[hider=A Character][color=LightSkyBlue]“H-Hello…?”[/color] a nasally voice asked as [url=https://i.imgur.com/1sDsZJh.jpeg]a bespectacled young woman[/url] awkwardly poked her head into the room. [color=LightSkyBlue]“Um, i-is this where I apply for admission?”[/color] [b]“Yes, indeed!”[/b] the admissions officer said with a jovial smile. [b]“Please have a seat and we can get started!”[/b] [i]Well, [b]she[/b] seems nice and normal enough,[/i] the admissions officer reflected. Then again, appearances could be deceiving… [b]“So, what’s your name?”[/b] he asked once she’d sat down. [color=LightSkyBlue]“Olivia Bell,”[/color] the girl replied. [color=LightSkyBlue]“Although my Magical Girl title is Magical Maiden Ethereal Rose,”[/color] she added. [color=LightSkyBlue]“And in Pax Septimus, I just went by [i]The[/i] Ethereal Rose, since they don’t really have Magical Girls there. Instead, they have these people called ‘Espers,’ whose powers, contrary to their name, are more mystical than psionic in nature, so I guess they [i]are[/i] somewhat like Magical Girls in a way, except for some of them being male, of course,”[/color] she explained with a giggle that sounded more like a snort. [color=LightSkyBlue]“Oh, gosh!”[/color] she exclaimed a moment later. [color=LightSkyBlue]“Am I rambling again? I’m sorry… People say I tend to do that a lot…”[/color] [b]“No, no…”[/b] the now wide-eyed admissions officer told her with a calming hand motion. [b]“It’s fine. Um, shall we continue? The next thing I need is your age.”[/b] [color=LightSkyBlue]“I’m sixteen,”[/color] Olivia replied. [b]“Okay, and am I to assume your gender is female?”[/b] [color=LightSkyBlue]“Yes, that’s correct,”[/color] she confirmed with a nod. [b]"And your nationality?"[/b] [color=LightSkyBlue]"American."[/color] [b]“All right, let me just make a quick note of your appearance…”[/b] [i]Applicant is a fairly plain, somewhat underdeveloped young woman in a school uniform, standing 4’11” with blue eyes and dark hair, which is worn in two braided ponytails that reach just past her shoulders. Her vision appears to be impaired, as she wears a pair of corrective lenses, although this may simply be a fashion choice.[/i] [b]“Um, what race do you identify as?”[/b] [color=LightSkyBlue]“Human,”[/color] she replied. [color=LightSkyBlue]“Or maybe Magical Girl…?”[/color] she added after a moment, while tilting her head in thought. [color=LightSkyBlue]“Is that considered a separate race here?”[/color] [b]“No, human will do just fine,”[/b] the admissions officer reassured her. [b]“Moving on, how do you use your magic?”[/b] [color=LightSkyBlue]“Well, I can’t use [i]any[/i] magic right now,”[/color] Olivia replied with another giggle/snort. [color=LightSkyBlue]“I have to transform for that,”[/color] she explained. [color=LightSkyBlue]“And even then, I can’t really do much more than distract people and make them not want to harm me. It’s my darling [i]Xolys[/i] who does most of the fighting.”[/color] [b]“Xolys…?”[/b] [color=LightSkyBlue]“Yes!”[/color] Olivia replied with an eager grin. [color=LightSkyBlue]“He’s my soulmate! He’s so handsome and wise and powerful…”[/color] she gushed, her visage taking on a dreamy, lovestruck expression. [color=LightSkyBlue]“And his [i]tentacles![/i] They’re just so warm, and comforting, and…”[/color] [b]“I… see…”[/b] the admissions officer said slowly, becoming increasingly more unnerved by the seemingly innocuous girl in front of him with each new word she spoke. [b]“So you… summon this [i]Xolys[/i] whenever you’re in trouble?”[/b] [color=LightSkyBlue]“Well, I don’t really summon him,”[/color] Olivia corrected, adjusting her glasses. [color=LightSkyBlue]“He appears whenever I transform. Do you wanna see?!”[/color] she asked eagerly. [b]“O-Oh, u-um, t-that’s quite all right, Miss Bell!”[/b] he replied hastily. [b]“I-I’ll just take your word for it! Now, uh, why did you choose to enroll here?”[/b] [color=LightSkyBlue]“To find a way back home,”[/color] Olivia replied. [color=LightSkyBlue]“And I suppose to make some new friends as well!”[/color] [b]“Your way back home?”[/b] the officer echoed with a raised eyebrow. [color=LightSkyBlue]“Oh! Well, you see, it all began when I was attending Marrywell academy. About a month after my first semester there began, our guidance councilor, Miss Fang, told me that I had been selected to go on a super special single-student field trip to another universe! It was so very exciting! I had always wanted to travel to another universe, so of course I said yes! The very next day, I found myself in a city called Pax Septimus. It doesn’t even exist in my universe, and it was a truly fascinating place, filled with all sorts of interesting people and creatures! But after what seemed like hardly any time at all, I was told it was time for me to return to my original universe, or else the "Bovines" would get me. It was all very strange... Unfortunately, there was some sort of problem with the transfer, and instead of arriving back at Marrywell, I found myself [i]here![/i]”[/color] [b]“Well, I'm a bit new here myself, but from what I gather, this place used to be named—”[/b] [color=LightSkyBlue]“Yes, I’ve already been told that by several other people!”[/color] Olivia confirmed with a few excited nods. [color=LightSkyBlue]“But despite that knowledge, it’s still difficult for me to believe that this is actually my home… I mean, there are so many inconsistencies!”[/color] she added as she leaned forward, her eyes filled with intensity. [color=LightSkyBlue]“Wouldn’t it make more sense if, instead of returning to my original universe, I wound up in one that was similar to it, but not entirely the same?!”[/color] [b]“Well, uh, that’s certainly possible…”[/b] the admissions officer conceded. [i]And [b]way[/b] above my pay grade…[/i] [b]“Now, then, final two questions. First, how would you describe yourself? Personality, interests, that sort of thing.”[/b] [color=LightSkyBlue]“Um, I’d like to think I’m friendly and kind… I mean, I certainly [i]try[/i] to be, but, um, not many people seem to like being around me… They say I’m annoying, or that my interests are too strange…”[/color] she frowned, before quickly brightening up again. [color=LightSkyBlue]“That’s why I loved being at Marrywell! I made so many wonderful friends during my time there! Friends who liked me for who I am! Up until then, I didn’t think I’d [i]ever[/i] make any friends, well, aside from darling Xolys, of course!”[/color] she added with yet another giggle/snort. [b]“I see…”[/b] the officer muttered. [i]I’m sure I’ll regret asking this, but it [b]is[/b] necessary information for dorm assignments…[/i] [b]“What [i]are[/i] your interests, if I may ask?”[/b] [color=LightSkyBlue]“I love learning about and investigating all sorts of paranormal and eldritch matters!”[/color] Olivia was quick to answer. [color=LightSkyBlue]“My two favorite authors are H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe, so I’ve always been fascinated with mysteries, ghosts, indescribable creatures from other worlds, and the possibility of visiting those worlds myself! Oh! And I also really enjoy studying insects, arachnids, and various other arthropods,”[/color] she added, her eyes taking on a passionate gleam. [color=LightSkyBlue]“For example, did you know that the trans-phasic Khrylopede Beatle actually lays its eggs inside—”[/color] [b]“Last question,”[/b] the admissions officer announced, cutting her off. [b]“Hmmm… You’ve already told me your background, so I don’t think we need to add anything more for your life story,”[/b] he noted. [color=LightSkyBlue]“Oh! But there’s so much more I could tell you!”[/color] Olivia objected. [color=LightSkyBlue]“Like how I first met darling Xolys and became a Magical Girl! Or when I attended my first slumber party! Or about all the books I read at my hometown’s library, or that time my family pretended I didn’t exist, or—”[/color] [b]“No, no, I think we already have quite enough,”[/b] the officer assured her. [b]“Thank you for your time, Miss Bell,”[/b] he added, while rising to his feet and giving her a reluctant handshake. [b]“We should have you settled into a dorm soon enough. Until then, uh, I suppose you can just take an unguided tour around the campus,”[/b] he suggested as he ushered her out the door. [b]“You know, get acquainted with it various… [i]peculiarities…[/i]”[/b] [color=LightSkyBlue]“Oh gosh! That sounds [i]wonderful![/i]”[/color] Olivia replied with a gleeful smile. [color=LightSkyBlue]“I can’t [i]wait[/i] to see what's changed! Oh! And maybe I’ll even get to meet alternate versions of some of my friends, or even an alternate version of [i]myself![/i]”[/color] [b]“M-Maybe…”[/b] the officer agreed, before closing the door with a weary sigh. A second version of [i]her?[/i] That really [i]would[/i] be just his luck…[/hider] [hider=A Waifu] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/RNuNhHz.jpeg[/img][/center] [/hider]