"With the sole of my boot!" Moko shouted, her boot coming soon after to slam into the side of the steering wheel, sending the ship into a lean but the pirate soon caught it with both hands and got them on a steady course again, leaving the work crew below to stable themselves, though she trusted them enough to do that, this thing had not kept a stable flying course since it got into the air. "Hora, hora! That got the thing unstuck. See, smart thinking eh?" Reza, the little blue fairy flew above Moko and grabbed her ear. "How was that anything close to thinking?! You just booted the thing!" "Aye, and it worked right? Hahahah!" With a sigh Reza settled down onto Moko's head as she was busy keeping the ship on a stable path now, kind of hoping for the wheel to rust itself shut on this course. Mainly because she had no clue how she was going to land in a port with this thing! Though that being said, Moko was not always trying one for action, as she had placed one of her swords within the engine room, just for a little surprise. The next moment she got some calls from below, something about the engine being on fire. "Then deal with it, or punch some holes in the side and let the smoke out. Honestly"