[center][h3][color=a0410d]Audrey Springer[/color][/h3][/center][hr]

In spite of her apparent fury of moments ago, when Audrey entered the palace she was uncharacteristically subdued. She was realizing as she walked that she had been on her feet for basically the whole day, which had included a hike in the woods, and ended with their collective uphill walk to the palace. Her feet hurt, and all she had eaten was a fair snack that Syd had bought her. The day was catching up, and she was frankly exhausted. 

Still, as they walked through the grand hall, she couldn't help but raise her head to try and take it all in. The place was covered in something like ivy, but she soon saw that it was the result of careful cultivation, and not a lapse in maintenance. She stared up at the ceiling in particular, which was completely obscured by the growth. 

[color=a0410d]"You guys seeing this? Syd, Row?"[/color] she spoke in a murmur, as if they were in a library, or at a funeral. [color=a0410d]"It's really something else. Nothing like it in New Hope, anyway."[/color] 

As they neared what she somehow intuited to be the center of the palace, the Song got louder, and clearer, though it no longer compelled her like it had at the beginning.

Presently, they reached their apparent destination. Eckehart left them with a gesture that seemed to be for Audrey in particular. She nodded gravely in return, before entering the audience chamber. 

Audrey was most struck by the informality of pretty much everything. From the setting, to the princess's dress, to her greeting. 

[color=a0410d]"Well, I'm Audrey,"[/color] she hesitated the barest moment before offering her hand to shake, [color=a0410d]"But I guess that you knew that, huh?"[/color] The naked aggression she had given to Eckehart was reigned in tightly now. Audrey had decided to give the people here the benefit of the doubt, and surely this lonely girl would be more likely to give answers if they stayed on good terms.