[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220927/23fb834f443fddf069b302a80ffae13a.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220927/713c9ea7f90a3bccf2680492bc93671a.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220928/bcf4c8fb894d886cf1f86d12d903935e.png[/img] [color=1E90FF][b]Interactions[/b]: Roman [@ReusableSword][/color] [color=1E90FF][b]Mentions[/b]:[/color] [color=1E90FF][b]Time[/b]: 1530[/color] [/center] As Roman spoke, Sjan-dehk did his best to commit the man’s words to memory. It was unlikely he could remember or even understand enough to reproduce them with any sort of coherence later, but to sate his own curiosity and as a brief, first day’s report to Lady Adiyan, it would suffice. His brows arched in pleasant surprise when the larger man mentioned his people’s – and in particular, his sister’s – affinity for the sea. Immediately, he began to wonder what their ships were like. Were they quick and agile in the water, or did they favour a slower and steadier approach? Did their hulls bend and roll with the waves, or were they solid beasts that ploughed through all with strength and determination? And their sails; did they billow in the wind as a net would fill with fish, or were they battened things that would clatter as they corralled and bent the ocean gusts to their will? Of course, none of them were questions pertinent to the matter at hand. They were, however, enough to almost distract Sjan-dehk from the fact that Roman had misinterpreted his concerns. Any sailor with a map and some level of bravery would certainly find their way between their lands. It was the physical distance Sjan-dehk had been trying to talk about. After all, a distant heart ached the hardest, as it was said, and the distance between Viserjanta and this new continent was definitely vast. He decided against correcting Roman. It wasn’t a big issue and besides, he’d more likely than not simply make things even more confusing for the two of them. Only when Roman was done did Sjan-dehk begin to formulate his reply. The first order of business was to politely and respectfully decline the generous offer of the services of his people’s doctors. [color=1E90FF][i]“Lady Adiyan, I think she is…Alright.”[/i][/color] That ran a little too close to being a bold-faced lie for Sjan-dehk’s liking, but he didn’t know how else to say that even though she was likely to lose a leg and had more shrapnel in her than a loaded canister, she was stable and out of any immediate danger. [color=1E90FF][i]“For now. Healers, we have. But I will see her later and know more. If we need help, will let you know.”[/i][/color] He paused. [color=1E90FF][i]“Thank you.”[/i][/color] Now all he had to do was to talk about Viserjanta. A task easier said than done. Had he known more of the local tongue, he could’ve waxed endlessly about the history – both distant and recent – of the Commonwealth; of how it had once been a kingdom, then empire, governed by rulers both wise and wicked. He could have spoken about the rich histories of the myriad of people and cultures that called the scattered islands home, left behind by sagacious scholars and dutiful courtiers. If time allowed, he could have even touched on the various schools of philosophies founded by great thinkers and worldly visionaries, their words and deeds recorded for posterity by their loyal students. Unfortunately, Sjan-dehk didn’t know enough of the local language. And so, he had to settle for something a little more basic. [color=1E90FF][i]“Viserjanta, it is a land of islands. Many islands, big and small. Also many ah…Ways? Different peoples, different ways, yes? Viserjanta has a lot. I-”[/i][/color] He patted his chest. [color=1E90FF][i]“-From Jafi. We are…[/i]Ajadi[i].”[/i][/color] His brows knitted together as he struggled to think of a way to describe a march. [color=1E90FF][i]“Viserjanta, the…West? We protect. So they call our land[/i] Ajadi[i]. Many types of lands, but all bow to the High Queen.”[/i][/color] There wasn’t much Sjan-dehk could say about Daraya the Second. He had met her once – personally, no less – when she had paid Jafi a visit after the war to convey her appreciation for the march’s loyalty and its services to her cause. She seemed nice enough; not at all the stuffy aristocrat Sjan-dehk had expected, and more of a soldier-queen with a temperament that reminded him of his sisters. They had shared a few words – mostly over the Far Western theatre of the war, and Sjan-dehk’s extensive experiences – before she had to be called away to meet with his father, and he had to return to his ship for duty. [color=1E90FF][i]“The High Queen, she rules all. Queen of kings. With her…[/i]Damasaang[i]. It is many nobles, they meet and decide Viserjanta’s…Path.”[/i][/color] Crown and council, that was the cause Sjan-dehk had fought for. It was still a cause he believed in, even if their decisions sometimes frustrated him. [color=1E90FF][i]“Jafi, and other islands, we have own [/i]Damasaang[i]. It is…The Way. Harmony.” [/i][/color] He stopped and drew in a deep breath. Translating his thoughts into the local tongue had taxed his mind a lot more than he had thought it would. He could feel his head throbbing from just behind his eyes to the back of his head. That was enough sharing about Viserjanta; if Roman wanted to know more, Sjan-dehk could offer a few books and maybe volunteer one of his crew to help translate. Or confuse. It was really a toss-up between the two. It was only then did he realise that while the ring had been empty for the entire time the two of them had been conversing. He nodded towards the empty arena. [color=1E90FF][i]“More? Or finished?”[/i][/color]