[center]Astrid Grünewald [img]https://i.imgur.com/clSDqnz.jpg[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzsSj23ynBo&ab_channel=SamTomBee]Slither[/url] || [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ijk4j-r7qPA&ab_channel=franzferdinandVEVO]Take Me Out[/url] || [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_S9VvJM1PI&ab_channel=IconForHireVEVO]Make A Move[/url] || [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txBfhpm1jI0&ab_channel=PrettyRecklessVEVO]Make Me Wanna Die[/url] || [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGne6NU1rCc&ab_channel=Upsahl-Topic]People I Don't Like[/url] || [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSLY1BgnX3k]Classic[/url] || [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBZCmIBmuF4&ab_channel=GaManadu]Luxtos[/url] Born to a Scottish criminal gang, Astrid was never meant for much in life. Likely she would have ended up an enforcer like her countless brothers and sisters and died in some pointless fight to expand their territory slightly. As luck would have it, her parents were arrested in a coordinated effort to end the reign of Children of the Skye, and her older sister, Esme, ended up in loco parentis. Astrid and ten of her siblings moved to the states and started a new gang. Unfortunately, even though her sister cleaned up the operation and made everything seem legal, the end result was usually the same; she was stuck cleaning up after her siblings when things went south. It wasn’t long before she began demanding time off and using it to spend as much time away from her family as possible. As the rest of her siblings grew up they started to butt heads more and more, usually ending with Astrid sending someone to the hospital. Perhaps sensing her wanderlust, Astrid’s elder sister put her on indefinite leave. Officially she is on a goodwill mission to neighboring groups and carries all the clout that comes with being an ambassador. In practice, however, Esme is more than willing to throw her under the bus if it would be worth it in the long run. Not caring much for the ongoings of the surface world, and perhaps in an attempt to throw off whoever was tracking her on behalf of her sister, Astrid descended to the undercity and started asking around. It wasn’t long before she found that the life of a slumdweller was infinitely more entertaining than anything the surface had to offer. Uniquely suited to survive in just about any part of the Undercity, Astrid began to lend her services as a guide. Personality: Impatient and prone to bouts of anger, Astrid tends to rub people the wrong way. When she isn’t tearing her way through a building on behalf of her superiors she tends to spend her free time at the bar or looking for a party. To those she deems her friends, she is fiercely protective, like a mother bear defending her cubs. Ever since running away, she has found that long walks relax her the most, especially at night when the stars are out. During times like those it is easiest to see her thoughtful and introspective side, something she appreciates sharing with those who don’t ruin the moment. [/center] [b]Likes:[/b] Good Food, Good Drink, Good Fights, Stars, Dancing, Gambling [b]Dislikes:[/b] Waiting, Lies, Sore Losers, Magic, Long-Winded People, Guns [b]Fears:[/b] Her Parents, Her Elder sister, Drowning, Being Abandoned, Grasshoppers [u][b]Powers:[/b][/u] Mover 3 / Brute 4 / Breaker 5 A product of what amounted to a breeding program, Astrid carries a form of both of her parent’s abilities. Her primary ability, inherited from the Mother, allows her to shift into a nonmagnetic metal. The metal is usually liquid, though she can make it solid at will, and presumably, a sufficiently cold or pressurized environment would do the same. When in Breaker form she: no longer needs sustenance, can survive seemingly indefinitely in extreme conditions, and is physically stronger / more durable. Her secondary power inherited from her Father is a form of super strength. Normally, her strength and durability exceed normal human levels, but she is also capable of multiplying her own strength dramatically for short bursts of time. [b]✖|| Full Name ||✖ [/b]Astrid Grünewald [b]✖|| Aliases ||✖[/b] A' Bhean Mhòr Liath / Yaoguai [b]✖|| Age ||✖ [/b]28 [b]✖|| Gender ||✖[/b] Female [b]✖|| Nationality ||✖[/b] Scottish [b]✖|| Ethnicity ||✖[/b] Chinese-Scottish [b]✖|| Hair ||✖[/b] Raven-colored pouring down to the back of her calves, kept tied up usually with an assortment of braids, clips, and ties [b]✖|| Eye color ||✖[/b] Golden [b]✖|| Body ||✖[/b] Built like an Amazonian, Astrid’s body once rippled with muscle. Since starting her self-imposed agoge, she has lost a lot of that muscle and sports a more lithe form full of wire and whipcord. In her breaker form, she is an amorphous mass of silvery metal. [b]✖|| Height ||✖[/b] 6’2 [b]✖|| Weight ||✖[/b] 195 lbs [b]✖|| Hometown||✖[/b] Isle of Skye, Scotland [b]✖|| Affiliation(s)||✖[/b] Children of the Skye [b]✖|| Face Claim ||✖[/b] Velvet | Tales of Zestiria X