[CENTER][color=598527][h1]Hither[/h1][/color] [color=00746b][h2]Bavlorna's Cottage[/h2][/color][/CENTER] Bloody Toes raised an eyebrow at Brutrumukk's words and her eyes were scrutinizing him even as Gabriel spoke up to try and help with the Deception. But her eyes narrowed. It's clear that the Deception was unsuccessful. But...she started to laugh... "[color=ed1c24]Ha...haha...HA! [b]HAHAHAHA![/b] '[I]Pointed[/I]' Questions! HA! I get it![/color]" She then finished laughing and she gave a wide sneering grin, "[color=ed1c24]Yer here to kill Bavlorna Blightstraw, aren't ya! Don't take me fer some idiot,[/color]" After a few wicked chuckles, she speaks again, "[color=ed1c24]Listen, I hate everyone...but I hate Bavlorna Blightstraw the [I]most[/I]. So, I'll tell ya a little secret, as per the [I]Rule of Hospitality,[/I][/color]" She sneered upon saying the rule. She reveals, "[color=ed1c24]Bavlorna Blightstraw is allergic to Widdershins. Can't stop sneezing![/color]" That seemed to catch Vansel's attention as he asked in surprise, "[color=fff79a]She has a Widdershins allergy? Wow! I never would've guessed![/color]" [hider=Interactive Map of the Cottage][url=https://www.owlbear.rodeo/game/VcEz_Tleg]Click Here![/url][/hider] [hider=Background Music][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07XGJtXPlaI[/youtube][/hider]