"Um... could you tell me about this kitten?" Elastasia asked, lifting up the offending creature so it was visible. It at least seemed slightly more pliable now, "Is it just a cat...? It seemed to know to go for me when I was keeping a barrier up to hem in the other escapees." It could make an interesting familiar, she supposed. Not that it was the sort of magic that she'd ever shown interest in, but having another pair of eyes to look out for people that might want to interrupt her reading and drag her off to some party... although, it wasn't something that would really harm her social standing in a non-intrusive way. A magical prodigy doing something so blatantly associated with mages? Eh, it was nothing. Everyone liked having pets, noblemen took to breeding horses... Or it could just be a cat. That was also possible. A cute cat, but a cat nonetheless.