[Center][h2][color=ed1c24]Aurora[/color][/h2][/center] [Color=ed1c24]"Oh hells...."[/color] Rory muttered to herself as both Zavakri and Gabriel rushed into the room. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Brutrumukk taking off to another room with Jub. She cursed at him quietly in elvish but knew he couldn't be faulted entirely for trying to save himself and Jub. The plan had fallen apart before it could even be enacted. Making the choice to stay with Gabriel and Zavakri, she stepped into the room and tried to recall and play out what she could of her families tutoring of manners. [Color=ed1c24]"Please forgive my companions rude interruption. I tried to get them to wait for your other guest to leave but alas impatience won over. Let us know what it is you would like done and I will see to it as best as I can."[/color] The elf spoke looking towards but not directly at the stooped figure that was Bavlorna. She did her best to mask the discomfort that looking at the hag brought her. However the other guest of the hag was as curious as she was also unsettling. The lack of shadow being cast reminded the elf of a fairy tale she had heard when she was still a little child. One character had used a pair of scissors to separate the shadow from another character. On top of that the shadow had acted as if it was it's own entity. Aurora was not sure they were ready to face Bavlorna now, with the other being still here and, Brut and Jub both moving on to another room unlikely to be of help. [Color=ed1c24]"Stow your blade, it is rude to bare steel to you host. I know the Rule of Hospitality is new to you but it is sacred here."[/color] She said with a glance to Gabe hoping he would catch on and help salvage what little of the plan they could. Aurora tried her best to keep her own face a mask revealing little emotion at this time.