[center][hider=The Hidden Dark Mage]
[center][h1][color=darkmagenta]The Hidden Dark Mage[/color][/h1][/center]
[center][h3][color=darkmagenta]Tanithil Malaggar[/color] [color=purple]⋆[/color] [color=darkmagenta]253[/color] [color=purple]⋆[/color] [color=darkmagenta]Male[/color] [color=purple]⋆[/color] [color=darkmagenta]Dark Elf[/color][/h3][/center]



[indent][color=Lightslategray]Skinny but toned[/color][/indent]
[b][color=a187be]Hair Color:[/color][/b]
[b][color=a187be]Hair Length[/color][/b]
[indent][color=Lightslategray]Shoulder length[/color][/indent]
[b][color=a187be]Eye Color:[/color][/b]
[b][color=a187be]Skin Tone:[/color][/b]
[b][color=a187be]Distinguishing features:[/color][/b]
[indent][color=Lightslategray]Jaw line, purple eyes, white hair, artificial hand, etc.[/color][/indent]


[color=purple]⋆[/color][color=Lightslategray]Warm home-cooked meals[/color]
[color=purple]⋆[/color][color=Lightslategray]Running/Parkour/Exercise in general[/color]

[color=purple]⋆[/color][color=Lightslategray]Sour food[/color]

[color=purple]⋆[/color][color=Lightslategray]His race becoming extinct/family dying out[/color]
[color=purple]⋆[/color][color=Lightslategray]Losing everyone he cares about[/color]
[color=purple]⋆[/color][color=Lightslategray]Losing his powers[/color]
[color=purple]⋆[/color][color=Lightslategray]Losing another limb[/color]
[color=purple]⋆[/color][color=Lightslategray]Being forgotten[/color]

[color=purple]⋆[/color][color=Lightslategray]Tries to be unpredictable[/color]
[color=purple]⋆[/color][color=Lightslategray]Cocky when in action, sulky/brooding when not[/color]
[color=purple]⋆[/color][color=Lightslategray]He typically reuses old sources of magic when fighting to makeup for his lacking “mana”[/color]
[color=purple]⋆[/color][color=Lightslategray]Doesn’t hide what he thinks (unless it’s dangerous to reveal his intentions or thoughts)[/color]
[color=purple]⋆[/color][color=Lightslategray]Often performs petty theft without thinking[/color]




[color=a187be]Treatment towards others[/color] 

[color=a187be]⋆ Behavior towards others?[/color]
[color=Lightslategray]Tanithil is the type to talk loudly and be rather animated despite not always having something deep to say. Sometimes he just says things aloud for the sake of saying it.[/color]

[color=a187be]⋆ Where on the spectrum of selfish to selfless?[/color] 
[color=Lightslategray]He is mostly selfish, often running off to perform his own little acts of mischief and pranking.[/color]

[color=a187be]⋆ Where on the spectrum of kind to mean?[/color] 
[color=Lightslategray]He can be a little mean but mostly has a kind heart, looking to do more harm than good.[/color]

[color=a187be]⋆ Is your character affectionate? Do they enjoy hugs and being touchy?[/color] 
[color=Lightslategray]Tanithil struggles with physical affection, not really knowing if he wants it or likes it or not simply because he’s never been in those situations.[/color]

[color=a187be]⋆ Is it hard to gain your character’s trust? [/color] 
[color=Lightslategray]Very much so. Not impossible to gain it but he comes from a world of betrayal and deceit, which makes opening up hard.[/color]

[color=a187be]Reaction in Situations[/color]

[color=a187be]⋆ Easy to anger or does your character usually remain calm? What about irritation?[/color] 
[color=Lightslategray]Tanithil remains calm until one of his major "weak points" or "sore spots" gets pressed too hard. Something about his race, family, or close friends will usually do the trick.[/color]

[color=a187be]⋆ Patient or impatient.  Is your character impulsive?[/color] 
[color=Lightslategray]Patient. He has had to sit still in the shadows for hours at times to harm a mark or tail a high value target....or play a harmless prank.[/color]

[color=a187be]⋆ Brave or Cowardly? Are they brave to the point of recklessness?[/color] 
[color=Lightslategray]Brave. Not out of nobility or honor, but simply because Tanithil's capacity for fear isn't as finely honed as others. He does however, still exercise caution.[/color]

[color=a187be]⋆ Anxiety hold you back? Do you get nervous?[/color] 
[color=Lightslategray]Not really. Tanithil's had to deal with quite a lot and it has fortunately sharpened his mental to fight against such things...but that does not mean he's immune to it.[/color]

[color=a187be]⋆ Reaction speeds to situations.[/color] 
[color=Lightslategray]Working with the criminal underbelly of a major city has you reacting rather quickly to dangerous, often spontaneous, situations.[/color]
[color=a187be]What's in the Brain? Try not to be smart in every way possible.[/color]

[color=a187be]⋆ Intelligence level: Are you a cunning mastermind?[/color] 
[color=Lightslategray]You have to be clever and creative with dark magic. You learn to problem solve, create solutions, and think critically under pressure. Not necessarily a mastermind but certainly not bad either.[/color]

[color=a187be]⋆ Charisma level: How well can you manipulate people? Do you make friends easily? Are you persuasive? [/color]
[color=Lightslategray]He's only as good as his reputation may allow. In the dark back alley streets where he is known to be a dangerous thug? Very convincing. Out in the middle of nowhere where his name has never been mentioned? Not so much.[/color]

[color=a187be]⋆ Sense of humor or no sense of humor?[/color] 
[color=Lightslategray]He cracks jokes and one liners far too often...[/color]

[color=a187be]⋆ Sanity level of character/do they struggle with any mental illness/disorders?[/color] 
[color=Lightslategray]Normal sanity, but still slightly war-torn from his experience running from his home, slightly home-sick as well.[/color]

[color=Lightslategray]Tanithil originally was just a common thug who would steal for money, growing more bold and taking on bounties as he grew older. Before he could truly blossom into any line of work he had to run from home, prompting him to be a sea-faring pirate.[/color]

[b][color=a187be]Living Immediate Family Members:[/color][/b]
[color=Lightslategray]Potentially his mother and father, Ayla and Arlen Malaggar.
His grandmother - General Zarra Malagger[/color]

[b][color=a187be]Dead Immediate Family Members:[/color][/b]
[color=Lightslategray]Potentially his mother and father, Ayla and Arlen Malaggar.
His grandfather - Thallan Malaggar - killed by a drunk home invader in the middle of the night many decades ago.[/color]

[b][color=a187be]Current Companions:[/color][/b]
[color=Lightslategray]Amisra Keyrel[/color]

[b][color=a187be]Current and Past Lover(s):[/color][/b]

[b][color=a187be]Current Equipment(Any weapons etc):[/color][/b]
[color=Lightslategray]Small dagger from the gang he joined back in Ironhold, has a red hilt with a fake ruby in it.[/color]


[b]Disclaimer: Story is very long, skip to the “Where are they now” section for essentially the TL;DR version.[/b]
[hider=The Life of a Up and Coming Dark Mage]
[hider=Early Life]
Tanithil grew up in the kingdom of Thael Taesi, which was once an independent kingdom among many in Malthemoor. His family was rather close to the royal family due to his grandmother Zarra’s involvement in the military forces under the rule of King Keyral. She had enlisted as an infantryman back in the days of the previous king, and slowly worked her way up through hard work and the respect of her fellow officers, but they always did note her distinct bloodthirst and desire for conquest. After she took an oath to bend the knee to the ruling king and to cease her endless requests for military conquest, King Keyral saw the potential in her to be a strong leader for his military and thus gave her the rank of General. 

After she attained this rank, Zarra met with a lower ranking officer and immediately fell in love. It was one of the few moments she ever allowed herself to be vulnerable, and it would soon be the last. She and Thallan Malaggar started a family together, raising a few children, namely Tanithil’s father, Arlen, and 2 other siblings Zarra’s children chose civilian life, wanting a more simple, honest, and safe place away from the more brutal realities of military life. Zarra had respected this wish, and let the recently retired Thallan, Ayla, Arlen’s wife, and Arlen purchase a home in the main city surrounding the castle.

Ayla and Arlen happily raised him as an only child, Tanithil, with Thallan for many years in a modest house. Zarra would even take vacations every now and then to come see her children and grandchildren. But one night, while Zarra had gone on a diplomacy mission to a neighboring kingdom, a man had broken into the family home and attempted to both rob and kill everyone present. Thallan, being the soldier that he was, sprung into action to stop the man from hurting his family. However in the process, he was stabbed and mortally wounded. While this made the thug run away and guaranteed everyone else’s safety, it was an untimely end for a noble soul.

Zarra returned home furious that her loving husband was murdered in his own home by “some drunk”. By all accounts, it made no sense. The house was locked with magical spells, and Thallan, while old, wasn’t senile. Many speculate that the entire story wasn’t told, or that someone else had something to play in it, but unfortunately no details were shared. From that day onward, Zarra became far more mean and dark emotionally.

Tanithil, being only in his early 50s at the time, truly didn’t know what to think of the entire situation, but he did notice some strange occurrences. A strange man outside, the glint of a small object flying through the air, then suddenly, his grandfather was laid on the floor. To this day he’s unsure, but it was this death that led him to want to become someone who could protect others. While not physically strong, he had learned in his school the rudimentary forms of magic and erebokinesis his kind were capable of. He began his pursuit of knowledge and started to hone his magical skills so he could become a hero like his grandfather and grandmother. That is until one fateful day….
[hider=The Beginning of the End]
As the years passed, Tanithil grew more close to the royal family, and even befriended their daughter, Amisra. His constant trips to the castle to study in the library or practice in the dueling areas had meant he would see both Zarra and Amisra quite often. Zarra would often coach him on how to read situations in battle, and how to properly assess danger to counter it. Her teachings were harsh, but full of knowledge and insight from centuries of battle.

Amisra had offered a more social and friendly approach to his visits, giving him yet another reason to look forward to making the long walk up to the gate. They often shared meals, talked about their own training, and made light jokes about events around the castle. The two grew close and would even spar together to see whose brand of combat was “better”. Sometimes even Zarra would join them in a special 2v1 sparring match. It was these matches that Tanithil would often take a back seat and instead support his friend with the use of his stealthy magicks to give Amisra an edge against his grandmother. Of course, they never won, but sometimes they almost landed a few blows.

They all had spent over a century together training and learning like this, to the point where Tanithil even took up a temporary residency in the barracks to reduce the constant need for walking to and fro. Shortly after he had turned 150, he noticed his grandmother begin to become resentful towards the staff of the castle and even the staff. She would go off on random solo excursions she claimed were “for the good of the country” with no further explanation. It wasn’t until she returned with the full might of another nation's military that Tanithil realized how serious she had become.

In the years of peace that the Keyral family had wanted to uphold, a neighboring Dark Elf nation known as Daka had begun amassing troops and forcing all other countries to unite under a single banner; the banner of King Zanithel. Initially, their approach was diplomatic, but it held a sinister force behind it. They had told King Keyral that he could keep his title, his land, everything essentially except for his power. King Keyral was to surrender his sovereignty over to King Zanithel or he would be executed for high treason. It was all a load of bull, and seemed like a bad dream to Tanithil, but seeing his grandmother in full plate armor with a scowl on her face as she stared down King Keyral told him it was very much real.
[hider=The Escape]
Three days were given before both Thael Taesi’s forces and Daka’s forces would march on the castle and forcibly occupy it. King Keyral of course said no, but was still thrown into the dungeon to think about his decision until the fateful day. Amisra, her mother, and sister were all left to live in their quarters and were welcome to cut off ties from their King should he choose not to bend the knee. Of course, none of them would, but the offer was still made. Tanithil was, however, discarded. Or rather, he wasn’t considered a threat to King Zanithel or General Zarra. This proved to be advantageous to him. They apparently were under the notion he would go along with this farce of a plan. He would sooner die than forsake the country he grew up in, and began planning with Amisra and her family on how they would escape.

Word however, traveled quickly. A few servants had begun hearing whispers and rumors of the royal family looking to run away, and by the end of the 2nd day, Tanithil and Amisra were practically rushing to get everything together. Since nobles weren’t allowed to leave the castle, Tanithil had entrusted a friendly servant he had gotten to know with the task of getting a carriage ready for them to escape in. Fearful for his life, the servant told the General the day of the escape, where she immediately sent the man to the dungeon and began making for the royal chambers.

The doors to the room cracked open as General Zarra swarmed in with a few guards at the ready to arrest everyone present. Amisra and Tanithil had been packing some things in the back room while Amisra’s younger sister and mother had been keeping a lookout. All they could hear were the guttural screams before being abruptly silenced. Tanithil and Amisra ran out to confront the noise, and saw two limp bodies laid on the bedroom floor. Amisra’s mother held a knife and her sister had the scorch marks of what looked like a spell that either collided with her or perhaps backfired in her hand.

In a flash Amisra had only curses and insults for them as she became enraged at her family’s mistreatment and unfair deaths. The General merely laughed at the pair, pulling her sword and ordering the guards to stand down. She decided it was time for one final spar between the two, all gloves off. It only took a few moments to prove the skill gap between them was still rather large. Amisra held the front as best she could, but the General’s cold and calculating moves simply were too overpowering in her enraged state. Tanithil stayed to the side as they brawled, chucking spells and distractions to get the General to slip up, but nothing cracked her tight focus on the battle. After a few strong clashes, Amisra was knocked to the ground, her weapons on the ground as the General raised her sword in a final coup de grace blow meant for Tanithil’s friend. 

He jumped forward, a swirl of Lightslategray mists propelling his body forward as he pushed his friend out of the way. He surrounded his arm in a veil of coagulated shadows, but the sword was simply too well made, and the blow was too strong. It tore through his magic and then his hand like a knife through butter. The scene before him began to burn into his memory as the sheer amount of blood and death was more than he was prepared for that day. He felt his strength rapidly leave him before hearing a faint voice of his friend. She screamed at her for hurting her grandson, lashing out and pushing her away. His vision blurred, but he swore he saw a figure at the door, some voices rang out, and the General put her weapon away and stormed out.

It was only when the guards began to approach them that Tanithil’s senses sharpened. In a moment of desperation he gathered what magical power he had left and surrounded Amisra in Lightslategray mist, whisking both of their bodies away through the nearby window and onto the palace grounds. All their preparations were laid to waste, and Tanithil was mortally wounded. He hated every little aspect of their failed plan, but he would still look to Amisra and vow that they would make it out of this corrupt kingdom that Zanithel was attempting to make.
[hider=Where are they now?]
After King Zanithel usurped the rule of King Keyral, killing the previous king and the rest of the royal family except for his dear friend Amisra, Tanithil made his escape outside the city limits with Amisra with nothing much besides a small bag of supplies that he was able to take from a nearby shop. Despite his mortal injury at the hands of his conquest-obsessed grandmother, General Zarra, he kept himself together as best he could. Without his friend, he isn’t sure how far he would’ve gotten. She held onto him and supported him throughout the city as he used his magic to disguise their escape route. From shadow bombs of smoke to random collisions and crashes caused by his shadow weapons, Tanithil didn’t care what he needed to do so long as he guaranteed their safety. He had a moment where he thought it was important to see his parents, but decided it could compromise their entire escape if he made any detours now.

As they made it further east, it became apparent the cold weather would be yet another obstacle in their wake. The two elves huddled closely together and made their way as far as they could from the city. With his stubbornness to quit, and Amisra’s support, they made it to the coastline, where they saw a fishing village being raided by a rogue group of what they assumed to be pirates. While normally this would be vexing, Tanithil saw it as an opportunity to escape. The two made their way to the ship, and convinced a light elf by the name of Drosis to help them escape this tyrannical government. As luck would have it, the man also disliked the rising dark elf influence and decided to take them onto his ship.

A long trip to Aldrakh proved to be difficult in its own ways, but Tanithil bore with the pulsing pain in his stump. Drosis, being a light elf, had some healing magic available to him. This helped Tanithil through the wincing waves of pain and helped him grow more friendly to the rest of the crew. One thing he didn’t expect was how friendly and personable they had been during their journey. He was thankful for meeting these “thieves on the sea”, and even thought to himself it wouldn’t be so bad on the open seas. Once they docked on yet another small port town, the two set for Ironhold, wishing their new friends a safe journey to wherever they would go.

During their next 100 years, they would spend 40 of those in Ironhold. Tanithil particularly would associate himself with the criminal element in the city and make a small name for himself, even earning himself a keepsake in the form of a small red dagger. He’s fond of the people he met but not so proud of what he had to do under their tutelage. He also met a dwarf by the name of Urnol Wraithaxe, who was a master tinkerer. He even made Tanithil a brand new metal prosthetic hand and gave Amisra a job while they lived there. But after 40 years, Tanithil agreed with his friend that it was time to go on the run in a place that wasn’t so easily discovered and ransacked. So they reached out to now Captain Drosis once more and offered to join their crew. There was little hesitation from the Captain as he hadn’t minded the two elves one bit. Tanithil now resides upon the deck of the Saltrunner as a seafaring pirate, free to do as he pleases. Just the way he likes it really.

[h3][b][color=E594FF]Combat and Magic Stat Creation[/color][/b][/h3]

[color=E594FF]Fitness Level(If you’re active, please list how. Sports activity? Etc):[/color]
[color=purple]⋆[/color] [color=Lightslategray]Very active. Well as active as one can be on a boat. Back in the city Tanithil would often scale the sides of buildings and run through back streets with proficient dexterity. His boat life may not let his leg strength flourish but his arms have begun to grow from all the lifting and towing he needs to do on board.[/color]

[color=E594FF]What are your character’s physical strengths?[/color]
[color=purple]⋆[/color] [color=Lightslategray]Good runner, both sprinting and long distance[/color]
[color=purple]⋆[/color] [color=Lightslategray]Great endurance, has had to train his stamina since birth due to naturally low starting point[/color]

[color=E594FF]What are your character’s physical weaknesses?[/color]
[color=purple]⋆[/color] [color=Lightslategray]Low maximum output.[/color]
[color=purple]⋆[/color] [color=Lightslategray]Low recovery rate, if tired out he needs time to rest[/color]

[u][color=E594FF]Years of Experience:[/color][/u] 
[color=purple]⋆[/color] [color=Lightslategray]Has trained in both magical and physical weapons for a combined amount of 100+ years, with 40 of them being more physically focused and 60 of them being more magically focused.[/color] 

[b][color=a187be] Hand-to-Hand Combat:[/color][/b] 
[color=Lightslategray]Amisra has shown Tanithil a few things, and the backstreet slums have taught Tanithil how to handle himself in combat, but he has received no formal training. He has slowly honed his hand-to-hand skills over the last 100 years as well.[/color]

[color=a187be]⋆ Offensive Erebokinesis: [/color] 
[color=Lightslategray]Tanithil started his more creative endeavors into erebokinesis around 90 years ago, about a decade after he had started his stay in Ironhold.[/color]

[color=a187be]⋆ Shrouding:[/color] 
[color=Lightslategray]Shrouding is something Tanithil has done since he could cast spells, roughly the age of 50 is when he really began to experiment and learn the different ways he can hide and change his body's appearance. Roughly 200 years total.[/color]

[color=a187be]⋆ Shielding:[/color] 
[color=Lightslategray]Tanithil began learning how to protect himself after he began his more nefarious and criminal dealings. When a deal goes south, you gotta know how to protect your back. 150 years total.[/color]

[u][color=E594FF]Magical Abilities[/color][/u]: 

[b][color=a187be]Best Abilities:[/color][/b]
[color=Lightslategray]Tanithil's toolkit of abilities is almost like a utility belt to him. He takes the shadows he conjures and forms them into whatever objects he needs. A weapon, a shield, some armor, or some form of tool. Some favorites of his include:

> A sticky whip that allows him to quickly scale large structures or bind opponents
> A gauntlet that can serve as both armor for his side and a strong melee weapon.
> A curved scimitar-like blade that can change shape mid swing
> A sphere of pure energy, acting almost like a gravity hole.
> A small set of caltrops to trip up or maim his opponents mid combat
> A pair of wing capable of flight for himself and at most 1 other person

[center][hider=Click Here for Tanithil's stats]

[color=E594FF][h1]Tanithil’s Stats[/h1][/color]
[h3][b][color=E594FF]Physical Stats[/color][/b][/h3]

Strength: [color=E594FF]⬤⬤⬤◯◯[/color]

Ground Speed:[color=E594FF]⬤⬤⬤⬤◯[/color]

Stamina: [color=E594FF]⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤[/color]


Durability: [color=E594FF]⬤⬤⬤◯◯[/color]

[h3][b][color=E594FF]Combat Stats[/color][/b][/h3]

Hand-to-Hand Combat: [color=E594FF]⬤⬤⬤⬤◯[/color]

Melee Weapon Combat: [color=E594FF]⬤⬤⬤◯◯[/color]

Ranged Weapon Combat:  [color=E594FF]⬤◯◯◯◯[/color]

[h3][b][color=E594FF]Magic Stats[/color][/b][/h3]
Offensive Erebokinesis:: [color=E594FF]⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤[/color]


Shielding: [color=E594FF]⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤[/color]