


It was beacon day. A day to forget about everything, a day where we celebrated the victory of our unified erecting of the Inner Metropolis: the beacon against the darkness and brutality that defined live in the Cloud. In the inner and outer rim there was partying galore but you, you lucked out and got invited to one of the ultimate parties. Sex, drugs, preserved music and media, forbidden treats and exotic, high class dining filled your night within the SpaceWalker of High Spires. Beknown male model and envied celebrity. How you got so lucky, you can't recall. Won a contest? Were always one of the high classes he associates with? Maybe a close friend? Regardless you were in and you living it up. You're pretty sure half the things that went down in this shing-ding is illegal but the muscle here is hired and the gangs eyes are far, far inside the ship from your festivities.

Then it all went to shit, as most things do in this hellhole. For some reason your simple full walk around on the ships outer hull back to his deck came to a snag, the walker stopped out right. No ship can pick you up and your very certain your signals are going nowhere. Your stuck, trapped, with the only way into the Cloud being into the DEEP UNKNOWN. A place of hidden threats, treasures and regular missing person cases going into the thousands. At first high spires left, optimistic and cocky with two guards. Hours later, one came back in shock and covered in gore from head to toe and refuse to snap out of it. 

If you want to be saved. You'll have to save yourself. 


[h2]RACES [/h2]

Further reading on races can be found here https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/190034-drifting-future-dealing-with-the-post-apocalypse-in-the-gaping-maw-of-s/ooc 

As additional lore and world knowledge although most will be irrelevant to this RP.



Discarded are descendants of the former crew and citizens of the apocalypses in cloud. They are fractured with many different strange tribal and clan like cultures with only mythized bits and pieces of the past at best. All discarded are intermixed with heriditary augmentations, both genetic and metallic which thanks to their large amounts of generational gaps and lack of proper medical/ cybernetic knowledge has led to them being random in their make. Some discarded are almosst mythically beautiful with odd implants, others are freakish and there is little leeway between the two extreames. Discarded are the most common citizen in the outer rim/ inner rim but not numerically the dominant race in the CLOUD. Many discarded still live in the corridors and subsections, refusing to give up their roots for a cushy live.

! Discarded do not have consistent augments. They are totally randomized and changes thanks to generations of crossbreeding.

! Almost no discarded has any idea how these augments work. Even cyberenticist will struggle as t hey come from a more advance time lost to time. Many of them have spiritual or mythical beliefs based on them.

!Your discarded should not have more than 3 augments. More than this results in MAS/ Mixed Augment Syndrome. Which typically results in massive genetic disorders/ death or really freaky looking people with major issues.




Econoids are a series of enigmatic mutants that mostly dominant the toxic outer wilds. They bost extreme numbers with a absurd capacity for direct flesh/ nerve absorption and integration of materials. Their body changes muscular/ skeletal frame to adjust to these absorbed items which causes freakish and weird looking monsters. Econoids, however, retain human sentience and emotional intelligence. They spawn mysteriously from the toxic crevices of the outer wilds - and sometimes else where- and have many communities and towns. They, however, after a certain age for reason unknown typically turn into tumoroids: super predatory monsters that have absorb multiple, if not sometimes hundreds of things. Once a econoid has absorb something it can't be disconnect, not even by medical science known in the inner metropolis. 

! Econoids faced a massive war of genocide by the other races for their land - intiated by the misidentification of them as "infantile tumoroids"

! This was a long time ago and econoids are allowed into society. But there is still a lot of racial tension from econoids to others. Making econoids rather xenophobic and incultured.

! Most econoids have a strong "debt" based culture. A lot end up absorbing weapons or items, dooming them to a life time of that career for this debt or sense of reciprocation. 




Ghosts are the newest race to come into light. Discovered wondering the dark corridors, doing mundane tasks and maintenance of many basic functions in the area with no care for safety. The ghosts are all fully suited - or all covered - humanoids with a base line psychic ability to utilize empath skills and retrocognition. As a result ghosts regularly become "lost to the past" and end up as psuedo-crew with no goals or life concerns that were first found. Ghosts themselves are fervent ancestralism that live in a large, far off section of the ship in a theo-fascist police state unless they leave for the city. They are haunted constantly by visions and nightmares of the apocalypse but never a clear answer as to what happened. Those that do understand turn feral. Ghosts are invisible without their suits but lose health rapidly from the psychic barrages of horror from the past dead. Ghosts faces can seen in digital devices and picture but come off as mangled, horrified images.

!  Ghosts are semi-rare in normal society. They live far away and have to travel based on psychic maps to avoid too horrifying mental episodes from the past.

! Ghosts can enter and see peoples dreams - both only standing there - when in very close radius to a sleeping character. They cannot move around ot explore dreams so their views are limited.

! Ghosts generally consider their suits to be hairlooms although not all of them are of the same value.




Slaves are a group of cyborgs that were found eager and helpful in the industrial sector. This was a hibernation state they entered into somehow via unknown means during the apocalypse. When they start to awoke the groups in charge renamed them slaves to get around he mislabelling and continue work while trying to make slavery legal. As more awoke, eventually the entire work force, it became impossible and a bloody rebellion took place. The slaves now own the industrial sector and work for the city of their own accord. Slaves is a defiant name adopted to indicate they are sentient beings, not robots. However, slaves require advanced, long term health care and cybernetic knowledge which only certain people in their community know and those people form the metal workers union. Who basically rule them with a iron fist.

! Slaves have more or less gotten over the rebellion. The people who took part were executed and they flexed their muscles. The city relies and respect them.

! Slaves were alive prior the apocalypse but their memories are fuzzy. Slaves who do remember almost always go clinically paranoid, especially of organics and turn hostile of even their own kind.

! Slaves live in "boxes" storage boxes stacked and converted into flats. Their fellow friend/ family or gang that live in this box are inner support group and they financially support and physically aid each other. Without a "box" as these communities are called it's almost impossible for the average slave to pay for their own health care or needs.




Ron is the name of a series of formerly isolated zoo specimens, how they survived can only be ascribed to two things: the AI continuing its zoo duties and the fact that ron seems to be host to a form of specially evolved Eco-parasite. How this parasite came to be is unknown but it acts as additional brain component, namely a human brain replica which allows ron to master basic number and logic problems. Rons eventually escaped their enclosure after a few generations and gain run of the zoo itself until the other races found them roughly 55 years ago. Rons are named all after their first ancestor to decode what their name tag meant. To have a different name means to be a part of a different tribe. Sometimes Ron's have a different second name to indicate something smaller, like family tree or specific friend gangs.

Rons are by no means a mental match for humans, averaging at what humans would considered to below average and they have zero psychic sense but Rons retain a mutagenic affect imparted from their parasite. Somehow they can access DNA knowledge with enough time and triggers. This knowledge is purely memorized though and once that memory reach its limit. Rons are back to monkeying around in most high end areas.

! Rons are not very intelligent but aware of the outside worlds malice and can display moments of cunning in regards to it.

! Rons may be monkeys but don't possess their animalistic strength thanks to the inhibitors bought on along with their sentience.

! Rons practice slavery and regularly sell their own kin as pets or workers. They practice this long before outsiders came and generally the ron who display the most cunning is considered to be the top provider. Ironically, despite being primitives in technology they practice a very strong barter/ merchant culture and many take out their slaves to barter with the outside for the one thing they got. Slave rons see this as a good way for them to help out their kin, especially the disable and its looked at by both as a noble act and position.


SHIPS:  The world inside cloud has no knowledge on how advance systems in the ship work. They have only known the giant hybrid shipcity of Cloud and never gained access to its engines or advance mechanic/ control areas thanks to the dangers of the ship and its size.

SPACE WALKER: A spacewalker is the closest thing you have to a proper ship in the universe of DF/ this RP. A spacewalker/ ship walker is basically a big robot with a hull that clamps onto the side of cloud and walks along it magnetically. Very short range - for space - ships do exist but they almost are exclusively owned by the minors union as they need them for mining jaunts and because of their rarity. 

DEEP UNKNOWN: There are 3 unknowns, the deep, upper and lower. All of them are dangerous and almost all of them are...well...unknown to the average populace.  Death is basically assured in these parts with roaming bandits, pirates, merciless scavengers, hazards, faulty systems, mutated eco-life and unpredictable ancestral defence system being the least of your worries. Horrors here...real...horrors.

Pre-apocalypse: No one should have any clear memory of what the pre-apocalypse was like, or the apocalypse itself although it is known that it was brutal, horrific, nightmarish and left entire cities and the ship itself empty. Filled with skeletons, gore and ghosts. Even the ghosts mostly just get glimpses of how specific people died or what they did.

ETERNAL NIGHT and DARKNESS: With exception to the inner metropolis the artificial weather dome is broken, causing eternal night. Daylight is only seen by those lucky few and those that don't enter the city sphere - roughly in middle of the great ship - only know dark corridors and pale lights.



1: Right off the bat. NO Posting times.  I'm removing them out right. However. I will nudge you every now and then make a personal call to warn you I feel you are taking exceptionally long to post once we establish what reasonable for you.

2: Your characters can die. 

3: Before a CS is fully accepted - I'll let you know if the cs is good enough though - you need to coordinate at least 1 relationship of any type in any way beyond "Meh" or "Some guy I work with" in your sheet with another RP character.

[h2] MECHANICS [/h2]

On the subject of mechanics. I put up an interest check of this RP with a voting system for if mechanics bothered people. I didn't get a lot of replies although someone did tell me my posting times were a bit off putting. As such. I'm going to be taking a half approach to mechanics and keeping SOME things but trimming the more complex/ or over layering stuff.



Health is determined by POSTS LEFT which is your bodily frame. If you get hit then the number of posts you have left until you die of blood loss/ shock or some such keeps going down whenever it is your turn to post in the post cycle, even if you don't actually post. Damage after this point continues to decrease or take off more of your remaining posts.

Health essentially amounts to this: you have x amount of posts/ health points - same thing - on hit you lose health points. After this hit you continue to lose health points passively until you are healed/ stabilized. If you don't, you die.


When you lose all your health points you faint/shut down or lose consciousness in some form. You have an additional 2 post left to be stabilized in which case you are out cold until some time has passed - rolled by DM with a 1d4 for how many hours in game you are out you are out - If you take any more hits in this state you die.


I will be providing the players as a whole, all together, a series of points which they can use to upgrade their starting resources. This can increase what the team has access to in the SPACEWALKER to begin with or the type of equipment they have access to thanks to unlocking a nearby or something. I'll make it clear what the players options are once we got some submitted sheets.

Excluded Mechanics

On the subject of armor or other mechanics from drifting future https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/190034-drifting-future-dealing-with-the-post-apocalypse-in-the-gaping-maw-of-s/ooc They are not included although if the accepted RP'ers desire me to introduce them then I may do so later.


There are two tags you will notice in this game right off the bat. One will look like this:
[hider=empath info]
Malcom is feeling: sad, betrayed, tired, frustrated, hurt, rushed, aggitated, alert, ready, active and adventerous.

All players should post this if a GHOST or other person with psychic powers is near you. These are your characters feelings and inner complexities, you DON'T and shouldn't give a clear answer.  So be sure to apply as many keywords you think apply to your characters emotional state. If they just got done talking to a hot girl they might feel anxious or regretful as well as happy and ready for the day, for example. It's up for character - their player - to try and deduce useful information from your revealed emotions.


There are major threats in the darkness.  They consist of FORM, NATURE, LORE. If you can discover these bits and pieces via experiences, scavenging or digging into the unknown the threat and its full abilities and scope is revealed in the OOC.





[color= COLOR HERE][b][h1]NAME HERE[h1][/b][/color]

You are expected to use your color and name above your posts in this code. It's also expected of others to write your character name in the same code/ color.       https://absitomen.com/index.php?topic=331.0     < --- color names for bcode font. Most should work.

[b] AGE HERE [/b]

[B] RACE HERE [/b]

[b] SEX HERE [/b]

[b][h2]  APPEARENCE:  You may post a picture or write a description/ both. Please keep written descriptions below 3 paragraphs [/h2][/b]

[b][h2] PERSONALITY  DESCRIPTION HERE: keep below 3 paragraphs[/h2][/b]



CHARACTERS NAME - in their color - here

"Sometimes I still think about character name. But our nights of long passionate love are long gone. He's just so bland now"



