"A-ah?!" And then she was being dragged off again, with little in the way of warning, stumbling over her feet. Deep down, this was probably a good thing. Being face to face with both the Prince and the Villainess was in no way good for her health right now. But at the same time, she kept being faced with so many questions. It was relentlessly beating down on her, and she'd barely had any time to think. Putting aside how any of this had even happened in the first place, the fact that Serrica was acting so different... It couldn't just be explained with the fact this was reality now, could it? It wasn't quite right for what Anne remembered of her character. Was something else going on here? But what? "E-er, I'm fine, it's just that a lot has happened, eh-heheh..." Anne took a deep breath, hand scratching the back of her head. "It's been a pretty full day, I mean!" [@Pyromania99]