[center][h2] The Sand Hits the Fan[/h2][/center]

[color=ec008c]Sam[/color] grinned as she heard the boss order [color=C9C9C9]“All ops, let's raise hell!"[/color] Now that is the kind of order she can get behind. She let out a loud whoop before acknowledging the order, [color=ec008c]“Roger that boss, Chaos inbound.” [/color]

Chaos pressed harder on the gas pedal and focused hard on her HUD. She made the DPV jerk and dance like it was doing the twerk. It did the job as she managed to throw off the targeting by their troops. They had taken some bullets but so far, they had hit nothing with any firepower that matter. The SAM surface to air antiaircraft missile silos powered down and pointed at the ground. They were waiting on new launch codes. Sam grinned as she listened to the chatter on the hacked frequency. She made a fake sympathetic noise as they lost their satellite uplink communications from the ship. She saw a puff of smoke from the explosives on the drone. The automatic guns that they were trying to use to target the team was pointing in the opposite direction and firing on their own troops. Chaos was not worried about driving straight into the middle of the enemy. She trusted the team to take them out as she worked to maneuver Ogre and Glitch into position. 

They were about 150 yards from the mech and the entrance to the ship when Sam heard Skye give additional orders. 
[color=C9C9C9]"Team, grab those rods, and get tae fuck, that mech needs to go and that Hind too! I don't care in which order you do it, but let's sort this! Hornet, follow me up onto the ship and pick off any stragglers from above with your rifle- Jaguar, I'm coming up on you shortly. I'm gonna sort the innards of that ship out, and make the bastards come find out how done I am with their bullshit. They have plenty inside...oh, and thanks for the patch in, hackers." [/color]

Samantha smiled as Skye thanked them for their efforts. She would high-five Glitch if she wasn’t driving. It was always nice to have her work appreciated. Sam went back to focusing on her driving when Glitch tossed out some smoke grenades and took off towards the mech.  She punched it as she swerved towards the ship entrance to drop off Ogre. She slowed down dodging around their soldiers and equipment for cover as she found a good place to drop off Ogre. She pulled to a stop near the entrance to the ship. She grabbed her rifle from the cradle and took some quick shots aimed at covering Ogre’s exit and entrance to the ship. [color=ec008c]“Ogre my friend they are playing your song. See you on the flip side.”[/color] She continued to aim taking a headshot and moving on dropping the soldiers around the entrance. She switched directions searching for any soldiers moving towards their position. She continued to cover Ogre until he made it safely into the ship. 

She dropped back down into the driver’s seat. She then racked her long gun and grabbed her automatic rifle. It was easier to handle and aim at shorter distances. She made sure her automatic rifle was on the sling and easy to get to. She pealed out driving erratically. She grinned wickedly as she drove behind the mech using it for heavy cover. She could hear the gunfire pinging off the armor of the mech as the soldiers tried to aim around it to hit her. Glitch had taken it upon himself to deal with the mech. That left her to deal with the Hind. Samantha had an idea, it was kind of crazy but it should work. Samantha began driving towards the closest Surface to Air Missile launcher. 

They had thinned out the soldiers on the way in but Samantha still needed to dodge bullets. She drove over one soldier. He was in her way. Samantha could still hear bullets occasionally pinging off the DPV. She pulled the DPV up right next to the SAM. She hoped they wouldn’t fire not wanting to blow up their own missiles. Samantha unlatched her seat belt and ran to the back of the DPV. She was digging around in the gear compartment. She grabbed her backpack and toolkit. She was focusing on her idea when she heard Skye come over the radio once more. 

[color=C9C9C9]"Frigga, clear up any remaining pockets, turn it to cinders. Glitch, Chaos, whatever the fuck you're doing, make us an exit strategy and sort the mech and the heli how you've got it lined up, ASAP. Stafford, pick up any other machine guns, armoured vehicles, snipe it out and pick off any stragglers or runners. Hornet, make sure Ogre's got no beef when he's grabbing those rods, and regroup on me. As soon as Ogre is clear with the materials, we're making fucking haste out of here!" [/color] 

Sam swore and muttered under her breath. [color=ec008c]“It’s just a Hind Attack Helicopter with hardened computer systems to prevent damage from EMP and hacking. No problem! Piece of cake. Now they want an exit strategy after turning the DPV into a mobile battering ram. We still have to move all the damn rods. What the hell are we going to move them in!”[/color] Samantha looked around the area for inspiration. She would start with the hind. 

Sam ran full out for the SAM Missile Launcher. On the way she took out two more enemy troopers on the way with a spray from her automatic rifle. She hastily dropped to the base of the launcher and used her tools to open up the access panel. She ducked as a gunshot pinged off the casing by her hand. She ducked behind the launcher for some cover after she plugged in the cord she needed.  She plugged the other end of the cord into her laptop. She was then typing hastily as she overrode its programming by giving it new launch codes directly. She powered it back on and marked the HIND as an incoming enemy aircraft. Samantha unplugged her laptop and stored her gear back into her bag. 

She once more took up her rifle and ran away from the SAM. She hopped back into the DPV and began driving away. She wanted to be out of the danger zone before it started launching missiles at the HIND. She didn’t want to be fried by the backwash of the launching missiles. She drove back towards the ship. She used a zigzag pattern to disrupt incoming fire. She could still hear shots pinging off the DPV’s armor. She was looking for another vehicle they could use for their exit plan. She spotted something under a large camouflage tarp on the far side of the mech. She headed in that direction. She was careful to watch the mech. She tried to give Glitch plenty of space as he worked. 

She hopped out of the DPV as a hail of gunfire came her way unexpectedly. There were four exo-equipped troopers by whatever was under the tarp. Sam dropped to her knees behind the DPV as she took a shot to the chest. The shot hurt like she was kicked in the chest by a mule. It robbed her of breath. She struggled to get a deep breath as she lay on the ground like a floundering fish for a few moments. Her armor had stopped the bullet, but she had at least bruised ribs from that shot. She knew she was out of time and needed to get up. She finally managed to gasp out a deep breath. She managed to crawl back and lean against the DPV. She managed to get back up onto her knees. She carefully peaked around the end of the DPV and spotted three of the troopers moving towards her. She carefully aimed and began picking them off as quickly as she could. She circled back around to the other side of the DPV as she moved to get a bead on the last trooper she had seen. 

Her movements were no longer as graceful as they had been. She had a noticeable hitch on her right side. It hurt to lift her rifle, but she pushed through. She got a quick shot off just as the enemy soldier spotted her and began to raise his rifle. She moved forward, firing as she moved. The enemy trooper had managed to get a shot off, but it went wide. She finished him off with a quick burst before she went to investigate what they were hiding under the tarp.