[h2][center]Reginald von Afah[/center][/h2] With Mella's (begrudging) acceptance of his decision and Elastasia's continued presence, Reginald gave Terys a nod and a farewell before the latter left them behind. It didn't seem as if his focus slipping had caught anyone else's attention—likely for the best, in his eyes—and so he could simply play that off as if it had never occurred. "Well, I suppose the first order of business is the animals, then," Reginald said, picking up a more chitinous, mantis-like creature and nodding to the others. The creature seemed to stir slightly in his arms, but no more than that for the moment. The walk to the shop in question was fairly swift, and despite the shopkeepers hustling to and fro ferrying what beasts remained after their charge was stopped, there didn't seem to be any real change in the flow of people through the streets. The shop where everyone seemed to be funneling towards, however, had certainly seen better days. One of the door was left lying on the ground (though moved off to the side to prevent anyone from stepping on it as they helped move goods back in), and a few windows had been shattered by the creatures who could jump with enough force and weight to use that as an alternate means of escape. Inside, an older man was directing people to and fro, his face somewhat haggard as he kept an eye on everyone as they returned each creature to it's place. When his gaze finally drifted over to the three standing by, however, the man swiftly made his way over and bowed. "My apologies for making you wait. Sir Afah, Lady Aquilanne, I humbly thank you for your assistance in resolving what has just transpired," he said, head low as he continued. "Unfortunately, I have no way of repaying such grace, and your presence besides, but..." "Do not concern yourself over compensation on my behalf; it was Lady Aquilanne who was mostly responsible for stopping the runaway creatures. I was simply an accessory in comparison. Rather, I had come to purchase one of those same runaways—that bird perched atop my maid's head—as well as return this creature to you." With that, Reginald gestured slightly to the buglike creature in his arms with his head, to which the shopkeeper rose back up before nodding in turn. "Of course! Your patronage is certainly appreciated!" he exclaimed, subtly gesturing towards one of his assistants to take the beast in question off of Reginald's hands before turning to look at what bird it was that he was so interested in. "...Twenty silver should suffice," he finally said, to which the black-haired boy promptly handed over the requested coinage and nodded. "Once again, your patronage is very greatly appreciated." At this point, with matters of money settled, the shopkeeper promptly turned towards Elastasia and bowed once more. "Then, if there is anything I can do for you for your assistance, then please let me know." [@Raineh Daze][@Rune_Alchemist][hr][hr] "Miss Merielle, then. It is a pleasure to be properly acquainted with you now, then," spoke the prince as he gave another light bow in return. Flustered though the girl seemed, Christopher seemed fairly nonplussed by her reaction, and it was only when Serrica stepped in to speak her piece that Christopher reacted in turn. "Ah... Hm. I suppose that would make sense," he concluded, seeing the logic in Serrica's analogy, "though I should certainly hope that I am no 'ravenous hound' in the eyes of my peers. Such a reputation is one I would prefer to avoid." But when Serrica continued to speak as she did, Christopher's comparatively soft expression swiftly began to harden. "...Is it not proper to introduce oneself in the company of guests?" he responded with a frown. "Miss Meridan has been a great friend to me for the longest of time, and the three of us are acquainted with one another by this point. To acknowledge a new face is only right, is it not?" There was a brief pause before Christopher sighed and shook his head before finally turning back towards the still-blushing Lilian. "And besides, I am by no means blind. If she is currently occupied by other thoughts, then I do not intend to bring her into the spotlight. As for your intentions with her... Placing personal matters aside, I wish only the best for her, both as my confidant and as a dear friend. Take that as you will." Lilian, of course, had by this point been reduced to a blushing mess at Christopher's indirect (and accidental) attack upon her psyche—not that he was addressing that at the moment, of course. [@VitaVitaAR][@Pyromania99]