[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CcgBAFx.png?1[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/979435275526766672/1087837192807796777/Desmond_new.png[/img][hr][h2][color=silver]Primitive: Into the Fire[/color][/h2][hr][hr] [youtube]https://youtu.be/PhfgN9sq5Xs[/youtube][/center] Desmond felt himself get thrown through space and time with great force. However falling through the air hasn't been something too strange to Desmond, as Desmond began to manipulate the energies around him. Using kinetic magnetic magic around him and on himself to manipulate himself to slow his fall, and then his own physical finesse to flip himself through the air and allowed him to land gracefully on his feet. Desmond took a solid step forward and then a lighter step before he now found himself meeting the eyes of Yalen and Isabella as they were told it was a Sand wyrm. Tku seemed worried Jocasta facing the Sand Wyrm, and Benedetto seemed to take notice of Ayla and Zarina being gone as well. Desmond nodded as he began to check his items and thought, [color=gold][i]Why would it be here?[/i][/color] Desmond thought why that Sand wyrm could be here, they are dangerous creatures, he knew that much, but why did they show up next to one? Was this on purpose? Is someone trying to spook them? Desmond thinks it might be since they maybe near that area Harrachora spoke of, which should have been made by the Sirrahi. From what Desmond remembered they found a hungry Sand Wyrm in a tunnel attached to what Desmond had speculated to be a Sirrahi ruin. Maybe they were very near the Sirrahi area that the group would be speculated to perish in. Maybe this was the warning to leave. Or, they were teleporting nearby and producing one of those same portals he first saw from the Disskas, either way, they were close. Once Desmond had finished his weapons checks he says to the others making a light notice towards Benedetto, [color=gold]"Let's go to them, we need to make sure they are okay. if this thing is anywhere near as strong as the one we faced before we will need to have all hands to take it down"[/color].