[Color=ed1c24][center][h2]Aurora[/h2][/center][/color] Aurora climbed out of the cage after Jub brought it up and over to the edge of the platform. [Color=ed1c24]"Thank you for raising the cage up. Hopefully that'll be the last time we end up in a situation like that. At least until I'm able to get my picks back."[/color] She told Jub as she walked i to the room. A quick glance around didn't tell the elf much that the rest didn't already know. The discussed plan seemed well enough, least what she heard of it. She didn't know what Widdershins was, and at this point she wasn't sure she should ask. The red cap may ask for payment later for having helped them in their fight with the hag. That would need to be something dealt with later potentially. [Color=ed1c24]"I can go with the other two while you. I do not know how well we can surprise her. We may need to have a back up plan. Perhaps telling her one of the other Coven members made a deal with us to take her out. I seem to remember someone mentioning that the Coven do not trust each other. It may help keep her distracted while we wait for the rest of our group to join us."[/color] She shifted her short sword so it would be concealed on her back under the cloak but still reachable in case of emergency. Doubt had wedged itself into her mind, she wasn't sure what Bavlorna had in store for the group. Part of her suspected that there was more that the hag had at her disposal than what the party knew. [Color=ed1c24]"Everyone ready, or is there more we need to try to account for?"[/color]