of a Seoul Sistas instrument! [colour=C0C0C0][b]Minor:[/b][/colour] - A small guidebook on how to mix Torragonese drinks (75 Lauro) - A packet of assorted seeds (60 Lauro) - A small framed picture of a girl in a wheelchair from behind staring peacefully out at the sea (5 Espada) - A pair of grippy fingerless gloves made of a strange material (15 Espada) [colour=white][u][b]Magical Items:[/b][/u][/colour] The Watermelon Cap: This great colourful hat, gaily painted and made from a preserved floatmelon, can soak up and store ambient energy around it, at a rate of 1 per turn. This doubles each turn, up to a maximum of 64. When full, it may expend this on either a single, massive defense, or a single Melon Beam attack of superheated, incredibly sticky, incredibly corrosive juice. Provides 32 manas. May be sacrificed to wholly negate any single attack. [b]Wheelthrone[/b] [i]This grand wheelchair moves itself based upon its user's thoughts, leaving their hands free. Also climbs slopes and shallow stairs.[/i] [b]The White Violin[/b] [i]Inaudible to human ears but magnificent to cazenax, yasoi, and some dragons. Can influence their moods and behaviours in powerful ways. Has a hidden second ability.[/i] Strings of Exiran Gloves imbued with the strongest spider silk known to man, threads are used as a weapon. Requires at least level 4 kinetic to use. Are super heat/electricity conductive, adding +2 to attacks involving these schools and allowing their wearer to counter them at only 7 overdefense. Provides advantage on movement rolls so long as there is something to grapple onto, making them all count as gentle terrain. Grants 16 Manas. Strange Glass Eye An enchanted glass eye that, when aimed at a solid surface, makes that surface transparent for as long as the item is invoked. Provides 12 manas. [hider=Puppets] Primary Interest: The Trickster a mid sized puppet modelled after a yasoi woman, roll a (d5) for level of control difficulty. She has 10 health and specializes in a rotating magic school that her master may roll a (d9) for. She will then, for that turn cycle alone, take on the characteristics of any one of her active ally puppets. If not attacking, she will be able to cast [MIRROR IMAGE], which will roll a (dX), where X equals her level of difficulty to control for that turn. This will create a number of illusory puppets equal to the roll, with each acting like a typical illusion to obscure and obfuscate. If she rolls Temporal at any point, she may roll with advantage for the rest of the scenario. Otherwise rolls a 2d9 on defence. Red Curtain Troupe: This set of seven imbued puppets was a gift from Revidia or Segona a great many years ago. It has more or less collected dust, unused in performance since appearing in the show where it was received. In any given encounter, five of its seven members may be active. Each possesses a unique attribute and these are as follows: Red Curtain Troupe: This set of seven imbued puppets was a gift from Revidia or Segona a great many years ago. It has more or less collected dust, unused in performance since appearing in the show where it was received. In any given encounter, five of its seven members may be active. Each possesses a unique attribute and these are as follows: a) Papa Joey - a midsized puppet, elementary (1) to control. He has 10 health and specializes in kinetic magic. He can attack with [THE BELT] using a d18, which is also his basic defense roll. If he rolls a 14 or above, the target will roll with disadvantage. He may instead use [SCOLD]. This attack pulls the kinetic energy from a target, weakening its next (d3) attack rolls by -3. He may defend in combination without losing an action and receives a +3 when defending other friendly puppets. If another puppet is knocked out, Papa Joey may use [PATERNAL INSTINCT] to sacrifice some of his own health and revive them. Finally, he can give a [FATHERLY TALK] twice per scenario, resetting any cooldowns or conditions on the targeted allied puppet. b) Fat Freida - a midsized-large puppet, easy (2) to control. She has 14 health and specializes in binding magic. She can attack with [SMORGASBORD], automatically dealing back to a target damage equivalent to any bonuses that it currently enjoys and negating them for that turn cycle. If she has not used this skill for at least three turns, she becomes [PECKISH] and may specify a number between 3 and 12. When an enemy rolls that number, she will consume one stack of it, removing it from their total. She will then become [SATED] and unable to use that skill until she first uses another skill, though her basic defense will rise from d14 to 2d9. She may also choose to [PATCH UP] other puppets, rolling a d6 to heal up to two targets. If she ate a [SMORGASBORD] on her previous turn, she may heal up to three targets, with a d8 and advantage. c) Bad Dog - a small puppet, easy (2) to control. It has 10 health and specializes in chemical magic. It can attack with an [INFECTED BITE] using 2d8, which is also its basic defense. If it rolls 13 or above, the target will suffer an automatic Damage over time effect of -3 for (d3) rounds. Bad Dog may also [POOP]. This is a corrosive chemical that lowers the enemy's next (d3) defense rolls by -3. Following this, it will turn into a Good Dog. This may heal the user by using [WAG], which will restore (d4) health each turn for (d4) turns. Alternatively, it may employ [BORK] to empower the user's or an ally's rolls for two turns with a bonus of (d4). d) Maid Malena - a midsized-small puppet, intermediate (3) to control. She has 8 health and specializes in magnetic magic. She can attack with [FATAL ATTRACTION] which polarizes a target, increasing all internal damage dealt to it by one RAS tier for (d3) attacks. She may also either combo attack or combo defend for free and pass this ability on to one other puppet, allowing them to do the same that turn. Finally, she may leave targets [THUNDERSTRUCK] by rolling a d16 for damage, which is also her basic defense. If she rolls a 12 or better, they will suffer 3 damage for the next (d3) turns if they attack. e) Little Nicky - a small puppet, intermediate (3) to control. He has 8 health and specializes in arcane magic. Every turn, he can attempt to [PLAY WITH FIRE] by specifying a number from 6-15. Every time that his user or another puppet rolls that number (in any capacity), Little Nicky will copy and store it up as a [MATCHSTICK]. Once he has reached three or more stored matchsticks, he may unleash a [BLAZE] equal to their power on any target. As long as he suffers from Papa Joey's [SCOLD], he may specify two numbers instead of one. Nicky can also set a [WILDFIRE] by rolling a d4, which is his basic defense as well. He will continue to roll and add to his total until he rolls a 1. If he rolls over twenty with [WILDFIRE] (though not with a defense), he will be sent to [COOL OFF] and will be unable to use it for his next two turns. While doing so, he will be unable to [PLAY WITH FIRE] but will defend with 5d5. f) Old Man Somnes - a midsized puppet, difficult (4) to control. He has 8 health and specializes in temporal magic, always rolling with advantage. He can roll 2d8 to attack with [BLIZZARD], which automatically prevents targets from attacking or defending in combination for the next (d3) turns. He also rolls a basic defense of 2d8 and is able to reverse any non-lethal damage or condition suffered by his master or any puppet twice per scenario using [FATHER TIME]. Following this, he will gain [SENILITY] and be unable to attack or defend for the next (d3) turns. Upon recovering, he will tell an [ELDER TALE], which forces all engaged parties aside from puppets to roll with double disadvantage. g) The Dragon - a midsized-large puppet, difficult (4) to control. It has 16 health and specializes in atomic magic. It can attack with [HORRIFER BEAM] which rolls 5d4 with exploding dice (which is also its basic defense) and may not attack in combination with other puppets unless enabled by Maid Malena. If it rolls over 20, it will immediately employ a damage over time penalty known as [NUCLEAR WINTER] to its target. This will deal -2 each turn indefinitely until healed or cleansed and may stack. Defensively, it may [HARDEN], forfeiting the ability to counter for itself, its master, and all puppets controlled by him/her. In return, all incoming damage will be reduced by one tier for (d3) defenses. [/hider] [hider=Materials][colour=C0C0C0][u][b]Materials:[/b][/u][/colour] - [colour=C0C0C0][u][b]Animals / Companions / Vehicles:[/b][/u][/colour] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Fa2cvEN.png[/img][/center] [b]Schwarze Alice[/b] - The clockwork-powered semi-submersible [i]Comes complete with a spar torpedo. Spacious and designed as a blockade runner.[/i] [colour=C0C0C0]The Pearlescent Cutie[/colour] [i]Gift from Oksana[/i] A Cousin of the notorious Green Meanie, it is capable of living both in water and dry land, although it cannot actually breathe in water. Like the green meanie, it has a very potent slime that can be corrosive, however if worked by a competent chemist, it can be turned into a strong medicinal ointment. The stuff sells for a lot, and a slug is considered extremely valuable. Very mild temperament unlike a meanie, and its mucus over its pale flesh reflects an iridescent colouring that is very pretty to see. [/hider] [hider=Territory] [colour=C0C0C0][b]Island of Longwan[/b][/colour] The entire ninety square mile island of Longwan in Rettan. It's a little far out there, but we've heard that the climate is... pleasant, aside from the odd typhoon, and some people say that there are treasures and mythical beasts! Comes with peasants that speak an unintelligible dialect. [colour=C0C0C0][b]Glaskum Kelp Forest[/b][/colour] A whole live kelp forest (size may vary) in Glaskum, including balloon kelp, Sea Sprites, and friendly Eeaiko neighbours. Join this fast-growing hotbed of cultural exchange and innovation. Please remember to respect local traditions. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=OOC: Quick Reference] [b]Maura Mercador[/b] [colour=C0C0C0]colour=C0C0C0[/colour] [colour=6f4a50]colour=6f4a50[/colour] [hider=Square Headers] [img]https://i.imgur.com/iN4aAHz.png[/img][/hider] [/hider]