5'6|140 Pounds

[b]Name:[/b] Special Agent Myron Makaraig

[b]Age:[/b] 22

[b]Nationality:[/b] Filipino-American.

[b]Noble Arm Name & Appearance:[/b]

[hider=Inpormasyon (Information)]

[b]Insert NA Rank Here:[/b] 

[hider=Rank B]
Power: A
Speed: C (S) 
Range: F (S)
Persistence: C
Precision: B
Potential: D

[b]Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range:[/b] Support/Ranged, Element of Data/Information

[b]Noble Arm Abilities:[/b] 

[i]Data Conversion -[/i] Can convert objects and people touched by the Shield into raw data/information who are then contained in the Noble Arm; the larger the object or person, the longer it takes to convert, although an average human adult can be turned to data in a full second, while an automobile takes five minutes. This power works only through direct contact with the shield and people converted to data are knocked unconscious by said conversion. Not just that, but objects converted to data can be turned back into their material forms by a mental command alone; smaller objects become physical again instantly while larger objects, such as people take time to reappear (same pace as conversion to data).

He can store up to an entire luxury yacht's worth of matter in his shield if given 12 hours, and can theoretically store twice that if given 48 hours of constant concentration, but it is not recommended. 

[i]Data Transmission -[/i] Myron can 'connect' to a mundane electronic device, such as a radio, telephone, or internet-capable gadget and transfer the data he stores in the shield to said device, allowing objects and people to be transported at high speeds. The drawback to this is that this process is affected by anything that can jam communications IRL, such as electronic jamming, firewalls, and antivirus, or just the destruction of the corresponding device before it 'downloads' the data. Living beings (people) who had been converted to data and failed to transfer reappear at the location of Myron's shield, physically damaged depending on the measures taken to stop them. This is also why Myron's Noble Arm has (S) in Range, because this can theoretically allow him to exceed the dreaded A-rank by using the IRL internet (still not recommended due to antivirus programs, though).

[b]Misc Abilities:[/b] Myron fights like a Normal person most of the time, being adept in guns, unarmed combat, and melee, with his forte being hacking and cyberwarfare, also poisons and antidotes. He has, in the past, also been trained to look cute and adorable so that he can treacherously stab, gun down, and poison Arms Masters. This is because he used to be a member of the Disablers, an Anti-Arms Master terrorist organization, and he keeps using many of their techniques despite his new allegiance.

[b]Personality:[/b] Myron is resentful of the world, resentful of the system, resentful of factions, and is working for the Philippine Government of National Salvation because they guarantee him his revenge against the members of the Hammer of Masters and Disablers, as well as pay him in cold hard cash plus confiscated haciendas (estates/plantations) from the discredited members of the previous Government. Though he has a side that wishes the best for people, he prefers to bury it with a hedonistic attitude where he appreciates the finer things in life a bit too much. And by that, he is the type to give most of the land he's given to the tenant farmers already farming it but keeping enough to ensure a comfortable life for himself.  

        [b]*Likes:[/b] Coffee, Cash, Sports Cars.

        [b]*Dislikes:[/b] The Hammer of Masters, Disablers, and being forced to kill children.

        [b]Fears:[/b] The Former Head of the Hammer of Masters, [Identity is a Spoiler].

[b]Bio:[/b] Myron was born to an American Businessman and a Filipino 'bar girl' who sought to marry him for money, but was deceived and thrown away. Raised in poverty and bearing the brunt of his mother's abuse, Myron was sold to the 'Spartan Training Program' overseas in Singapore at the age of six by people who promised that he would come back as an Arms Master. Instead, at the age of 12, he escaped with several other students and joined the Disablers, a group of Anti-Arms Master terrorists who killed Arms Masters through ambush, assassination, and bombings. Myron was thus trained further, taught to lure in Arms Masters into wanting to protect him so that he can literally stab them in the back.

At the age of sixteen, he fought against the Hammer of Masters in Northern Iraq, where their leader had established 'The Malikate', a nation for Arms Masters to rule over Non-Arms Masters, and two years of hard fighting followed, where he killed several Arms Masters simply by posing as an enslaved 'Normal Person' and poisoning their water supplies, setting up IEDs and traps, or even - And this haunts him to no end - kidnapping their children, even those who had not manifested a Noble Arm, and using them to lure their Arms Master parents to buildings filled to the brim with explosives. 

When he turned eighteen, in the final siege of the Malikate's base on the Syrian - Iraqi border, Myron was captured by the Hammer of Master's 'Malik', [NAME REDACTED], who had him thrown into the dungeons in order to... He refuses to speak of it, only saying that he was busted out by the Malik's second-in-command himself. However, as he trekked back to the Disablers' battle lines, he realized this: That the Hammer and the Disablers had become mirror images of each other, fueled by hate. And as he realized this, he grew a Noble Arm, realized that he cannot go back to the Disablers, and as the world was thrown into chaos by the announcement that three groups had emerged that can [i]give[/i] Noble Arms to ordinary people, sought asylum with the UN and returned to the Philippines.

He next emerged four years later, as a mercenary working with the coup plotters who set up the Government of National Salvation when it turned out the newly-elected President of the Philippines was planning to traffick his own voters to China to be used as slaves and human sacrifices by the Downward Descent. During the new Government's takeover, he and another Arms Master, Noel Alonso, led the Storming of [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaca%C3%B1ang_Palace]MalacaƱang Palace[/url], where the two put down all resistance and arrested the President and all adult members of his family, before moving on to arresting the Old Government's supporters in the countryside, where he was granted several hundred hectares of land confiscated from those corrupt oligarchs, most of which he gave to the tenant farmers who farmed them.

Now, he has been sent to aid the newly-formed Task Force Obsidian (composed of most of the PCs) relieve the Philippines' new allies in the Pacific...

[b]*Current Goal:[/b] Hold on to the estates he had been granted by the Government of National Salvation and give them over to their tenant farmers as smallholdings.

[b]Military or Civilian Rank:[/b] Special Inspector with powers equivalent to a First Lieutenant.
