
Nat wasn't completely oblivious to her choices in food, nor was she oblivious to the reactions Cason had given her order, or his chuckle when he naturally went to make sure she wouldn't drop anything she was carrying before grabbing the rest of the food. The only thing she didn't notice at first was him chuckling at the fact she put the plush puppy in one of the chairs. She glanced up when he made it to the table and put his stuff down before sitting down himself and she smiled just that bit more. The endorphins and serotonin swirling around in her mind and body by this time. She picked up her hot dog and took a bite out of it, her eyes closing in joy as she nodded from approval. Sure, she had eaten much better food but it was all because of the experience, the environment they were in that made it taste so good to her. It was such a innocent thing to come from her considering what her job was, it was endearing. 

As she swallowed her mouthful, she stared at him as he told her she needed to sort out her eating habits. He wasn't the first to say such things to her, Mika had said the same thing as had Bobby many many times. Yet the way Cason said it, it felt different for some reason. Maybe it was because he tried so hard to keep her alive in the asylum and he didn't want that be for nought, or maybe it was because he did actually care for her. She didn't know at this stage but she didn't let herself think about his reasons too much. "You're not the first to say similar and probably won't be the last but I can eat healthy foods when I want too, but tonight is cheat day." she told him back. "Unlike my doofus of a brother, I don't solely live off junk food 24/7. I'm just enjoying eating what I want at the moment. Without being a downer, every meal still feels like a last meal to me" she smirked, then let it change into a more warm smile. 

She then continued to eat a bit more, switching from bites of the hot dog to the fries and taking sips of her soda. The lights of the carnival reflecting and shining on her cheekbones and in her eyes. Reds, blues, yellows..all looking bright against her dark hair. For Natalia this was most definitely logging into her mind as a core memory and she had someone who she never thought she would bond with to thank for it. She honestly thought that if anyone would give her a night of normality or even day of normal life, it'd have been Sam as he was always the one to tell Dean to give her a break and not be on her neck all the time. 


As the night went on she found herself finally able to forget she was a hunter for a while, that she was a Winchester and felt like she was cursed because of her father's name. She just felt like a normal twenty-something woman having fun and spending it with someone who intrigued her and she felt safe with. She was laughing genuine laughter, the type of laugh that made her cover her mouth at one moment but another time she'd close her eyes tightly and throw her head back in laughter. She had a prep to her step that she didn't have before, a light in her eyes that wasn't there when they were at the motel. It was like for the first time Cason was able to see the woman she was deep inside and not the sick skinny thing she was in the asylum or the callous hunter she had become. He was witnessing a whole new side to her, and in a lot of ways, she was witnessing a new side to herself she thought had long since disappeared. 

Soon enough it had gotten late and they had no choice but to walk back to the car and do the drive back to the motel. She was tired but she was also on such an emotional high, she couldn't help but keep the little skip in her step as she walked beside Cason, one arm firmly wrapped round the plush and one looped through his arm. "Thank you Cason for tonight. It's been the best ever" she told him honestly, as she stepped in front of him, walking backwards slightly before pausing her walking and leaning up, planting a kiss on his lips without a second thought. Pulling away, she smiled and chuckled sheepishly, before continuing to walk beside him again back to the car. 

Once at the car, she remembered which pocket Cason had put her car keys in, so she slipped her hand into said pocket and grabbed her keys. Unlocking it, she opened the back seat door and pushed the plush onto the back seat where she couldn't resist strapping it down with the seat belt. "before you say anything, I'm doing it purely so it doesn't fall forward and cause us to crash the car" she said to him, turning to look at him knowing he was bound to give her a look for her action. Shutting the door, she walked round to driver's side, feeling like she was happy enough to drive back this time. "I'll spare you from driving back this time, I'm sure I can remember the route back" she explained, opening the door then getting in. 


Dean's response to the movie choosing did amuse Mika even if it didn't surprise her. She was now determined to find the cheesiest movie on the TV that was on just to wind him up a little and make the night stay on a humorous and light hearted vibe. In the gas station, she let Dean go to the chiller section to grab the beer, smirking and shaking her head at how he waved his hand in reaction to her suggestion. [i]'typical man of mine'[/i] she thought to herself happily. In the snack area, she continued to grab whatever she could physically hold, making sure she didn't forget anything. If she ended up picking up too much then in her mind, they had plenty of stuff to take on the road with them. 

By the time Dean had put in the order for the pizza and leaned against the counter, she had finished having armfuls of snacks and brought them over. "don't judge me with the snacks" she told him, looking at him over the pile in her hands as she then placed them down on the counter. "Snacking is serious business during movie night and what is left we can take on the road with us. Also figured getting Nat's favourite flavoured oreos might break the ice in the morning between you two" she explained. As much as she didn't want to bring up the youngest sibling, she did think it might help in the morning. She knew like with Dean, the way to get through to Natalia, was through her stomach. 

"And yes, I did find you some pie at the end of the aisle" she smirked as she waited with him for the woman to come back with their pizza. She had a feeling he'd order one with anything and everything on it and she'd spend enough time picking the bits she didn't like or want and chucking them onto his slices but that was just their way. It was a habit they had as teenagers and one that they never broke out of. It was also one she didn't want to break out of. 


Sam spent a good fifteen minutes talking to Ruby outside, feeling anxious about Anna possibly waking up and asking who Ruby even was. He was just thankful that they were in California and not back with the others. "Sam you are playing with fire here being with her. That's all I'm saying! You know being with Anna won't make your life easier for killing Lilith right?" Ruby said, folding her arms across her chest once more. "I know but I also think we could use it to our advantage. With Anna on our side we can make it work in our favour, even if it isn't the easiest route to take but I won't let Lilith take her" he replied determinedly. 

"Fine, but if this backfires I will say I told you so." Ruby sighed in annoyance and defeat. It was clear to her that Sam wasn't going to budge on the subject of Anna and it was pointless trying to break him. "Fine, you can say that if it goes wrong...but only IF it goes wrong" he retorted, glad that she was willing to drop it. "So tell me Sammy...does she know about us or your demon blood addiction?" she asked him, stepping up close to him and using her index finger to press against his chest. Sam crunched up his nose as she did so which told her everything. 

"I'll take that as a no. For someone who hates lies Sam you're sure being good at lying to your loved ones" Ruby taunted with a smile. "Now isn't the time to gloat Ruby." he pointed out, stepping away from her, but stretched out his hand, "so do you have any more I can have?" he asked her, making her roll her eyes as she pulled out a small vial from her inside jacket pocket and forcefully placed it in his hand. "thank you" he said, wrapping his fingers round the vial. He was about to say one more thing to Ruby when he suddenly realised she had disappeared and left him alone. 

Sighing, he crept back into the room, walked over to his bag and hid the vial deep in his bag so Ana wouldn't find it before he climbed back into bed, took his jeans back off again and let himself fall asleep beside Anna, one hand reaching out to hers and linking their fingers together. Satisfied she wasn't going to wake up, he fell into a deep sleep.