[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Nv0xnJN.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/zzJ8DzK.png[/img][/center] [color=C17ECE][b]Time[/b][/color]: 3pm [color=C17ECE][b]Location:[/b][/color]: Edin Theater [color=C17ECE][b]Interaction:[/b][/color]: [@Conscripts] [@FunnyGuy] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/VJHs600.png[/img][/center] [color=C17ECE][i] Clouds in the sky… here an eye, there an eye.. The cloud looks like a fry! A fry with great big eyes! [/i][/color] Ruby was looking up at a partly cloudy sky, focused in on a particular one. She used to do this for hours at a time when she was a child– just lying down on the ground with her brother Jack, looking up as the clouds drifted off to their new place in the world. She had quite the imagination when it came to simple pleasures, mostly out of necessity. As she was enjoying her cloud-watching session, her body felt a sudden jolt move through it. [color=C17ECE][i] Whoa! What in the heavens above? [/i][/color] She looked down at her sprawled out figure and observed her hands as she turned them side to side. She seemed to be okay. Back up toward the clouds she brought her eyes, but suddenly they started to fade and so did everything else. A rough tapping on her cheeks struck her awake. Her dream felt so real that she had to take a moment to come about. After that, she fixed her wide eyes on the man kneeling in front of her. [color=C17ECE][i] Good afternoon to you.. [/i][/color] she gazed with admiration at the young man. What was he doing there? Should she ask? Or shall she accept the opportunity that has been presented to her? Ruby sat up in her seat, abruptly noticing that the play had begun. [color=C17ECE][i] Did I fall asleep? Oh! The hat contest.. Waffle-man… I think I just won an argument? [/i][/color] she thought, attempting to put the pieces back together. She looked over her shoulder to Lorenzo next to her, whose face looked rather vexed, and then turned back distractedly to the man. Ruby assumed that he was a high-class man judging from his tidied appearance, and [b]great[/b] head of hair. [color=C17ECE]“Hello! Did you come to join a gal in viewing the inner workings of people’s minds?”[/color] the words came out of Ruby and she was not sure that what she said made complete sense, but it was an effort at mimicking a classy woman. She brought her hand over to the empty seat to her right, patting it. [color=C17ECE]“Don’t worry, there’s a seat for you.”[/color] she smiled, nodding her head at the man. He looked a bit familiar, and for a second, the thought of a sharp knife came into her mind. But Ruby’s mind was in a bit of a fog still. The fact that he was handsome and presented without a foul smell was enough for her to welcome a stranger to join her.