[CENTER][color=598527][h1]Hither[/h1][/color] [color=00746b][h2]Bavlorna's Cottage[/h2][/color][/CENTER] Zavakri quickly tugs her arm out of Aurora's hand. She hisses vehemently in response to Aurora's words, "[b]You don't understand! It's clear I've waited too long! I--![/b]" She looks to Aurora, her eyes showing the elven rogue all of the emotion that was stuffed at the back of her mind, now coming to the surface: Worry, Anxiety, and [I]Regret[/I]. Years worth of pent up emotions all bubbled to the surface for Zavakri and overwhelmed her rational thoughts. Aurora can see all of those emotions in Zavakri's as her eyes tear up, her irises currently a normal shade of brown. [center]"[b]Detara's my [u][i]sister[/i][/u]![/b]"[/center] And without another word of argument, Zavakri forcefully open the door. [hr] Two creatures are having a conversation over tea in the middle of this room. The first figure is seated in a timeworn armchair. She is a tall, lean woman of gray complexion, dressed in black with a wide-brimmed hat obscuring her eyes. The other figure is a toad-like creature with bulging eyes and cracked skin. It is clad in a shapeless garment and sits on one end of a love seat with its legs pulled up beneath it. Flies flit into and out of its mouth, which hangs agape when it isn't speaking. Two tiny versions of the creature cling to it like pets. [hider=Jub Only]When Jub sees these tiny versions of the toad like creature, he finds that he recognizes them! He's seen one of them before! At the Witchlight Carnival! The memory comes back to him clearly: He was with Brutrumukk at the Dragonfly Rides. He saw the creature for the briefest moment on the lily pad before it quickly dove into the water after your eyes landed it on it. [/hider] The room is filthy. Dirty dishes and bits of discarded food lie everywhere. The furniture was perhaps once of fine quality, but now stains of mysterious origin mottle every surface, and the upholstery has been patched numerous times. Set with its back to the wall in one corner is a hulking wooden cabinet. Sturdy legs support the bottom of the cabinet six inches above the floor. A decrepit wooden staircase climbs up the wall in another corner. Both occupants within the room, turn to face Zavakri, Aurora, Gabriel, and Vansel as the door opens and the four of them are visible. Zavakri storms in as the toad-like creature speaks in a low croaking voice. "[color=598527]What act of desperation compels you to enter my home, little darlings?[/color]" "[b]Detara! Where is she?! Where have-[/b]" The toad like creature seems to let out raspy chuckles and she speaks, "[color=598527]You are quite rude, aren't you. If you wish for me to listen to your desperation and help you, you and yours must do three chores for me first, while I continue attending to Charm here,[/color]" [hider=Aurora Only]You notice that the figure wearing the Witch Hat, Charm, is not casting a shadow at all. Everyone else is casting a shadow, but not this person...[/hider] [img]https://5e.tools/img/adventure/WBtW/051-02-009.charm.webp[/img] [hider=Behold if you Dare! The Hag of the Present, Bavlorna Blightstraw!][img]https://5e.tools/img/adventure/WBtW/114-637677436598601233.webp[/img][/hider] [hider=OOC]You guys can post at will now. [url=https://www.owlbear.rodeo/game/VcEz_Tleg]Updated Map[/url][/hider]