[center][b][color=0072bc]Mentions:[/color][/b]Roland [@Ithradine], Sherry [@Ambra][/center]
Apparently it was just as easy to rile up the princess as it had always been. Nice to see some things seemed to never change. Roland didn't appear to have changed much either. Wouldn't let any slight come to the princess and couldn't take a joke. [color=0072bc][b]"I don't care to know one way or the other, but for your sake it might be valuable to know,"[/b][/color] Elias commented blandly, [color=0072bc][b]"Might be an easier let down in the future."[/b][/color] 

He ceased ribbing the guard when some of the others began to chime in; eyebrows rising in amusement at the blue haired girls nicknames. He didn't recognize her which led him to believe she was a commoner, but she didn't appear to have any trouble shooting back at the Sylmare heir. This would be a fun bunch it seemed. Or at least some of them would be. Not that he planned on letting many of them sit around and be dour. Sure they were here to learn, but why should that mean that they couldn't have a bit of fun? 

There was a vague ping of recognition of the white haired lordling that was crouched next to her, but didn't have time to rack his mind for names before the esteemed princess wheeled on him. A half smile crept across his face, [color=0072bc][b]"I rather think I am."[/b][/color] He wouldn't bring up the fact that the giant of a man had been the one to start the influx of teasing. 

The fact she tried to keep some decorum was a surprise, but he was more, or maybe less, surprised when the tirade stopped. Less surprised when the object of her interest became obvious. A tiny wyvern perched on the hand of the lordling. Now he recalled who the other boy was, he hadn't seen him in years but the Croix house was familiar to him. Reintroductions would be in order he supposed, but not while the whole of the Foxes had decided to clump together around Leonid. 

He hadn't caught most of the conversation but judging by the flower being held out, and the glint in Parthenia's eye it couldn't be completely good.