[hider=Samantha Dalton] [center][url=https://imgbb.com/][img]https://i.ibb.co/QMKv2N7/Chaos-75.png[/img][/url][/center] [color=ec008c]Name:[/color] Samantha Dalton [color=ec008c]Nickname:[/color] Sam, Sammy [color=ec008c]Callsign:[/color] “Chaos” [color=ec008c]Team position:[/color] Female Light to Medium Operator [color=ec008c]Nationality:[/color] American [color=ec008c]Age:[/color] 26 [color=ec008c]Height:[/color] 5’4” [color=ec008c]Weight:[/color] 115 pounds [color=ec008c]Birthday:[/color] May 23 Gemini [color=ec008c]Gender:[/color] Female [color=ec008c]Sexuality:[/color] Cis Heterosexual [color=ec008c]Piercings, Tattoos, Scars:[/color] She has a full color sleeve of tattoos on her right arm. Her ears have three piercings. [color=ec008c]Appearance:[/color] Sam is 5 feet 4 inches tall. She is short but has long lean toned muscles. She has a dark almost black hair that is cut short, shaved on the sides, and long on top. Her hair is dyed a silver color on top with dark roots. She is a beautiful woman of mixed heritage. Her mother was of Hispanic origin and her father was white. She tans easily and can blend in almost anywhere not that she tries to. Samantha is often seen in casual clothes such as jeans, sneakers, and t-shirts. She loves her jeans and basic black but will often be seen sporting something in bright colors. When she dresses up, its always an edgy look with a modern flair. She reserves heels for special occasions. She prefers shoes she can move in easily. When she is working on the computer, you will find her in leggings and a t-shirt curled up cross legged in her special desk chair. When she is in the workshop, you will find her typically wearing a coverall, over jeans and a tank top, with steel toed boots. She loves being a grease monkey but does not appreciate the toll getting clean takes on her skin. Mechanics gloves are her friends. She has several pair in multiple bright colors. You can often tell her mood based on what color she is wearing. [color=ec008c]Skills:[/color] [color=ec008c]Parkour:[/color] Sam was a runner. She had a high metabolism coupled with ADHD. She had excess energy to burn most days. Her single mechanic father encouraged her to try anything that help wear her out so he could keep up with her. She took to anything that let her go faster craving speed. She was demon on a skateboard by the time she was 10. She added parkour running to her routine in her preteens. The rough streets of Los Angeles California were her playground. She had increased endurance, flexibility, and agility for her efforts. [color=ec008c]High IQ:[/color] Sam was evaluated for learning disabilities when she was failing to meet social and emotional standards in kindergarten. She was quickly diagnosed as having Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and a very high IQ. Sam had a photographic memory. She could read something once and remember it. She tested into the genius range. Unfortunately for her father, medication didn’t help her ADHD. Sam worked with a therapist to learn coping mechanisms to keep her focused. A side effect was she could easily fall into a hyper-focused state if she liked the subject matter. This gives her an edge when she is hacking. She can tune out all distractions as her world narrows to what she is working on. By the time Samantha was 22 she had degrees in Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering. [color=ec008c]Hacking:[/color] Sam was introduced to computers at a very young age. Her high IQ attracted schools and companies hoping to take advantage of her brainpower. They wanted something from her of course. She would oblige them but never for free. She worked with tech startups to help them develop new software. She had learned coding online and was working on the dark web by the time she was a preteen. She can make a computer sing, draw a picture, and erase any signs she was there after signing the picture and posting it to Times Square. It was rare that she couldn’t get a computer to do what she wanted it to. [color=ec008c]Sniping:[/color] Learning firearms was something that did not come naturally to Samantha. She has excellent hand and eye coordination. Hitting the target was never the problem. It is hard to learn a skill where you must sit still and be patient when all you want to do is move. Samantha is an excellent shot but does not have the patience to sit and wait for a target. She is great for short periods as a backup overwatch sniper. [color=ec008c]Mechanical Engineering:[/color] Sam’s father owned his own autobody shop. She learned to be a grease monkey from her dad. She had loved learning how to fix cars from him. With her IQ, she learned quickly. She loved when her father got to customize a ride. She began to learn the fine art of customization. She liked the challenge of a puzzle and figuring out how to make it go faster and turn better. Samantha was fascinated with vehicles of all sorts. She learned how to work on all kinds of vehicles even military proprietary ones. She has a master's degree in mechanical engineering. [color=ec008c]Vehicular Specialist:[/color] Sam had wicked fast reflexes. She also loved to go fast. To her you only drive or fly faster, higher, and harder. She first developed piloting skills as a child as she hacked into the military’s flight simulators and drone’s programs. She had her pilot’s license for a small plane at 14 years old. Her father wouldn’t sign off on her learning any sooner. She could fly a helicopter or a plane and drive anything with wheels. If you can fix it you can break it. She could figure out a way to sabotage any vehicle. [color=ec008c]Close Combat Specialist:[/color] Sam grew up in a tough neighborhood. The public school system didn’t know what to do with her. She was pretty much kicked out of public school by the time she was in 3rd grade. Her mother had died when she two. Her single father owned an auto shop and worked long hours trying to put a roof over their heads. He struggled to parent his special needs child. Sam ended up attending an online school. To meet her PE requirements, he signed her up for martial arts classes. He traded lessons for car maintenance to the dojo’s owner to afford it. Sam learned Aikido, Judo, Kendo, and Kali. She excelled in these skills and quickly became the dojo’s prize pupil. Sam could handle anything with a blade. Almost anything could be used as thrown weapon. She was wicked fast and fearless in combat when it was up close and personal. Men might be stronger, taller, and have a longer reach than her, but she knew exactly how to counter that. They had to be faster than she was. Not many were. [color=ec008c]Linguistics:[/color] Samantha’s IQ, curiosity, and photographic memory meant learning new languages were easy for her. She was fluent in English, Spanish, Japanese, French, Arabic, Pashto, Turkish, Hebrew, Swahili, German, and Russian. [color=ec008c]Family: [/color] Father: Jake Dalton Deceased Mother: Maria Lopez Deceased Adopted Grandmother: Kameko Takahashi Adopted Grandfather: Ryuji Takahashi Deceased [color=ec008c]History: [/color] Sam was born in Los Angeles, California. Her parents were not dirt poor but living in LA was expensive. Her father owned his own automotive shop. He worked as a mechanic in the shop. He did repairs and customizations when he could get the work. Her mother died when she was two. Her mother had been a nurse. Sam was grateful for her photographic memory, or she would have no memory of her mother. Her family lived in a section of town riddled with gangs and violence because that is where they could afford to live. Sam’s father did his best to keep up with her. She was always in trouble growing up. She had an insatiable curiosity and the intelligence to explore it. The public school system couldn’t keep up with her. She was failing to hit social emotional learning markers in kindergarten and was a disruptive influence in the classroom. She was unable to sit still and was constantly out of her chair and wandering the classroom. The school had her tested and she was diagnosed with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder. They were almost sure she was a high functioning on the autism spectrum. She had such a high IQ they left that off. Medication to help her ADHD didn’t help. She had to work with e cognitive behavioral therapist to learn coping mechanisms that would allow her to focus. They discovered she could fall into a hyperfocus state where she would work on the problem that excited her till her task was completed. She would tune out the world around her and her focus would narrow to her computer, or the movement her body made. This made her especially gifted in learning martial arts and hacking. She learned quickly and was far ahead of her fellow students. The public school system didn’t have the resources to build a program just for her. Fortunately for her, her IQ attracted private schools that were willing to provide scholarships. The winner was an experimental online school where she could take classes as fast as she wanted to go. Her online lessons only took her about 3 hours to complete each day. Which left her with a lot of free time. She spent a lot of time outside the shop learning to skateboard. She started running with her father when she was 8 years old. She slowly outpaced her father and liked to push herself physically. She fell in with a local parkour group and bounced off walls and flipped over rails happily in the urban jungle of Los Angeles. There was a local martial arts dojo across from her father’s auto shop. The owner Mr. Takahashi and his wife agreed to trade lessons for their auto repair and maintenance. Mrs. Takahashi became a surrogate mother to Sam. Sam would find herself taking lessons from the couple and it was Kameko who taught her what it was to be a woman. Her father was grateful he didn’t have to tackle puberty alone. Kameko was a soothing influence on his wild child. Kameko was the one who managed to instill some form of discipline and manners into Samantha. Samantha came to the attention of the military establishment very young in life. She hacked the US military’s mainframe servers one day when she was ten. She was bored and wanted to learn to fly jet planes. She wanted something realistic. The game version of flight simulators while fun, wouldn’t really teach her to fly a jet. She was still learning coding and was good enough to hack into NATO but not hide her tracks. She helped them fix the holes in their cybersecurity for an expunged record. Uncle Sam kept an eye on Sam and when she finished college, they recruited her. Samantha was recruited by the CIA. She was a top white hat hacker and analyst. She was not satisfied with office work though. She applied for field work and threw herself into training. This is where she learned stealth and how to use disguises. This is where Sam learned about guns. Sam doesn’t do anything part way. She was deadly with a pistol. She was good with a long gun too but too impatient to be a truly skilled sniper. She was at her best up close and personal or behind a keyboard or steering wheel. Her ability to learn languages helped her in the field. She was a top tier operator in infiltration. Then her world imploded. She was overseas on a mission when she learned that her father had been killed in a terrorist bombing on American soil. He was attending a baseball game with Mr. Takahashi. The two of them had become close friends through the years. She came home to deal with her father’s affairs. She was angry. She had spent the last four years of her life trying to prevent the very type of thing that had taken her last living relative from her. Sam personally hacked into the investigation records. She didn’t sleep or eat for almost 48 hours while she sought out the name of the group responsible for her father’s death. They were a new group of homegrown terrorists unhappy with the current politics in America. She tracked them back to a backwoods basecamp in the wilds of Tennessee. They were one of those American Militia groups who thought Uncle Sam was tramping on their personal rights. Sam did what she could to disrupt their operations, but she was just one person. She knew she would need help to take them out. She learned that they were being protected by the company as an asset for chatter on illegal military grade weapons for sale. Samantha was furious that the agency she worked for would cover for a group that had killed their citizens. The deeper she dug the more corruption she found with ties to politicians and leaders in law enforcement agencies. Samantha quit the CIA and began looking for a new group to work with whose mission would align with her goals. It was at this point that the Raven Squad came to her attention. After extensive research into their background what little she could find, they hid their tracks well. She felt they would be a good partner for the corruption she had found. She trained hard to pass the Gantlet entrance test. It was the hardest test she had ever taken but she passed. She joined them. [color=ec008c]Personality:[/color] Samantha was a wild child. She was an adrenaline junkie to her core. She would always want to go faster. She was driven and liked to push herself. She liked pushing boundaries to see how far she could go. She embraced life and jumped into experiences whole heartedly. She loved to laugh. She loved music. You would often find her head bobbing to some tune as she worked under the hood or on something on her workbench. She was just as likely to kiss you as she was to punch you when she was excited about something. She was unpredictable and you never knew what she was going to do next. Samantha believed in work hard play harder. Samantha would hold a grudge. Don’t get her on bad side because she would eventually get even when you least expect it. [color=ec008c]Tactical Suit: [/color] [hider= Tactical Suit] [center][url=https://imgbb.com/][img]https://i.ibb.co/n75nzYY/Chaos-Helmet.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://ibb.co/NY5tFRp][img]https://i.ibb.co/dKFjfZ6/Chaos-Tactical-Suit-V2-Front.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://ibb.co/f81RTmC][img]https://i.ibb.co/gvj1csD/Chaos-Tactical-Suit-V2-Back.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://ibb.co/3FrprBf][img]https://i.ibb.co/dpWPWGb/Chaos-Tactical-Suit-V2-Sideview.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://ibb.co/zSgt1fW][img]https://i.ibb.co/hKNTk8x/Chaos-Tactical-Suit-V2-Breastplate.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://ibb.co/RHB9C3v][img]https://i.ibb.co/12dL9rv/Chaos-Tactical-Suit-Haptic-Gloves.jpg[/img][/url][/center] [/hider] Samantha’s tactical suit was designed with her support role in mind. It has an integrated helmet that interfaces with any vehicle she is operating. The helmet has a HUD built into it with cameras that give her a 360-degree view of what is happening around her. Hidden in the cowl at the neck are the ports that link into the onboard oxygen system she uses when flying jets. The latest design has connections for portable oxygen tanks as well that can be worn in a backpack. There are carbon dioxide and air filtration scrubbers built into her suit after the neurotoxin scare. The suit can be sealed and pressurized to help prevent biological attacks from working. She can wear it to dive underwater but not to any great depth or into space. The armor is a layered design. There is an inner lining that is soft against the skin and moisture wicking. This base layer has sensor that read vital signs. The ballistic gel in the middle is embedded with circuitry for climate control. The gel will help stop bullets but it also acts a cooling and heating system for the armor. The outer layer is a tough lightweight bulletproof material. The armor won’t stop a high caliber round but will stop small rifle and handgun fire like a bullet proof vest. The newest version of the armor has a heavier hard shell armor over vital areas. This heavier hard shell armor is made of a lightweight ceramic and metallic alloy composite material that is very durable, lightweight, and strong. The armor allows for great flexibility and ease of movement while providing Sam with protection for up to 50 caliber bullets if she is hit on the heavy plate armor. Her helmet has a powerful onboard computer AI named Bob that allows her to interface with the navigation and weapons systems on the vehicles she is operating. Her suit gloves contain a haptic interface that allow her to hack systems while running and fighting. There is a leather knife bandolier that wraps around her abdomen region. A utility belt supports the holster for her handgun with multiple utility pouches for extra ammo, hacking gear, small first aid kit, and whatever else she felt like carrying that day. Her suit was designed to give her as much protection possible without hindering her ability to be fast and effective in the field. The suit would save her life but that didn’t mean getting shot wouldn’t hurt. If she did get shot, she would have bruised and maybe broken ribs depending on the caliber. [color=ec008c]Weapons: [/color] [color=ec008c]Preferred Handgun:[/color] P365 Sig Sauer It is a nice dependable pistol with a more compact design that fits her smaller hands better. [color=ec008c]Preferred Long Gun:[/color] Her preferred long gun is a custom sniper rifle along the lines of the Dragnov. It is made of new lightweight materials that allow for a more compact design without sacrificing distance or accuracy. This makes it perfect for her use in more urban settings and for quick overwatch situations where she doesn’t have time to set up a sniper’s nest. The gun matches her ability and attitude. [color=ec008c]Preferred Rifle:[/color] Her preferred automatic rifle is the M4A1 Carbine. It was designed for close combat and be quickly modified in the field to switch to a shotgun configuration or grenade launcher. It can be switched from semi-automatic to automatic. [color=ec008c]Knives:[/color] She has a set of custom-made fighting knives that fit into sheaths along her forearms. They are made to fit her arm and her Kali fighting style. She carries 8 slender almost spike like throwing knives. She has a longer combat knife that fits into a sheath on her boot. [color=ec008c]Set of collapsible asps:[/color] She carries two collapsible asps as a backup in case she looses her custom knives or doesn’t want to kill a foe. [color=ec008c]Equipment: [/color] She has a tactical backpack that carries her hacking gear which includes a custom built rig with lightning fast speed, a 10 terabyte solid state drive, secure encrypted satellite uplink, dedicated graphics, and a case hardened against EMP. Additional gear includes a variety of cables that allow her to plug her laptop into various types of data ports from servers to cell phones to vehicles. If it can be hacked and mobile, its in her backpack. She carries two backup portable solid state drives with an additional 100 terabytes of space. She carries two pairs of extra ear buds, electrical tape, a variety of screwdrivers, wire strippers, and a multitool. She has a small roll-up toolkit that can be hung from her tactical backpack. It has a set of adjustable wrenches, a rubber mallet, flexile head socket set, mechanics gloves, rags, flashlight, a collapsible funnel, a small portable torch, and small handheld drill. [color=ec008c]Hobbies: [/color] When she is not off being badass, she likes to bake. It is something that allows her to be creative and her mind roam free. It doesn’t hurt that she can eat whatever she wants. Her metabolism is so fast she burns calories easily. Don’t be surprised when she shows up with cookies or a decorated cake. Being an adrenaline junkie, her idea of fun is skydiving, bungee jumping, base jumping, paragliding, hang gliding, flying ultralights, and skateboarding. [color=ec008c]Likes:[/color] - Rock & roll and classical music - Sweets - Dancing - Art - Sushi [color=ec008c]Dislikes:[/color] - Anyone who calls her baby. She is no one’s baby. - Being late - Lies - Fake People - Candy Corn “I mean really who eats that stuff!” - Alcohol and drugs “I like my mental faculties intact thank you.” [/hider]