[h2]Gisela[/h2] Safely in the rear, the hundi mage kept up her litany, the luminescence getting more and more obvious, before the hundi raised her staff and pointed it out towards the battle. One by one, bands of silver runes sprung into life about her arm, slowly rotating. And yet she [i]still[/i] hadn't finished. The instant the mage fell silent, it was [i]very[/i] clear she was done with her spell. All behind the cultists, sometimes so far back as to be blatantly harmless--no doubt compensating for her difficulty with aiming carefully by overshooting--a multitude of head-sized glowing spheres appeared. Then, erratically across the mass, they all collapsed inwards to single bright points and began to swell-- For a few seconds, thunder rolled across the battlefield. Then, the magic was gone, but the [i]signs[/i] of its passing were all too apparent. The back line of cultists was devastated, some of them just in smouldering pieces, others merely on fire, one or two collapsed with no apparent reason. Here and there, fragments of rock had peppered them, and a few more had just been catapulted into their waiting enemies. Of course, those outside the immediate range--such as Gisela's allies--were mostly fine, as was anyone they were engaged with. As for the rocky landscape behind... well, the number of crack-filled craters gouged out was alarming for finding their footing, that was certain.