[h2][center]Reginald von Afah[/center][/h2] Once Elastasia had affirmed that she was interested in purchasing the kitten from him, the shopkeeper smiled and nodded his head. Two sales like this on probably what was one of the most unfortunate days of his career at least made up for [i]some[/i] of his losses, and there was no reason to look a gift horse in the mouth. "Of course!" he said, returning her declaration with a smileā€”and to the maid's requests with a nod in turn. "A cage, collar, food, and instructions, as well as the animals themselves..." "I would rather a more unassuming birdcage, if possible. Comfortable enough for the bird, but nothing too grandiose," Reginald added, eyeing Mella for a moment before handing off a few more coins. "Further payment, then, for the cage and some birdseed." With those coins in hand, the older man bowed and headed to the back of the shop. A short wait later, though, and he returned; this time, with an assistant carrying whatever goods he could not. After having his assistant hand a bag of birdseed and a cage (which looked to be in fine condition despite the chaos) over to the maid, the shopkeeper beckoned the group over to a nearby table. Upon that, he laid out a few documents and a pen. "These are for the madam over here," he began, gesturing towards Elastasia. "A rare specimen like the Aomi requires that we must confirm your purchase with a contract. Of course, we could also form a magic contract between you and your new pet, if you wish..." With that, Reginald turned towards Mella and, after opening the cage, attempted to get the bird to enter. Needless to say, it rejected his attempts to do so by flitting around before once again landing atop his maid's head. "...Well. I suppose that this is your problem now," he remarked, staring at the bird. "How should we go about this problem, then...?" [@Raineh Daze][@Rune_Alchemist]