[Center][h2][color=ed1c24]Aurora[/color][/h2][/center] Aurora followed Zavakri and reached out to grab her arm before she could open the door. [Color=ed1c24]"Not yet. They don't have her here. However rushing into that room right now might mean we cannot help Detara later. We need to wait until we have better odds. I know Bavlorna is in there but not who the other is. I may not know exactly how you feel in this instance but I just ask that you wait just a moment longer. You will get your answers in time."[/color] She said in the softest whisper she could manage. There was an element of surprise that needed to be kept. With it was patience to make sure this confrontation went in favor of the group. Last time the bandits had surprised everyone and got several lucky hits in. Aurora was not wanting to have that happen again of she could help it.